Friday, May 23, 2014

Philippines, Indonesia sign 'model' maritime border accord News 20 minutes ago

ricky l a second agoRemove
It is Both Parties willingness to adopt a "Give-And-Take" attitude, the willingness to go for "Win-Win" solutions - whereby both sides are willing to give in something and take back something - that bring about such exemplary model for resolving International Disputes - without resorting to tension, confrontation and conflict.

This is a model of responsible, adult, rational ways of resolving International Dispute and a member of International World Community.

Only if both sides adopt such mindsets can both sides achieve Wholesome resolution without tension.

Indonesia and Philippines has thus able to use Wholesome Resolution (1) to come to a good outcome to resolve their maritime dispute.

And to recap what are the 3 Wholesome Resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" :-
Wholesome, peaceful and responsible ways to resolve the "territorial dispute" :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute
(2) call a 3rd party eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute in a rational, logical and adult manner with "give and take".
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement.

One more time :- CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!

And not :-
Unwholesome ways to resolve the "territorial dispute" :-
(1) Quarrel and argue loudly and this will disturb the neighborhood
(2) Fight it out and start throwing things at one another and hurt other neighbors or passerby with flying objects
(3) Call their family members, friends, relatives to outnumber one another in a big fight and other neighbors and passerby also caught in the big fight and got injured
(4) Use weapons such as iron bar, knives or even guns to shoot at one another or even throw firebombs at one another and other neighbors and passerby also get injured or even kick the buckets and both the houses got burned down.


ricky l a second agoRemove
You know the World can have more Peace, less conflict, less war, less likelihood of triggering a 小三灾 (war, epidemic, climatic condition that trigger natural disasters) - if Countries can adopt such "Give-And-Take" attitude, the willingness to go for "Win-Win" solutions in resolving International disputes.

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