Thursday, May 29, 2014

Science prizes given for findings in brain, cosmos MALCOLM RITTER | Associated Press 56 minutes ago

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
This discovery :-

"They were honored for developing the theory of inflation, which holds that the universe grew extremely quickly in the first split-second after its birth in the Big Bang." - is consistent with the Supramundane Jhana Samadhi of 1-pointedness concentration - with explosion into 3-Ring Fruition the enwrap the Universe in first split-second.

Where under the Universal Law of Relativity or Dualistic Law :-
Mundane Samsara Universe = Supramundane Nirvana. Nama=Rupa. 色=空. Form=Formless.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
The Dharma Wheel on the top left corner that enwrap the Whole Universe is form in the first split second - when the Supramundane Jhana Samadhi of 1-pointedness concentration explode into the Dharma Wheel - 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
In fact, the Whole Universe are just made up of :-

(1) 4 Great Elements of (Air, Temperature, Liquid, Matter)
(2) 5 Mental Aggregates (Consciousness, Feelings, Perceptions, Judgement, Mental Formation)

Each of the 10 Major Realms - manifest different mix of 4 Great Elements & 5 Mental Aggregates. 

ricky l • a second agoRemove
One day, concrete findings in Science on Brain & Cosmos - will prove beyond reasonable doubts - the Origin of Universe and the Origin of Human Beings - and many more realms - including the Opposing Pole of Impermanent Universe.

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