(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) These HK activists in using US Congress to pressure China and HK - is actually doing economic sabotage against both HK and China ---- which will directly impact the business, investment and trade of HK and China ---- and could translate to massive job loss in HK.
(2) These will further aggravate the economic pressure on both HK and China - that are now experiencing economic slowdown and HK is heading into technical recession.
(3) What these HK activists are doing now - is not only hurting HK and China Government - but are also directly hurting both HK and China business as well as working people, whose jobs are at stake.
(2) These will further aggravate the economic pressure on both HK and China - that are now experiencing economic slowdown and HK is heading into technical recession.
(3) What these HK activists are doing now - is not only hurting HK and China Government - but are also directly hurting both HK and China business as well as working people, whose jobs are at stake.
Danny Lum
(1) If US trade group amend their trade deal to include "HK activists request" --- which I doubt they would.
(2) Or if the US White House bent on US Congress request to alter HK trading status with US ---- I bet China will take it lying down.
(3) It will escalate into a more nasty and prolong trade war --- which will further complicate the ongoing trade talk between China and US now.
(4) These will have the effect of impacting both China and US economy - that are already hurting from the trade war --- but will also have indirest collateral damage to the World Economy --- that are already experiencing Worldwide economic slowdown as a result of Trump launch trade war.
(5) What these HK activists are doing - is not only hurting China and HK - but it will indirectly hurt US as well as the World due to collateral damage.
(6) HK and China should take a serious view on these HK activists when they return home.
(2) Or if the US White House bent on US Congress request to alter HK trading status with US ---- I bet China will take it lying down.
(3) It will escalate into a more nasty and prolong trade war --- which will further complicate the ongoing trade talk between China and US now.
(4) These will have the effect of impacting both China and US economy - that are already hurting from the trade war --- but will also have indirest collateral damage to the World Economy --- that are already experiencing Worldwide economic slowdown as a result of Trump launch trade war.
(5) What these HK activists are doing - is not only hurting China and HK - but it will indirectly hurt US as well as the World due to collateral damage.
(6) HK and China should take a serious view on these HK activists when they return home.
Renaldt Taln
Brainless pro CCP people incoming anytime to rage about HK being US's dog. Hypocrite much? You guys should look at yourselves. Don't even live in China or HK but act like a citizen of one of them. In the end, its all about the worthless dreams of a modern Qing dynasty and global supemacy of their beloved motherland for these ppl.
Keynes Goh
I have friends from China and I stayed in China for a considerable period. I can tell you what Joshua said is all untrue.
BTW, have you been to China recently?
BTW, have you been to China recently?
K Tan Don
If China had promised 50 years of one country two systems, that will remain status quo for the remaining 28 years. We are not bothered by Qing Dynasty dream as u claimed. We are against Western interference. The Hong Kong zombies can riot for the next 28 years, they can burnt down every building in Hong fact we should be glad as more investors will close down their business n consider Singapore n Malaysia to rebuild their business..
Renaldt Taln
Keynes Goh Nope. But I can say that not all China ppl have the same thinking and not all china ppl are bad, e.g. the stereotype they have in Singapore: being noisy, causing nuisance in public. There's always black sheeps in every country, just how much of them.
Renaldt Taln
K Tan Don This isn't really about China vs West. China don't want foreign interference in HK affairs, but protestors want help from US. Even so, US is reluctant to directly confront China. HK protestors want help from countries that they think can confront China on the HK issue and the only one thay come to mind is the US.
You think Russia, UK, Japan or South Korea have the guts to confront them? Nope. Russia doesn't care, the other countries are scared of China economic precussion. The only that wield massive economic power is US, which is why they asked US for help.
I like to remind you that most investors are gunning for China than HK. Most business and investments are headed towards China, leaving the rest of asia with less investment.
You think Russia, UK, Japan or South Korea have the guts to confront them? Nope. Russia doesn't care, the other countries are scared of China economic precussion. The only that wield massive economic power is US, which is why they asked US for help.
I like to remind you that most investors are gunning for China than HK. Most business and investments are headed towards China, leaving the rest of asia with less investment.
