Friday, May 2, 2014

Decoding the Most Prolific Hidden Symbol in Movies

By Amanda Bell | Yahoo Movies  Fri, May 2, 2014 3:07 AM SGT



ricky l
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ricky l  a second agoRemove

A113 is the Supramundane Mental Cognitive Nirvana that encompass the formation of Universe into its Fruition the mirror image of the Physical Universe of Samsara.

With reference to the top left corner of the Dharma Wheel :-

A stands for physical Amituofo Buddha(阿弥陀佛)with human body - in meditation with inherent 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World the opposing mirror image of 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana represented by the protruding spoke outside the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel (which in Samsara represent sperms and wombs).

1 represent Panna Wisdom Bodhisattva (大势智菩萨)- symbolise by the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel that prevent the penetration of 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World into the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of Eternal Peace and Bliss.

The second 1 - represent Great Compassion Bodhisattva (观世音菩萨)- symoblise by the spoke of the Dharma Wheel the Light of Compassion that penetrate every crevices and every corner of the Universe to liberate all 6 realms sentinent beings from Samsara into Nirvana.

3 represent Amituofo Buddha 3-Ring Fruition of 3 Saints (阿弥陀佛 华严三昧 三圣)- the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration of No-Self (无我,无私,大舍) - the core of the Dharma Wheel where all the spokes converge

So A311 represent the Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana that result in the formation of this Physical Universe.

This Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana can be attained & witness by all Arahats, Pacceka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas.


o                                                     ricky l
ricky l  a second agoRemove

The mirror image of this A113 phenomenon is witness in the formation of the Physical Universe as discover by Science specifically :-
(1) Black Hole that mirror the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration.
(2) SuperNova massive explosion that form the infinite celestial bodies that mirror the outward massive explosion of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration into the 3-Ring Fruition of Nirvana.

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