“It’s becoming clearer to them that putting a failed real estate tycoon in charge of the international economy wasn’t such a great idea,” he said.
Government policy. “This is the worst thing that the government has ever done to us,” she said.
Losing jobs already
A slew of statistics backs up Brown’s exasperation. Wisconsin led the nation in farm bankruptcies last year. Farm Aid’s hotline is fielding a record number of pleas. “We get calls every day from farmers thinking about suicide,” said Farm Aid’s Harvie. “We’re kind of in unprecedented territory.”
(1) Now the US voters have realised Trump is such a destructive figure ---- that have cause so much miseries to US voters ---- and yet the US voters previously are such a staunch supporters of Trump.
(2) Now it backfired on US voters.
(3) Let see whether the US voters will vote Trump out - in big numbers.
11 hours ago
Cause and effect. If you can draw a straight line between trade policy and negative outcomes, well then do so.
Today's farmers wear a lot of hats . They're smart, knowledgeable and tough and have weathered many different kinds of ups and downs. But this is different.
12 hours ago
But according to Donald J Trump,once said that Trade Wars are easy to win! And farmers voted for Donald J trump in 2016 because they did not like Hillary Clinton! factory workers were promised by Donald J Trump,that he would be bringing back millions of factory jobs from China.Which might include the assembly manufacturing plant where they make millions of those cheap red MAGA Hats! for half a cent each!
12 hours ago
Rural folk in Wisconsin, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida won the election for Trump in 2016. His net favorability rating in those stated is down 17-21 points (and falling) since he took office. I don't know who the Democrats are going to run, but it might be difficult for Trump to get the same electoral college map he had in 2016.
12 hours ago
Hopefully all the factory workers that voted for Trump are realizing that those jobs are just being shifted to Viet nam or some other Asian Country, I haven't heard of one large company moving back to the USA. If you think we can pay workers to make a $5.00 shirt for Wal-Mart, think again, that $5.00 shirt will be $15.00 minimum. Trump is not making America great again, he just causing a shifting of where product are made and with the US only being 24% of China's exports it doesn't look good for us that are paying the price of those tariffs.
11 hours ago
This article get you lost in translation but didn't all of those farmers in Wisconsin vote for Trump in 2016?? and now they are reaping the bad consequences for doing so,China has said they may wait things out hoping that voters will vote Trump out,when they might be able to get a more favorable deal for them and the U.S.
12 hours ago
Trump said yesterday that he doesn't need to get an agreement with China until after the 2020 election. How is that working out for the farmers?
12 hours ago
Remember when Trump stated trade wars were easy to win, he neglected to tell the farmers, motorcycle industry, alcohol industry, steel industry that they would be pawns just like the many partners he had in business when he took the money out of the company, declared bankruptcy and stuck them with the bills. Not only are companies suffering due to Trump but the cost of everyday consumer goods are going up as well due to Trumps tariff. Trump stated tariffs are paid by China that is a lie! Chinese companies don't pay the tariff the companies importing goods to the U.S. consumer pay the tariff, they pass the cost to the middle man, who then passes it on to the retailer who then passes it on to the consumer. In the end the consumer pays the tariff an pays more for the products. Trump says companies should come back to the U.S. but in most cases that is not possible because of labor and material costs as well as the years it takes to open a manufacturing plant. As for other companies picking up the slack they also can not at the current costs we pay for items.
12 hours ago
So trump said HE doesn’t need a new trade agreement until after the 2020 election. How about that, farmers? Can you hang on until then?
12 hours ago
We cannot bring back $15 an hour manufacturing jobs from countries where the businesses pay $3 and hour without significantly higher prices on all manufactured goods. This means 35% or more tariffs on nearly everything imported from Asia, permanently, cannot be removed without fight of jobs back to Asia. That probably means reciprocal tariffs on US farm products and other goods, permanently.
12 hours ago
President Bone Spurs says trade wars are easy to win, so a question to the farmers, do you feel like winners? I thought not!
12 hours ago
Farmers love trump and their farmer welfare! More trump winning!
11 hours ago
Glad the farmers who voted trump into office are taking one for the team. Trump said trade wars are easy to win but it’s been going on for over a year
11 hours ago
I live in Wisconsin and we have the highest rate of farm bankruptcy in the country.
12 hours ago
My sister tried to warn a Wisconsin farmer about Trump and pleaded with her friend to vote Democract in 2016 I wonder if that farmer realizes she was looking out for her friend.
12 hours ago
There is no "quick win" like Rump promised...he has no idea what he is doing and this losing battle with China is losing the farmers best foreign customers...China will establish trade relationships with farmers from other countries and it will take YEARS for american farmers to get that business back....do you see the con man that Rump is? do you see it now? There are no factory jobs coming back....coal is in the dumper....the economy is failing....and farmers are being punished for a LOST trade war.
12 hours ago
Not one of my family members in North Dakota will vote for Trump again. They've had it.
12 hours ago
His base is like a cult, they will follow him no matter what, President Donald Charles Manso Trump
12 hours ago
The cost of the farm bailouts have now surpassed that of the auto industry bailouts.
12 hours ago
Truths about Trump:
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
Trump Translator:
"Many People have told me" = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me
"A lot of people don't know" = I just learned something most people already knew
"Believe me" = I just lied
"In Fact" = I'm about to lie
"He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
"MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
"Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me
"Huge" = moderate to below average in size
"Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
"Policy Briefing" = Turning on Fox News
"Liar" = Someone telling the truth about me
"Fake News" = Real news
12 hours ago
More money has been given to the farmers than was loaned to the big 3 auto makers during the Obama years. Not a peep from the right!
Government policy. “This is the worst thing that the government has ever done to us,” she said.
Losing jobs already
A slew of statistics backs up Brown’s exasperation. Wisconsin led the nation in farm bankruptcies last year. Farm Aid’s hotline is fielding a record number of pleas. “We get calls every day from farmers thinking about suicide,” said Farm Aid’s Harvie. “We’re kind of in unprecedented territory.”
(1) Now the US voters have realised Trump is such a destructive figure ---- that have cause so much miseries to US voters ---- and yet the US voters previously are such a staunch supporters of Trump.
(2) Now it backfired on US voters.
(3) Let see whether the US voters will vote Trump out - in big numbers.
Today's farmers wear a lot of hats . They're smart, knowledgeable and tough and have weathered many different kinds of ups and downs. But this is different.
The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “genius” who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
Trump Translator:
"Many People have told me" = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me
"A lot of people don't know" = I just learned something most people already knew
"Believe me" = I just lied
"In Fact" = I'm about to lie
"He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me
"MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American tax payers
"Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me
"Huge" = moderate to below average in size
"Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments
"Policy Briefing" = Turning on Fox News
"Liar" = Someone telling the truth about me
"Fake News" = Real news