Published on May 15, 2014 1:14 PM
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Published on May 15, 2014 1:14 PM
With China getting more brush with countries of territorial disputes, now Chinese travellers or even investors and business will no longer feel safe when travelling abroad especically in countries of disputes or where there are congregation of nationals in dispute.
Unfortunately different nationalities with Chinese origins will also be mistaken to be from China PRC - notably the Taiwanese.
I hope other Chinese origins will not be mistaken as well and got implicated with their ongoing territorial dispute that do not seems to be coming to a resolution - but has caused escalation of tension.
四面楚歌,十面受敌,寸步难易 - will become the order of the day.
Thus never indulge in Omnipotent acts - as it will attract 魔 and bring untold miseries to the innocent people.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
But ever since Obama has become President, He and His Administration has been resolving difficulties issues with diplomacy, dialogues and more conciliatory approach in resolving difficult issues that affect US interests.
The outcome for this 10 years have bring alot of positive result for US and Americans and their business abroad.
This is a valuable lesson that can learn from the American's experience.
For this 10 years, US has demonstrate that a SuperPower that can attract other countries' friendships, relationship and assistance - need not project the image of OmniPotency.
It can be a friendly Giant that protray the image of justice and fairness - with mutual benefits in trade, business and political relationship.
Already say that :-
Nirvana (涅槃)has 3 values or consciousness (华严三昧)- of No-Self (无我,无私,大舍), Compassion (大慈大悲)and Panna Wisdom (般若智慧).
Mara or Devil or Satan (魔)- has 1 value of consciousness - which is OmniPotent (称霸)- and this will attract untold miseries of 小三灾 (war, epidemic, natural disaster).
Already say this many many times (苦口婆心)。
ricky l • Remove
When OmniPotency arises - it will be a time whereby 没有一刻安宁.
ricky l • Remove
ricky l • a second agoRemove
In fact US has win many friends and some are Her past adversaries as well in the last 10 years under President Obama Administration.
Thus welcoming US to Asia Pacific come from the hearts of many Asia Pacific countries - not because the Asia Pacific countries are being coerce to become friends by US.
For example, China never have trouble with Islamist militants - but now face many knife attack and suicide bombings from Islamist militants now and then.
Chinese people who travel all over the World never get into trouble with the hosting countries because Chinese immigrants are known to be hardworking, earn their worth, be a good citizen in the hosting countries and contributing to the society of the hosting countries, Chinese immigrants are known to mind their own business and not a troublemaker in the hosting countries.
I hope this image will not change and deteroriate when more and more territorial disputes surface.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Thus welcoming US to Asia Pacific come from the hearts of many Asia Pacific countries - not because the Asia Pacific countries are being coerce to become friends by US.
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