Saturday, September 28, 2019

ricky l

Pompeo subpoenaed as Democrats press Trump impeachment

1 second ago
In a video leaked from a private gathering Trump held Thursday with US diplomats in New York, Trump made clear he was battling for his survival.

The complaint also revealed that White House aides, alarmed at Trump's implicit offer to release aid in exchange for Zelensky's help, sought to hide the record of the call in a highly secure computer system normally used only for the country's most top-secret intelligence.
(1) To get to the bottom of the whole truth - White House should release the full record of the call for investigation.

(2) US and the World want to know the truth.

(3) Justice need to be administered if there are wrongdoing.
  • JackW
    10 hours ago
    Mr. Handley should read the transcripts before he writes his next biased story. If the house does impeach it will only die in the senate. If the dimof wits party would work with this President instead of trying to change the results of the last election this country would be the shining city on the hill to the world. He will be reelected in spite of all the money wasting actions they are doing. Impeachment will only make more republicans vote in 2020 accompanied by independents and demo's who know their party is going commie. Please please impeach him, the wall will only get built faster and the economy will grow faster, thank you dimowits..
  • Mirleo
    1 hour ago
    I may not be an American citizen but to be fair, you should have posted the actual transcript that was released by your White House for everyone to see and decide. what such a biased and misleading report.
  • William
    5 hours ago
    "We're at war. These people are sick," Trumpy says in the video..

    The really sick person is that grossly incompetent deeply racist Trumpy who obviously has antisocial personality disorder called sociopathy which is a mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.

    Other symptoms of a sociopath eclearly exhibited by old grossly incompetent Trumpy are:
    Glibness & superficial charm, manipulative & conning, never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible, grandiose sense of self, pathological lying, lack of remorse, shame or guilt, shallow emotions, incapacity for love, need for stimulation, callousness/lack of empathy, poor behavioral controls/impulsive nature, early behavior problems/juvenile delinquency, irresponsibility/unreliability, promiscuous sexual behavior/Infidelity, lack of realistic life plan/parasitic lifestyle, criminal or entrepreneurial versatility, etc.
  • Jose graciano
    8 hours ago
    Paul Handly writes article that would tickle the desires of Democrats and that would pay Mr. Handley "daily bread" so it goes that he wrote what satisfies his clients but with morals and values, HE HAD NONE ...IT'S ALL IN THE "BIN".
  • Jose graciano
    8 hours ago
    The Democrats just really wants to recover their days of FREE CORRUPTIOn, no wonder they are HOT with President Trump that cut off their tails of corruption.
  • Satpal
    52 minutes ago
    BAD Trumpy!! Was he going to bury the $400M aid money in his garden, for his own personal use once he was out of office.
  • Satpal
    54 minutes ago
    OMG SumperCHOSEN the Pride of all things American Great turned out to be a worm?
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