Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia warns of MERS virus risk from camels

Reuters  2 hours 12 minutes ago

ricky l  a second agoRemove

To prevent mass infections like what happen to SARs infection, the World should adopt the same measure like in SARs during the coming Haj pilgrimage :-

(1) Strict segregation of human contact with camels unless absolutely necessary with all the necessary protection measures in place to prevent infection.

(2) Camels must be subject to Mers test to detect infection and may consider putting them to sleep if they cannot be treated because any affection to the camels will not help them but in fact cause more sufferings to the camels and cause further harm to the public at large.

(3) Healthy camels should not be place together with infected camels.

(4) All immigration control at source and destination airport will screen passengers and airline staff for sign of respiratory symptoms with contact tracing in place.

(5) Strict quarantine and control measure put in place at hospital, quarantine houses, for 2 weeks etc to prevent infection to the public at large for any suspected victims.

(6) WHO professional recommendation to eradicate, control and precautionary measures should be put in place.

The intuition vision of Mers running out of control and cause infection worldwide plus causing heavy casualties to victims the like of previous SARs has indeed materialise and it look like the harm cause by Mers is not tapering off and in fact may accelerate if stringent control, prevention and eradication measures are not effective or are not observed.

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