Decoding the Most Prolific Hidden Symbol in Movies
By Amanda Bell | Yahoo Movies – Fri, May 2, 2014 3:07 AM SGT

A113 – is the Supramundane Mental
Cognitive Nirvana that encompass the formation of Universe into its Fruition – the mirror image of the
Physical Universe of Samsara.
With reference to the top left corner of the Dharma Wheel :-
A – stands for physical Amituofo Buddha(阿弥陀佛)with human body - in meditation with inherent 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World – the opposing mirror image of 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana – represented by the protruding spoke outside the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel (which in Samsara represent sperms and wombs).
1 – represent Panna Wisdom Bodhisattva (大势智菩萨)- symbolise by the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel – that prevent the penetration of 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World into the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of Eternal Peace and Bliss.
The second 1 - represent Great Compassion Bodhisattva (观世音菩萨)- symoblise by the spoke of the Dharma Wheel – the “Light of Compassion” that penetrate every crevices and every corner of the Universe to liberate all 6 realms sentinent beings from Samsara into Nirvana.
3 – represent Amituofo Buddha 3-Ring Fruition of 3 Saints (阿弥陀佛 华严三昧 – 三圣)- the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration of No-Self (无我,无私,大舍) - the core of the Dharma Wheel where all the spokes converge。
So A311 – represent the Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana – that result in the formation of this Physical Universe.
This Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana – can be attained & witness by all Arahats, Pacceka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas.
With reference to the top left corner of the Dharma Wheel :-
A – stands for physical Amituofo Buddha(阿弥陀佛)with human body - in meditation with inherent 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World – the opposing mirror image of 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana – represented by the protruding spoke outside the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel (which in Samsara represent sperms and wombs).
1 – represent Panna Wisdom Bodhisattva (大势智菩萨)- symbolise by the outer crust of the Dharma Wheel – that prevent the penetration of 12 dependant origination of life (十二因缘法)in the Samsara World into the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition of Eternal Peace and Bliss.
The second 1 - represent Great Compassion Bodhisattva (观世音菩萨)- symoblise by the spoke of the Dharma Wheel – the “Light of Compassion” that penetrate every crevices and every corner of the Universe to liberate all 6 realms sentinent beings from Samsara into Nirvana.
3 – represent Amituofo Buddha 3-Ring Fruition of 3 Saints (阿弥陀佛 华严三昧 – 三圣)- the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration of No-Self (无我,无私,大舍) - the core of the Dharma Wheel where all the spokes converge。
So A311 – represent the Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana – that result in the formation of this Physical Universe.
This Supramundane Mental Cognitive Process of Nirvana – can be attained & witness by all Arahats, Pacceka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas.
The mirror
image of this A113 phenomenon is witness in the formation of the Physical
Universe as discover by Science specifically :-
(1) Black Hole – that mirror the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration.
(2) SuperNova massive explosion that form the infinite celestial bodies – that mirror the outward massive explosion of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration into the 3-Ring Fruition of Nirvana.
(1) Black Hole – that mirror the 1-pointedness Jhana concentration.
(2) SuperNova massive explosion that form the infinite celestial bodies – that mirror the outward massive explosion of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration into the 3-Ring Fruition of Nirvana.
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