Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dont exempt non-Muslims from hudud, Muslim scholars suggest

·                            The Malay Mail Online  Wed, May 7, 2014

Does foreign investors - whether Muslim and non-Muslims subject to hudud law or will the foreign investors be exempted from hudud law?



ricky l  a second agoRemove
This will have an impact on foreign investments.

ricky l • a second agoRemove
Interestingly, more serious crime like killings, torture, murder, drug trafficking, crime by firearms or bombs are not address as compare to much lesser crime like petty theft, adultery.

ricky l  a second agoRemove
If petty theft will be punished by amputation.
Adultery is stone to death.

Then more serious crime like killings, torture, murder, drug trafficking, crime by firearms or bombs - what punishment will it be?
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Under Universal Compassion, the idea is to let petty crimes and less serious crimes learn from their mstake, repent, rehabiliate and then infuse back into the society to be a good citizen - not to terminate their lives or inflict severe or unduly harsh punishment that are tantamount to torture and take away their lives.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Punishment need to be appropriate and not excessive. 

ricky l • a second agoRemove
All humans are born as sinners - due to the inherent roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed/Attachment, Hatred/Anger.

So how many humans will perish without respite under such hash punishment?

So is late for work, meeting or functions - a form of theft? Theft of other's people's time. Time is money. So does it mean an arm is to be amputated?

So when lust feelings arise a kind of adultery? If yes, should a person be stoned to death?

So when hatred and anger feelings arise and want to fight, is it a crime - then punishment should it be as it is more serious than petty theft and lust feelings?

Wonder how many people will be left under such harsh laws?
 ricky l • a second agoRemove
So when young children take sweets or take away toys from other children without consent, is the children arm to be amputated because the children committed theft?

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