(1) Trump who stubbornly want to protect his "throne" - to the extent of suggesting "civil war" to instigate his support base ---- should motive Republican-dominated Senate to impeach him and choose a new leader.
(2) Trump is beyond "forgiveness" --- as he will breach all possible law and abuse his power - to keep his throne against the Country's interest.
7 seconds ago
The Evangelicals should want this womanizing liar out of office in favor of the devout Mike Pence. If they are not I question their motives and faith. Or are they so stupid they think Hillary will be president if Trump is removed from office. They are just whipped up by people like this.
26 seconds ago
You the GOP have embolden this idiot to the point of no return!!! I wish that all of you who during the nomination process for a candidate bashed Trump over and over again for not having the experience or him being unfit to be president would now step forward and invoke the 25th Amendment and remove your unfit president from office!!!
1 minute ago
I many of us have heard such talk, so, who knows. Just can't predict the future.
2 minutes ago
are we still rewarding this spoiled brat for his behavior
2 minutes ago
Help! Potus is nuts!
2 minutes ago
Jefferies is just another example of today's so called Christians. Jeffries is worth an estimated $15M. His church has a renovation costing $120+M. He has remained silent during Trump's repeated violation of at least 4 of the 10 Commandments.
2 minutes ago
When will Republicans stand up for the country instead of for their wallets?
3 minutes ago
Why does any educated person listen to that kind of ignorance? Genuinely, you have to admit at this point in history that claiming such ignorance makes Jeffress look insane. We know trump is insane and the GOP who thinks they have people convinced trump isn't insane. Had no idea there were men out there like Jeffress. No wonder the uneducated are so confused about reality. trump is no longer electable.
3 minutes ago
Such crazy lawless tactless man on top! A complete narcissist too!
3 minutes ago
Has anyone really looked at what they want to impeach over? Biden threatened a foriegn goverment and forced them to fire the prosecutor that was going after his son. Trump talked to the president of the country(his job) about looking into this because Biden bragged about it. Sorry to say you people have completely lost your minds if you want to throw a sitting poresident out of office because a crime was commited by one of his opponents
Taiwan says Hong Kong singer Denise Ho was entitled to join rally where red paint was thrown at her
“By sparing them or doing nothing, it would only encourage similar incidents from happening again and again,” she wrote.
(1) I disagree using violent to resolve political issue.
(2) But at the same breath, I view Dennis Ho statement as hypocrisy - as she encourage the current protest and unrest in HK - and now encourage such movement in Taiwan.
18 seconds ago
“Denise Ho, get out”, “The riot in Hong Kong today will be the destruction of Taiwan tomorrow”, and “Violent activists not welcome in Taiwan”. ---- This statement sum it all up.
16 minutes ago
She deserves the red paint splashing as she had advocated for violence and lawless rioting in Hong Kong. Lucky thing it is not acid. She lives by the sword so she must be prepared to take the sword. No sympathy for her at all.
(2) Trump is beyond "forgiveness" --- as he will breach all possible law and abuse his power - to keep his throne against the Country's interest.