Renaldt Taln
Augustine Teo HAHA see now guys? This is the excellent example of a brainless pro CCP people who only know how to throw insults. Are you bothered that i didn't praise your beloved motherland that you never got citizenship for to the high heavens? If you were born in China, i doubt you be as successful as you were right now. China is extremely competitive anyway.
Renaldt Taln
K Tan Don Probably so. But most see China is the next best country to invest in than Southeast Asia. If i were an investor, i probably throw most of my money to China, seeing that China have a massive internal market and the potential to strike a good deal there as an investor is higher than in Southeast Asia. Just my thoughts.
Renaldt Taln
K Tan Don US doesn't have a sparkling clean Human rights record and neither do China. Both countries have the same problems as each other, detention camps and treatment of outspoken tibetians is just an example of China's wrongdoings. HK protestors just see US as the next best thing for them. Just saying again, do you think other countries like Japan, South Korea, UK, Germany and Canada have the ability to confront China? Most countries's trade consist of high amount of exports to China and it's China economic leverage against them, like a time bomb that China can choose to use anytime. US is just seen as the lesser of two evils for them.
Renaldt Taln
K Tan Don HK protestors still see HK as their home. They grew up there and have friends whom they made while living there. What certain people see as trouble caused by "terrorist" protestors may be seen by others as more outspoken ppl who are willing to fight for the values they believed in and the their reluctance to see their country's standard of living or future crumbling away before 2047. You may be one of those who think HK protestors are like rats and causing trouble for beijing but other do not think so. It is just a matter of perspectives.
Renaldt Taln
K Tan Don Similarly, I respect your opinion but i feel the need to drop a comment in this article to balance out the overwhelming number of negative comments here.
Elizeberth Chang Chang
I have family there , my first cousin and aunty. They are definitely not stooges. My cousin works in Shanghai and other relative works in Beijing, doing so well as his daughter is now in college in US. What nonsense are you talking about. You colonial slave mentality. China is developing faster than hong kong with great engineers. Leading in quantum technology. Another nephew on an exchange programme wirh Shanghai and Britain
Renaldt Taln
Elizeberth Chang Chang Here we go again. Another example of the kind of ppl I said on my first comment. You really like to say things like "Western brainwashed" "Colonial slave Mentality", western this western that... Read my second comment before rushing headlong to the comment box to show your anger towards my comment.
Also, no need to show your family and relatives' achievements. I know you guys are very rich and i'm not. Thanks for understanding.
Also, no need to show your family and relatives' achievements. I know you guys are very rich and i'm not. Thanks for understanding.
Rukia Kuchiki
Augustine Teo He's ready to grease your muder black hole, ready for a smooth ride.....
Richard Kam
You are a bloody moron it is people like these two traitors which enable the Manchus to conquer China and establish the Qing dynasty.
Renaldt Taln
Richard Kam Throwing insults because i didn't praise your powerful motherland? Insult more and be a shining "bad" example of pro CCP ppl who declare chinese ppl who don't support xi jinping to be traitors. This just shows to kind of china supremacy thinking you have.
Admit it, *a number* of pro CCP ppl wants a big and powerful expansionist China who dominate economies, bullies taiwan and have huge swath of land and sea territory
Admit it, *a number* of pro CCP ppl wants a big and powerful expansionist China who dominate economies, bullies taiwan and have huge swath of land and sea territory
Monty Leong
"Leaders of Hong Kong's protest movement on Tuesday (Sep 17) appealed directly to US lawmakers to exert pressure on Beijing, warning that an erosion of the city's special status would embolden China's leaders around the world."
And all these months, we have been led to believe that Hong Kong's protest movement has NO leaders, "leaderless"! ROFL
And all these months, we have been led to believe that Hong Kong's protest movement has NO leaders, "leaderless"! ROFL
Shrio Tang
Fools, if these peeps wanna blame Beijing for everything, why don't they blame the british back then that causes all these mess? Come, mess up hongkies, and then left without responsibilities? These peeps should work together and proof to Beijing that Hong Kong is special and work with Beijing to ensure they got to maintain their one country 2 systems after 2047!
