Monday, May 19, 2014

Human civilisation may collapse earlier than thought Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Private Limited/Yahoo India News 3 hours ago

ricky l • a second agoRemove
Actually this article is not alarmist. This is the outcome of 小三灾 (climatic condition resulting in natural disaster, war, epidemic) rooted in human behaviour and manifested due to human's 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed/Attachment, Hatred/Anger.

In addition, the Raw Capitalism - whereby Market Economy compete to use up resources without a boundary of Planned Economy to apportion how the resources should be used and reserved for future generation is not in placed. How to regenerate and recycled resources fast enough to meet human demand is also not in place.

As a result Human Greed - will burn out and use up all resources that not even sure can last for another few generations.

Thus the question of whether Human Civilisation can last up to 10,000 years is questionable.
 Actually, Buddha 3,000 years ago predicted that 小三灾 (climatic condition resulting in natural disaster, war, epidemic) will eventually wipe out Human Civilisation during Dharma Ending Age. Human civilisation are now in the midst of Dharma Ending Age.

ricky l a second agoRemove
Other religions that talked about Judgement Day - or end of the World - is also similar to the prophecy of Buddha on 小三灾 in the Dharma Ending Age.

ricky l • a second agoRemove
Then people may asked, where will all the human go if the World End?

Human will go to the 10 different realms (plus 1 Pureland realm) - depending on the volition of their karma.

(1) Buddha Nirvana Realm (including 1 Amituofo Pureland Realm - for those that still have not attained Nirvana to practise until they attained Nirvana)
(2) Bodhisattva Nirvana Realm
(3) Pacekka Buddha Nirvana Realm
(4) Arahat Nirvana Realm (plus other 3 Saints Realm of Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami)
(5) Heavenly Supramundane Realm (include Formless Heavenly Realm, Form Heavenly Realm, Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm)
(6) Asura Realm
(7) Human Realm - some Humans may still survive on Earth or rebirth in other planets when the environment is conducive for Human lives.
(8) Animal Realm - some Animals may still survive on Earth or rebirth in other planets when the environment is conducive for Animal lives.
(9) Hungry Ghost Paranormal Realm
(10) Hell Paranormal Realm

Thus it is important for Humans to do GOOD, refrain from evil-doing, refrain from killings, torture, kidnapping and other crimes - in order to be reborn in a good realm.

ricky l • a second agoRemove
Human may eventually fight among themselves to corner the last few resources left - but this is procastinating the demise of the last batch of human civilisation and the eventual used up of all resources - and what left behind is a massive swath of inhabitable land and eventually all perish in hunger, cold, radiation and slow painful death of sufferings.

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