Thursday, May 22, 2014

31 killed in attack in China's Xinjiang region CHRISTOPHER BODEEN | Associated Press 3 hours ago

ricky l a second agoRemove
Most important is to establish the root causes of the violence and the reasons for increasing incidents of such attack so that the right solutions can be prescribed.

Stepping up security and tracing the source of militancy is one approach, but not solving the root cause that breed militancy will be no used because even if the source is arrested, another source will surface if the root cause that give rise to the militancy is not resolved.

Most important, mutual inclusiveness, fairness, justice, equal opportunities for the minority races and majority races is the best solution to dissolve militancy. No body will want to lead a violence life and face the prospect of arrest and death - thus identifying the root cause and find the right wholesome solutions will be the long term solution. Most important, everyone heart must be soothe and willing.

A disequilibirium heart is often the source of unhappiness, tension and conflict.


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