ricky l • Remove
"work together to strengthen dialogue and communication, advance maritime cooperation and joint development to maintain peace and stability on the South China Sea".Reply
If the above statement is used to resolve all the maritime dispute - then confrontation, conflict and tension in Asia Pacific region will not arise.
The standings of all disputed countries in the eyes of International Community and the respect will be high as members of responsible members of International Community.
ricky l • Remove
(1) Eg. of joint development can be :-
Setup joint venture company where both countries' company representatives have agreed allocated no. of shares. Any joint development work can be undertaken by the joint venture company and any profit can be shared by both countries' company representatives.
(2) Eg. of advanced maritime cooperation is to demarcate the sea boundaries around the island where both countries will have a clear boundary which part of the sea area belong to who - without ambiguity.
(3) Eg. of work together to strengthen dialogue and communication - is to set up working committee to monitor the joint development work and iron out issues that may arise - du to maritime patrol or development work.
If disputed parties are willing to adopt "give-and-take", "win-win" outcomes - than the whole Asia Pacific region - will be a bright spot of cooperation, growth, progress, prosperity - and not daily events of tension, conflict, jostling, quarallel, flight and naval maneouver, ship collision and water-cannon party..
Then regional meetings will mainly be focused on economic development, regional cooperation for business, trade, travel and growth - instead of trading accusation, sabre-rattling and blickering of how to wriggle some rocks, some islands, some resources or wriggling of influence, or wriggling of outmaneouvre for exertion of power.
Influence and Power come from cooperaton, mutual benefit and mutual trust - where member countries willingly welcome the Influence.
Power and Influence will not come from negative actions. In fact, it will bring about negative outcomes.
ricky l • Remove
That is, Power and Influence are won by deeds, actions and speeches - that promote mutual benefits, win-win solutions.
Power and Influence cannot be gained by strength, might and muscle.
Eg. The historical Nazi military might and Japanese imperial war machine have conquer so many countries with ease - but cannot last.
Conversely, the West influence that promote mutual benefits, win-win solutions - has go a long way to win over countries all over the World.
If China want similar influence, than only through winning the Hearts and Minds of others - will be much enduring and lasting than by strength, might and muscle.
Japan has learned from the historical past that strength, might and muscle - is difficult to win friends. Promoting mutual benefits, win-win solutions - has helped Japan to gain more mileage in foregin affairs.

Kok • Report Abuse
If there is no problem locally , China won't stir problem. Since in China , property market is having er some issue and there is lot of problem with the land, they need something to divert people attention .Reply
- ricky l • Remove
China current internal problems are more than that.
(1) Economic reform - from growth through external trade to internal consumption, overflooding of graduates but not enough jobs etc.
(2) Cleaning up corruption within the Party
(3) Ethnic strife from Uighur separatists
(4) Environmental issue - specifically smog, polluted land and water
(5) Local dissent for more freedom
that are causing tension to the Party. - ricky l • Remove
Actually, if China concentrate on bringing about win-win settlement of the territorial dispute by focusing on the mutual benefits gain from the settlement will earn more positive attention at home.
Eg. Malaysia successful broking of peace deal between Philippine Government and Islamist group has earn Malaysia accolades at home.
Malaysia successful settlement of some outcrops rocks with Singapore - has lead to many sweeten deals such as Iskandar joint investment, RTM railway station joint development in some prized land in Singapore - which subsequently lead to many joint venture projects - has help Malaysia Ruling Party to score points at home.
So if China re-focus international efforts by resorting to win-win settlement of the territorial disputes with disputant Countries - will in fact help to score points in the domestic politics rather than adopting antagonist approach that will bring more negative outcome to their own people. For eg. China have to send ships to pull back few thousands of their workers and businessmen back home - and they lose their jobs and business.
When Chinese people protest at home against the Japanese - many offices are invaded, property are damaged and local people lose their jobs when the Japanese firms pull out. - ricky l • Remove
Sorry at this advanced stage - where guns are brandished and blood will soon be shed -- the messages need to be blunt and straight to the point.
But many years back, when advised is given to open up the Country adopting market economy rather than planned economy that cause Economic inertia - it is also contrary to the mainstream thinking within China.
In fact the worried is :- 窗口一打开,蚊子苍蝇都会跑进来.
But Chinese trust the Chinese, Hakka trust the Hakka - China Economy fly without turning back.
So whether China trust us again?
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