Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hong Kong's summer of protests leaves economy bruised and battered

  • ricky l
    (1) When all the HK protestors realise that their parents run out of jobs, no jobs for them when they graduates ---- then they will realise their hue and cry of "5 political demands" - are useless demands that are not able to "put food onto their table".

    (2) The HK protestors are getting their demands wrong --- which they should focus on housing, jobs, healthcare, education, social spaces.
  • Goh
    4 hours ago
    Should one day the rioters found themselves unable to find jobs, do you think they could approach USA/ Britain/ Taiwan to give them jobs/ food/ housing/ MTR/ roads/ schools/ hospitals? Would they tell to to your face that you are now independent entity, this is what you thought you want - you go look after yourselves because that is what being independence is all about! Unless you want to be like the MANCHUS during the late Qing Dynasty which sold China out and which led to the Opium War and led to HK being leased to Britain as an OPIUM Den. Wouldn't the rioters feel humiliated if they are made to beg and being told off, "It is to make USA great again! And not to make HK great!"
    • Just
      3 hours ago
      Rioters/Terrorists/whatever need to beg, all infrastructures in hk built by hk people and hk alone, Britain gave China a mansion made of gold for free and now China goon like you is talking rubbish.
    • Regina
      3 hours ago
      Carrie Lam & Beijing have reneged on the right of HK for a separate 2 System Policy. They are violators of the Sino-British Agreement !!! There's no dignity without freedom !!!! GLORY TO HONG KONG
    • Pangahbeng
      3 hours ago
      They say that if it rains and if you have no power to stop it, then let it rain until it stops when it runs out of water...LOL When the price of gold goes up, maybe it is going to stop...........LOL
  • Goh
    4 hours ago
    The trouble is, the very-shortsighted black-clad, black-mask rioters live in delusion. They thought that by creating arson, threatening and beating up ordinary HK citizens, they are liberating Hong Kong from oppression. In actual fact, they are the tyrannical oppressors of freedom in HK. They have suppressed the freedom of Hong Kong Police to do their job well to protect us by hurling petrol bombs to hurt the police; they bash up anyone who have a different opinion from them, hitting an old man at the airport; creating airport shutdown and beat up 2 mainland Chinese at the airport who had nothing to do with them or opposing them; they forced businesses to shut down which led to many innocent ordinary Hong Kongers to lose their jobs. So are they being democratic and even fair to 7.5 million Hong Kongers? All these misery that ordinary Hong Kongers suffer are because of these black-clad rioters' tactics and the rioters have the cheek to blame the SAR government!!!! I have a question for the rioters - do you think that by begging other countries to help you out politically or economically- they will indeed help you ?
    • Regina
      2 hours ago
      All this misery are brought about by Carrie Lam trying to transfer legislation & judicial body of HK into China. Don't mess up with the real issue. Mainlanders & Beijing Police have beaten up HK protesters in Wanchai & China with all the chaos that they've done !!! GLORY TO HONG KONG
    • Just
      2 hours ago
      Ok..well's your 50 cents.
  • Just
    4 hours ago
    Ask hk govt./Beijing to compensate, they are responsible for people's discontent, they know it will cause economic pain yet they allowed it. Question remains, what they do next?
    • muthu
      4 hours ago
      Just F off moron.
  • Goh
    4 hours ago
    What glory to Hong Kong when 7.5 million Hong Kongers suffer daily for more than 100 days of ridiculous riots and terrorism by these thugs? Didn't the thugs know that under the ONE country TWO systems framework, HK is guaranteed freedom for 50 years? Don't you think having freedom is a frivolous excuse when obviously Hong Kong is already the 3rd MOST FREE city in the world according to 2018 International Freedom Index?
    • Just
      2 hours ago
  • Ang
    4 hours ago
    Business owners should not blame demonstrators but instead urge the Hongkong gov and Carrie Lam to apologise. That is the only way to solve this.
    • Ang
      2 hours ago
      muthu has gay thoughts !
    • muthu
      4 hours ago
      Been swallowing too much americium? Apologise for the rioters’ rampaging? Moron.
  • William
    3 hours ago
    Let HK burn to the ground so that there will be nothing left & reasons for Whites to continue to support the hooligans, rioters, arsonist, and vandals who should all be arrested and made to pay for all the damages made by them.
    If these frkers cannot pay, send them somewhere to "work" until all the debts are fully settle.
    • Regina
      2 hours ago
      William, William your Maoist govt have killed student protesters in Tiananmen & your stupid Maoist rebellion in the Philippines has killed our ethnic leaders in the hinterland. YOU MUST BE HAPPY NOW THAT CHINA HAVE KILLED EVERYONE WHO HAS OPPOSING POLITICAL VIEWS DONT U ????
    • William
      2 hours ago
      @Regina & Just...hehehe...the easy & quick any Whites government would do.. is to just shoot or get rid of the rioters, arsonist, hooligans, and vandals :D
    • Just
      2 hours ago
      Your short-sightedness will dim your eyes further.
    • Regina
      3 hours ago
      You would hate every nation who supports the separate 2 System Policy in HK & would want to Carrie Lam to transfer legislative & judicial powers of HK to Empirialist China. No shot-gun wedding with Beijing & Glory to Hong Kong !!!!!
  • FG
    4 hours ago
    Once hongkong economy tanks, many more citizen will be able to afford housing
  • Regina
    4 hours ago
    It's obvious business corporate would sleep with Beijing politics for profit but they can never force HK for a shot-gun wedding with China.
    • William
      2 hours ago
      @Just ...hehehe...keep up with their violent rioting and soon these Hongkies will be wailing & mourning their dearly departed :p
    • Just
      2 hours ago
      Yes, hk need to get a divorce deal..hahaha..'Do you hear the people sing?'
    • muthu
      3 hours ago
      Seems you love americauns’ bananas and americium.
  • Regina
    2 hours ago
    Carrie Lam can never transfer HK legislation & judicial govt body into Beijing. There's no dignity without freedom !!!!! GLORY TO HONG KONG
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