K Tan Don
If the world goes into deep recession due to prolonged trade war, they have to thanks these twoHong Kong retarded rebel. They must be dreaming if China were to sign any trade deal with something they suggested to be inserted to that trade agreement
Richard Kam
One a lesbian traitor because China don't recognise gay marriage and the other ungrately offspring of a Vietnames migrant.
Reply · 46m
Tan Alan
Link above :- Chinese people know full well about CCP's cruelty to Falungong members!
Even BBC recent report on continued "live organ transplant" from Falungong members!...see link :-
Also, "709/710 Human Rights Lawyer Arrest" since more than 4 years ago in 2015!... see link :-
Even in "KIDNAPPING TO BOOKSELLERS" in HK!!!... see link :-
Extension of evil CCP's over-reach into HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY in HK, eg. HK EXTRADICTION BILL (albeit finally withdrawn after 3 months of HK Protests), frightened ALL HONGKONGERS; some say even rich and corrupted tycoons (from China and Hongkong) with ill-gotten wealth, fund, property they hid in HK!!!
Those "Commie Operative Influencers" are truly in TOTAL DENIAL and EVIL too!
Link above :- Chinese people know full well about CCP's cruelty to Falungong members!
Even BBC recent report on continued "live organ transplant" from Falungong members!...see link :-
Also, "709/710 Human Rights Lawyer Arrest" since more than 4 years ago in 2015!... see link :-
Even in "KIDNAPPING TO BOOKSELLERS" in HK!!!... see link :-
Extension of evil CCP's over-reach into HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY in HK, eg. HK EXTRADICTION BILL (albeit finally withdrawn after 3 months of HK Protests), frightened ALL HONGKONGERS; some say even rich and corrupted tycoons (from China and Hongkong) with ill-gotten wealth, fund, property they hid in HK!!!
Those "Commie Operative Influencers" are truly in TOTAL DENIAL and EVIL too!
Michael Loh
Hong Kong's youth (the future) is about to go global. While HK problems may appear an internal one, it has global complications. Her status as one country two system already a problem as it will affect its standing on the global stage for economic and politics. If China changes the status quo, her continue struggle with the US on her tariff with goods export could face a problem as one big issue. Hong Kong is the gateway for net import and do not fall within the sanctions of D Trump at the moment but if US intervenes, it may place Hong Kong as China proper minus its leverage like Autonomy. The the equation will change. Lets see how it will play out. Hope Hong Kong remains ok and would not become a net disaster as a result of "chasing the elusive butterfly of peace" whom presently no one seems to notice both in Hong Kong and China.
Weng Cheng Ye
Now I am getting closer as to why the CEO of Lacrosse Association of Hong Kong Raymond F (new name, used to be Raymond Fong) who was also the supporter the occupy central riot instigating his subordinates to support the movement while he misused company's fund to check into Shenzhen Kempinski for his sexual urge.
GREAT Congressional leaders of USA? These congressional committee knew very well that within the east coast of the atlantic ocean and the west coast of the pacific being the same but have no clue of what are beyond.
How can America be great again when they allowed these Hong Kong opportunistic traitors putting a hook on their nose and drag them like water buffaloes? No wonde rTrump has a hard time firing morons like Bolton.
GREAT Congressional leaders of USA? These congressional committee knew very well that within the east coast of the atlantic ocean and the west coast of the pacific being the same but have no clue of what are beyond.
How can America be great again when they allowed these Hong Kong opportunistic traitors putting a hook on their nose and drag them like water buffaloes? No wonde rTrump has a hard time firing morons like Bolton.
Goh Jon Hin
Does US want to be dragged into a prolonged Trade War with China and likely looking at a worldwide economic recession? China can let these protests to continue for the next 20+ years. What can these lackey dogs do even if US is willing to sacrifice economically for these retarded bananas?
