Friday, May 23, 2014

Poland's Walesa says the US no longer world leader Press 9 hours ago

ricky l a second agoRemove
Actually, the depletion of World resources, climatic conditions that cause more inhabitable lands - will bite into Earth - and will cause more frictions among Countries.

World Leadership to project goodness, Win-Win outcome, mutual benefits, fair allocation of resource, rejuventaion, recycled and regeneration of resources to feed demand that is reasonable will become more and more important and much needed for the World.

Good behaviour, reasonablenes, putting the right system and mindset of "Working Together for the Greater Good" rather than "Working Against One Another for Self-Interest" - will help to postpone and push back 小三灾  (war, epidemic, climatic conditions) - that will bring about human infighting among themselves either within their Countries or between Countries and lead to human extinction.

World 2 and World 1 are classic examples of "Working Against One Another for Self-Interest" rather than "Working Together for the Greater Good" that have bring Human Mankind into a mammoth catastrophe of mutual destruction and mass sufferings.

Human Mankind having learn the lessons from World 2 and World 1 should always be mindful not to follow the footsteps of World 2 and World 1 by "Working Against One Another for Self-Interest" but instead "Working Together for the Greater Good" for World Peace and Prosperity.


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