Saturday, September 21, 2019

Trump slams 'partisan' whistleblower, Biden pushes back

Michael Mathes
  • ricky l
    (1) Trump and his base is very quick to chant "lock her up" on Hillary.

    (2) But now his base are closing both eyes on Trump's excesses.
  • Jon
    9 hours ago
    Joe and Hunter need to come clean with both Hunter's Ukraine and Chinese deals. Joe needs to explain why Hunter was allowed to fly with him to China on Air Force 2 and then a month later Hunters firm gets a billion dollars from the Chinese.
    • Sean
      4 hours ago
      Lots of Russian trolls here.
  • Veteran@VOTE
    19 hours ago
    again, the fake potus seeking foreign meddling & involvement in US democracies
  • Eddie
    15 hours ago
    Trump cannot win an election without using some sneaky tricks with the help of Communist enemies. The man is a TRAITOR
  • John
    10 hours ago
    No end to what low life persons will do to destroy someone's life.
    • Sean
      4 hours ago
      You are referring to Trump, of course.
  • Earl
    7 hours ago
    President Trump is the best president the US has had in recent times and will not be removed by left wing communists and liberals no matter that fake news hates him. "Drain the Swamp " President Trump.
    • Earl
      5 hours ago
      Read much?? He was found not guilty by all.
    • Sean
      6 hours ago
      Russian troll much?
  • Sean
    4 hours ago
    Traitor Trump cheats and lies again. While we were serving and John McCain was being tortured in Hanoi, proven draft dodger Trump was playing sports and going to night clubs with his fake bone spurs. Anyone see a pattern here? You'd have to be "dumb as a Trump" not to. (Disabled veteran, U.S. Army, RA, Vietnam War).
  • Earl
    7 hours ago
    President Trump continues to "Drain the swamp" and the communist and liberals are in a mental melt down. Get over it wackos and get ready for President Trumps' re- re-election. !!!!!
    • Sean
      4 hours ago
      Welcome the new Russian troll who is probably posting under several names.
  • Leo888
    3 hours ago
    Everyone In the US is frustrated with Trump the idiot that cause turmoil and problematic chaos currently facing in USA. Time to force and pressure Trump to resign. To impeach him
    takes a long process to approve and US cannot wait as people are sick with this mad dog barking daily. Trump, you know yourself, you are guilty and continue to lie will not help you at all.
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