ricky l • a second agoRemove
Everything around them seems strange before they disappear - sounds like the phenonmenon of "Parallel Universe".
Except in "Parallel Universe" - only mental consciousness ascend or descend into the various realms while the physical body remain in Human realm, though the physical surrounding of the 5-sense consciousness also transformed and strange phenonmena arises that are abnormal.
But for Bermuda Triangle and the recent mystery of the lost plane - humans, planes and ships just vanished into thin air. Not even a trace of debris.
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ricky l • RemoveParallel Universe of traversing from 1 realm to another realm - is like switching a TV channel for say Channel 8 to Channel 5 or tuning a radio frequency from 95.8 to 93.3 - so that new TV channel emerge or new radio broadcast emerge.
Just like switching a TV channel for say Channel 8 to Channel 5 or tuning a radio frequency from 95.8 to 93.3 - TV set need not be turned off and on again, radio are not turn off and on again.
TV just transfer from 1 channel to another channel with TV still on. Radio just transfer from 1 frequency to another frequency with radio set still on.
ricky l • Remove
Except in Parallel Universe, the person (normally the meditator) - must know how to come back from the realms he has entered into ----- normally by rebalancing the consciousness (of that particular realm) back into consciousness of human realm - before he can come back and re-enter into human realm - so that he can move his body like human being.
But when he is back from Parallel Universe, the remnant consciousness of the realm(s) that he has entered into will still linger on his mind, heart and his body - and it will take a long duration before the consciousness wear off. During this period, visions, insights will be like a running videos that transmit through his mind and heart.
ricky l • Remove
Eg. some people with divine eyes can see Paranormal sentinent beings like Hungry Ghosts. They are actually in our midst but in a different realm - in technical term, they are in a different channel or frequency.
Only by tuning our consciousness to their realm - can we enter into the Parallel Universe of Hungry Ghost realm. Only if a Hungry Ghost manifest himself or herself by tuning his or her consciousness, can we see him or her.
Just like a transmitter set and the corresponding receiver set - must synch.
ricky l • Remove
For eg. human breathe in bacteria and virus (in animal realm) that coexist with us - except we can't see them with our naked eye.
But with microscope, we can see the bacteria and virus in the air.
ricky l • Remove
For eg, different radio frequency and channel coexist with us, but human cannot see or hear them.
But with the aid of TV and radio set - that operate with TV channel and radio frequency, we are able to see images or hear voices - radio broadcast.
ricky l • Remove
So are there Parallel Universe?
Some religions say there are 3 main realms - Heaven, Human/Animal & Hell realms.
But there are much more than that. There are 10 major Realms and many more sub-realms in Parallel Universe.
Just a Summary of how many dimensions and facets of Supramundane, Mundane and Paranormal Realms :-
(A) Nirvana Realms - 4 Nirvana Realms
1. Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm (including 1 Amituofo Pureland Realm - for those that still have not attained Nirvana to practise until they attained Nirvana)
2. Bodhisattva Supramundane Nirvana Realm
3. Pacekka Buddha Supramundane Nirvana Realm
4. Arahat Supramundane Nirvana Realm (plus other 3 Saints Realm of Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami)
(B) Heavenly Supramundane Realm
1. Formless Arupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. Nothingness and Non-Nothingness Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
b. Perception and Non-Perception Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
c. Infinite Conscious Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
d. Infinite Space Formless Heavenly Supramundane Realm
2. Form Rupa Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. 4th Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 7 sub-realms
b. 3rd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
a. 2nd Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
b. 1st Jhana Form Heavenly Supramundane Realm - altogether 3 sub-realms
3. Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
a. Paranimmitavasavatti Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
b. Nimmanarati Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
c. Tusita Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
d. Yama Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
e. Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
f. Catummaharajika Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm
C. Human Mundane Realm
1. Eg. Chinese, Malay, English, Japanese, German, Italian, Russian, African etc etc etc etc ----- so many races.
D. Animal Realm
1. Eg. Poultries - like chicken, duck etc
wild animals - like lion, tiger, elephant etc
sea animals - like shark, whale, fish, etc
insects - like bees, butterflies etc
microorganisms - like paramecium, bacteria, virus etc
etc etc etc
E. Asura Paranormal Realm (or Titans) - that live with Tavatimsa Sensual Desire Heavenly Supramundane Realm and with extreme jealousy to combat the Tavatimsa Heavenly beings.
F. Hungry Paranormal Ghosts Realm (or Petas) - Hantus, Pontianak
1. Eg. found in cemeteries, forest or places they are afflicted with - that live in the same world as Humans except Humans cannot see them. Only if they manifest themselves or those with divine eyes can see them.
G. Hell Paranormal Realm
1. 8 Great Hells of increasingly intensity of torments.
a. Avici Great Hell (lowest & most terrible Hell).
b. Maha Tapana Great Hell
c. Tapana Great Hell
d. Maha Roruva Great Hell
e. Sanghata Great Hell
f. Kalasutta Great Hell
g. Sanjiva Great Hell
(Each Great Hell have 4 side with 5 minor hells. In total, there are 168 hells).
To be able to see, communicate or to dwell in each realms, human realms and the other realms must tune in with the right frequency and right channels - before we can see them and they can see us.

fa • Report Abuse
@Ricky L. The whole world is create by your mind. The knowledge is from your mind. Where is your mind?
ricky l • Remove
You can check the Web on "body sariras" - Venerable monk in "Parallel Universe".
Eg. The full body sariras of Hui Neng (638–713 AD), the sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhism - in sitting meditation.
known as "Full Body Sariras", but more commonly referred to as "Bodhisattvas in Flesh" (肉身菩薩), are highly venerated because it is believed that the incorruptibility (金剛不壞身) of the flesh is a sign of enlightenment.
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