Eric Cheong
"If Hong Kong falls, it would easily become the springboard for the totalitarian regime of China to push its rules and priorities overseas, utilising its economic powers to conform others to their communist values," Denise Ho said
She is pushing a prophecy through without any grounds or evidence ! China has worked with numerous countries abroad in Asia, South America n Africa. Has she tried to impose their communist values to these nations? Has she meddle in the internal affairs of these countries? Has any country accuse China of being behind a leadership or regime change?
She is pushing a prophecy through without any grounds or evidence ! China has worked with numerous countries abroad in Asia, South America n Africa. Has she tried to impose their communist values to these nations? Has she meddle in the internal affairs of these countries? Has any country accuse China of being behind a leadership or regime change?
James Woo
So now the US Congress dabbles with matters outside of US borders? How to get the Congress to meet? Book an appointment via the website? May be good to ask for their opinion on how our CPF money should be handled; by the people who makes the money through sweat and blood, or by someone else?
Derrek Chang
"This is a plea for universal human rights. This is a plea for democracy. This is a plea for the freedom to choose," she said.
Ms Denise Ho. You are in a place filled with business suited US Congress pleading on behalf of HKG for democracy where that sames venue was where decision to trigger baseless war on Iraq, Syria, Libya etc... that brought innocent lives into the grave. For christ sake, you are stepping into a tombstone and please do not bring all of us to be your neighbour. All 3 of you are brilliant personnel with unique character, yet foolishly enough to play into the hands of the westerner baiting for our blood and sweat. Sooner you shall have a dose of the bitter pill when the westerners find you are of no value to them at all. And Asia will not welcome you back as you are branded a traitor with a mask that hide your sinful acts.
Ms Denise Ho. You are in a place filled with business suited US Congress pleading on behalf of HKG for democracy where that sames venue was where decision to trigger baseless war on Iraq, Syria, Libya etc... that brought innocent lives into the grave. For christ sake, you are stepping into a tombstone and please do not bring all of us to be your neighbour. All 3 of you are brilliant personnel with unique character, yet foolishly enough to play into the hands of the westerner baiting for our blood and sweat. Sooner you shall have a dose of the bitter pill when the westerners find you are of no value to them at all. And Asia will not welcome you back as you are branded a traitor with a mask that hide your sinful acts.
Leon Israpel
Everyone is just so jealous of the success of China. They can think of so many ways to try and bring it down.
Rukia Kuchiki
You can be jealous too and at least use a fake Chinese name instead of a fake English-worshipping name LOL. Everyone can tell from your name and portrait that you'll be receiving 50 cents after this post 💩💩😂💩💩
Reply · 1h
Roller Su
Is it wrong to take back what is originally mine? If I lent you a dress for 100 days, I would expect you to return me in the same condition. You have no right to alter the length, change the buttons etc. Evidently, these two activists assume the rights to alter the dress they borrowed. And when I demand they comply, they went to ask my enemy for help against me. Personally, I would take offense. If they didn’t like my dress, they should borrow elsewhere from someone who has something that suits them. Why assume ownership of something that rightfully belongs to me and try to alter it without my permission. Worse, this dress has sentimental value and something inherited from my ancestors. What do you call these two activists with misplaced sense of justice.
Mitchell Lee
It is an act of hyprocrisy from the US, while the 2 who claimed to represents HK does not really represent HK. The selfishness in sacrificing the majority part of HK, determines their character as a person. Democracy is never an ideology to adopt if one is selfish, and determines their interest above others. HK is legally binded as part of China, is an irrevocable truth. Even if China fulfil to agree and make HK a fully democratic society which differs from China, it may just last till 2047. What's beyond then on if China said that they have fulfilled their obligation and require HK to follow…See More
Yi Yong Ke
When planning to take over HK from UK, China did not study the implementation
carefully. They takeover hastily thinking that the people of HK will be subdued easily. Too late. Instead of studying the thoughts of Mao Tse Tung, Deng Xiao Ping or even Xi Jinping, Chinese leaders should study the thought of LEE KUAN YEW.
carefully. They takeover hastily thinking that the people of HK will be subdued easily. Too late. Instead of studying the thoughts of Mao Tse Tung, Deng Xiao Ping or even Xi Jinping, Chinese leaders should study the thought of LEE KUAN YEW.
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