Friday, May 2, 2014

Kerry says to reassess Israeli-Palestinian issue after failing to meet goal
PUBLISHED ON MAY 1, 2014 9:57 PM


"Both parties still indicate that they feel it's important to negotiate and want to find a way to negotiate," Mr Kerry said, during a trip to Ethiopia.

The above statement indicates that both sides are still willing to work for a Peace deal. This is crucial as in this era of uncertainty, securing Peace deal is of outmost important in order not to fuel 小三灾 (War, Epidemic, Natural disaster) – which have been rearing the heads very frequently one after another.

(1)   Human conflict – we can see from 3 hotspots – Middle East, East Europe notably Ukraine and Asia Pacific – the tension on territorial disputes, war exercises, nuclear test, missiles test etc (as well as terrorism rearing the heads)

(2)   Epidemic – Mers beginning to go out of control and now the Superbugs due to rampant misuse of anti-biotic.

(3)   Natural disasters – so many typhoons, earthquakes, ferry disaster, mysterious airplane, smog, etc

All these will threaten the Human existence – if the小三灾 (War, Epidemic, Natural disaster) collectively run out of control.

In fact comparatively, the 小三灾 has go a notch up.

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