Hong Kong protesters appeal to Trump for help before clashes erupt in evening

(1) As HK protest drags on ---- more and more people are getting fed-up with these HK protestors --- and less and less sympathy for these HK protestors.
40 seconds ago
(1) Unless Emergency Order is declared and imposed --- cannot see how this HK protest will stop.

1 second ago
1 second ago
ricky l2秒前
(1)隨著香港抗議活動的拖延----越來越多的人對這些香港抗議者感到厭倦 - 對這些香港抗議者的同情越來越少。
ricky l40秒前
ricky l2秒前
(1)印度尼西亞軍隊能夠通過部隊激增來平息巴布亞的騷亂和騷亂 - 一周或兩週內。
(4)但香港的抗議活動持續了3個月或幾個月 - 並沒有逐漸減少的跡象。
ricky l1秒前
(1)這對香港經濟造成實際損害 - 例如: -
- 惠譽將香港信用評級從AA +下調至AA - 導致香港的借貸成本上升。
- 旅遊業受到打擊。
- 零售業受到打擊。
- 香港經濟陷入技術性衰退。
(2)除非宣布和施加迅速果斷的措施 - 否則無法看到這些香港抗議活動將如何結束 - 因為這些香港抗議者堅決使用暴力行為和相互破壞行動來遏製香港。
ricky l1秒前
(1)教育一個“發脾氣”被寵壞的孩子 - 一個人可以試著讓他獨自一人 - 讓他冷靜下來。
(3)但是,如果沒有成功,“大手杖”必須在“單獨監禁”之後下來 - 並取消他的任何獎勵 - 直到他出現在他的感官之中。
(4)通過對這種“被寵壞的孩子”採取軟性方法 - 將無法奏效。
- Taiwan n Poland are showing support
- There is no road for Uturn. Chong all the way

They had kneeled in front of the queen for tool long, their limbs are too weak, they can't stand up.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

These protestors have gone too far. I fear for their lives.

I'm confused.
Which one is the 51st state of America?
HK or Philippines?.....erm....HK or Philippines?
Which one is the 51st state of America?
HK or Philippines?.....erm....HK or Philippines?

These Hongkong TRAITORS rather become TRUMP'S DOGS !... lllloooolll

these people need to stop all these nonsense. they though they are fighting for freedom but they didn't know that their behaviour harm other innocent people and it just made them look immature

What a bloody disgrace! What are these morons thinking? This is a huge embarrassment to the chinese people! These traitors who carry the US flag should be jailed for treason!

No family day over weekend. Pity! Road always blocked by protesters, family with children stay at home to avoid stuck on road. Wonder how a pregnant woman who is going to give birth stuck at middle of the road. How a unwell sickly elderly rushing to doctors stuck in the jam. Such a disgrace violent act. 黑示威者 黑心肝

Do not like Hong Kong, Move to USA for good ,Betrayer of own country , I look down on you peoples of hong Kong

Asking US to fight China ... it’s a big shame as a Chinese !

不喜欢你的国家移民人, 示什么威。 get caught feature on TV show the whole wide world。doesn't make you famous or popular. Is the 犯罪者 look. 示威还编曲London bridge song,幼稚。 每天过着 示威无聊,无所事事的日子。getting boring with such news teaching the young generation age below 12 bad doing.

just go right in... u r welcome... knn...

The protesters prefer to be a colony of western countries?


What a SHAME !!!
These HKG Chinese Protesters want to become TRUMP'S DOGS!
These HKG Chinese Protesters want to become TRUMP'S DOGS!

These Hong Kong people will learn this Self Destruction Lessons Deep inside their Heart for the Rest of their Lives and Life.

Should go to Beijing, China's embassy is there

Oh, Hong Kong belongs to China, wrong embassy

It's believe that this protest will go on for at least one whole year or even much more.

quite true. in US their police will draw their guns at the protesters. This is US culture. In the history of US, having guns is their culture.

Dog will forever be dog & bless by doG

Even if these Hong Kong protesters call Trump their father, Trump will give a damn. Don't forget you are not WHITE. Hong Kong protester wake up you are yellow skin.

yoy Can wait long long.

