Thursday, September 26, 2019

Whistleblower: White House sought to conceal Trump-Ukraine call

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) The Congress receiving the summarise transcript is not good enough - if there are intention to protect Trump.

    (2) Demanding a recorded verbatim of the telephone conversation between Trump and the Ukraine President ---- will be the most solid evidence - to determine whether Trump indeed is doing something very wrong and is impeachable.
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) If a summarised transcript of the telephone conversation can be produced - it must be from a recorded verbatim telephone conversation (word by word).

    (2) So it should not be a problem for the White House to release the recorded verbatim telephone conversation (word by word) to the Congress.

    (3) Failure to do so will be an obstruction of justice - and all responsible personnel that seek to do so should be persecuted along with Trump.
  • Satpal
    1 hour ago
    He was going to bury the $400M aid money in his garden, for his own personal use once he was out of office.

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