Hong Kong's summer of protests leaves economy bruised and battered

(1) When all the HK protestors realise that their parents run out of jobs, no jobs for them when they graduates ---- then they will realise their hue and cry of "5 political demands" - are useless demands that are not able to "put food onto their table".
(2) The HK protestors are getting their demands wrong --- which they should focus on housing, jobs, healthcare, education, social spaces.
(2) The HK protestors are getting their demands wrong --- which they should focus on housing, jobs, healthcare, education, social spaces.

Ask hk govt./Beijing to compensate, they are responsible for people's discontent, they know it will cause economic pain yet they allowed it. Question remains, what they do next?

What glory to Hong Kong when 7.5 million Hong Kongers suffer daily for more than 100 days of ridiculous riots and terrorism by these thugs? Didn't the thugs know that under the ONE country TWO systems framework, HK is guaranteed freedom for 50 years? Don't you think having freedom is a frivolous excuse when obviously Hong Kong is already the 3rd MOST FREE city in the world according to 2018 International Freedom Index?

Business owners should not blame demonstrators but instead urge the Hongkong gov and Carrie Lam to apologise. That is the only way to solve this.

Let HK burn to the ground so that there will be nothing left & reasons for Whites to continue to support the hooligans, rioters, arsonist, and vandals who should all be arrested and made to pay for all the damages made by them.
If these frkers cannot pay, send them somewhere to "work" until all the debts are fully settle.
If these frkers cannot pay, send them somewhere to "work" until all the debts are fully settle.

Once hongkong economy tanks, many more citizen will be able to afford housing

It's obvious business corporate would sleep with Beijing politics for profit but they can never force HK for a shot-gun wedding with China.

Carrie Lam can never transfer HK legislation & judicial govt body into Beijing. There's no dignity without freedom !!!!! GLORY TO HONG KONG
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