Calling on Presidung Donald Dumb. Try the nuts house. 1800- mental

These are the DOGS made by USA

These 'hooligan' Hongkees are really idiots who bring their problems to US consulate. They're not even aware that Trump constantly praises President Xi and calls him a 'Great' friend!

Utter Disgrace to your Ancestors, Families, People and YOU.

Cringe worthy .. clueless HK protestors.

hongkees have lost their face. They forgot that their fathers, grandfather, great grandfathers are Chinese and not whites.

I'm embarrassed for them.

protest for what? spend your previous time go and upgrade first. The world is very big,look for a better place to live if you don't like hong kong under china.

Of all ... you seek help from that crying baby? Hahah that’s the future of Hong Kong. Congratulations!

This Youngs from HK is no where to understand where they are. You belong to the Chinese China . Why are you people asking US for liberation ? Please just pack up and leave HK if you don like it. HK still have 20 over years to be fully control by China, If you don like it , you still have a lot of time to move out.

They thought Trump is their God. For goodness sake. Born in 1997, they are trained to be a terrorists. Sad to have kids like them since one day, they will even harm their own family in the name of democracy, whatever Hongky, Damn thick skin what, can’t hear you, bravery ??Their party failed last night and ask for mercy from Trump. Let’s take a flight to your dreamland and see whether you landed safely there or to another world of shame.

The riot definitely funded by the US. If these guys have brain they would know: 1st US is a flawed democracy. No matter which party is elected the gov bow down to oligarchs. The average people are at the mercy of corporations. 2nd US do not have press freedom, many reporters have been jailed or killed, do your research! Democracy index the USA scores below Chile, Costa Rica or Uruguay.

instead of Greenland, maybe buy Hong Kong. win win for everyone

ok, presumably HK is now an independent state ... where are u getting the water supply? Oh, buying water from the US? flat hope.

I have no choice but to call these HK protestors idiots, who have shame their ancestors in calling this idiot US Trump for help. We , Chinese or Asians must stand on our own feets to defend westerners influences n meddling with our countries affairs.

Clear cut traitor act!

Trump would only be interested in HK affairs if there's Trump Hotel, Resort, Golf Course or a Casino in the territory...so good luck with that....

USA should send 2 aircraft carriers battle groups and help repel the communists out of Hong Kong. No one like the communists!

China should just deport them to the us

Support the police . The police need to be more forceful . Arrest the protesters /mobs, shoots them since they adore USA freedom of democracy so much (including USA shooting)

how come hk police are so restraint and patient ? if these protesters are In USA, or France, or UK or Papua New Geinea, the police would have shoot them without delay , regrets and fear

Since these Hkees protesters adore and worship USA freedom of democracy so much, than the Hk police should follow the USA police freedom to shoot, the hk must shoot the violent protesters at sight. Because Hk police is so mild and the lady leader is so weak, these protesters has becomes more bold and violent.

HK police should learn for USA police
USA should learn from HK protesters
Both country worship freedom
USA should learn from HK protesters
Both country worship freedom

So after 22 years then they make such a big deal out of it! Why not the initial handover?

China will lose face on this and seen as the most hated regime by their very own Chinese people, they had forced the hk people to surrender their lives/livelihood in the name of economic benefits, no wonder they turn to the West for help because they at least will come to the negotiation table if millions come out unlike China, they will use force/police brutality/thugs to suppress the protesters, on top of that, they use threats/intimidation/propaganda and label them as terrorists/rioters when in fact, they purposely stirred up the violence.

“The U.S. State Department updated its travel advisory for Hong Kong, warning that U.S. citizens and consular employees had been the targets of a recent propaganda campaign by China "falsely accusing the United States of fomenting unrest".”
If the US can give a reasonable and acceptable explanation why the protesters is carrying US flag during the protest? Why not any other country flag? The protesters now deliver the “democracy message” only to the US? Why? That’s obvious that the US is giving positive “acknowledgment” for the protesters action.
If the US can give a reasonable and acceptable explanation why the protesters is carrying US flag during the protest? Why not any other country flag? The protesters now deliver the “democracy message” only to the US? Why? That’s obvious that the US is giving positive “acknowledgment” for the protesters action.

Huh... To US consulate? No pride. White superemacy still in their slavery blood? Shame and disappointed. U wanted foreign influance...?

Demented misguided dogs of the americauns .
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