Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hududs practical problems: The non-Muslim witness, state boundaries and the Constitution

The Malay Mail Online  11 hours ago

ricky l  a second agoRemove

The purpose of punishment is to educate the person who commit a crime to realise his mistake, repent, accept his punishment so that he/she will not commit the same mistake, rehabiliate and then lead a second life and be a good citizen when returning to the society.

Amputation of limbs is tantamount to torture and the lost of limbs are irreversible.
100 lashes is torture and he/she may not be able to survive.
Stoning to death is slow, painful death and tantamount to torture.

Crime need to be punished to ensure deterrence, but torture are inhumane because it inflict tremendous pain, encourage cruelty and inhumane behaviours.


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