News – 22 hours ago
ricky l • a second agoRemove
"Looking at the way both para-navy engaged one another and the nationalist sentiment at homes, escalation into armed skirmishes and clashes may be likely - if both sides do not relent and come to a compromise.
If confrontation continue or worst at the sea - will we witness casaulty the like of the Titanic or the SKorea Titanic?"
The whole region will be inflame if shot is fired and incur casaulty.
ricky l • Remove
Violence begets more violence.
Peace begets Friendship.
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Ha Ha …., the brainless and mad Vietcong. China does not need to engage them on the sea. Just whack them from land in the North just like what China previous strong man Deng Xiao Ping did to them earlier
ricky l • Remove
No one take issue if there are contest in territorial claims.
It happen to many countries all over the world.
The issue is how such claims are to be resolved.
By peaceful means or by intimidation, coercion or by force.
If dispute are settled through peaceful means - like Indonesia and Philipines, like Singapore and Malaysia - it will win respect by the International Community for being a responsible and mature member of the International Community.
If dispute are to be settled by force or violent means - it will be condemn by the International Community for being irresponsible, immature - for causing tension in the region, disrupting trade, cause huge economic loss, cause casaulties, death, property and infrastructure damaged and cause untold suffering and miseries - not only between the 2 disputed parties - but to the larger International Community as a whole.
Justice, Fairness and Equality - is not only the Wholesome principles in a Country or Society but also between members of International Community.
ricky l • Remove
Let us re-examine how Indonesia and Philippines resolve their maritime dispute :-
It is Both Parties willingness to adopt a "Give-And-Take" attitude, the willingness to go for "Win-Win" solutions - whereby both sides are willing to give in something and take back something - that bring about such exemplary model for resolving International Disputes - without resorting to tension, confrontation and conflict.
This is a model of responsible, adult, rational ways of resolving International Dispute and a member of International World Community.
Only if both sides adopt such mindsets can both sides achieve Wholesome resolution without tension.
Indonesia and Philippines has thus able to use Wholesome Resolution (1) to come to a good outcome to resolve their maritime dispute.
And to recap what are the 3 Wholesome Resolution methods with the "Neighbor Dispute Analogy" :-
Wholesome, peaceful and responsible ways to resolve the “territorial dispute” :-
(1) direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the dispute (through give-and-take attitude, through sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim)
(2) call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or someone where both can trust to settle the dispute in a rational, logical and adult manner – with “give and take attitude”.
(3) Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process – by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement. This measure is undertaken by Singapore and Malaysia claim on 5 outcrop rocks follow by sweeten deals by incorporating other economic deals to resolve the territorial claim.
One more time :- CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! for the peaceful resolution of Indonesia and Philippines maritime disput and the Singapore and Malaysia 5 outcrop rocks claim.
And not :-
Unwholesome ways to resolve the “territorial dispute” :-
(1) Quarrel and argue loudly – and this will disturb the neighborhood
(2) Fight it out – and start throwing things at one another – and hurt other neighbors or passerby with flying objects
(3) Call their family members, friends, relatives to outnumber one another in a big fight – and other neighbors and passerby also caught in the big fight and got injured
(4) Use weapons such as iron bar, knives or even guns to shoot at one another or even throw firebombs at one another– and other neighbors and passerby also get injured or even kick the buckets and both the houses got burned down.
This disturb the peace of whole Asia-Pacific region - and affect the interest of all the countries within the whole Asia-Pacific region.
ricky l • Remove
Eg. in a street where 2 car collide and the owners of the 2 cars settle their dispute in an adult and responsible manner by doing all the paper work to submit to their insurance companies and car workshop peacefully - and parking their vehicles at the side of the road and not blocking the flowing traffic - then everyone will applaud and praise them.
However, if the 2 owners settle their dispute by arguing loudly, by refusing to move their cars to the side of the road and cause a massive traffic jam and worst start to take out their umbrella or iron bar and start hitting at one another cars or start to hit one another - then everyone will condemn their irresponsible acts and will summon police to arrest both of the 2 owners - for disrupting public disorder, cause damages to other people's car when they start fighting or worst injuring other road users.
ricky l • Remove
Eg. if our 2 kids share their sweets and toys with one another, then the Parents will clap, clap, clap and will praise the 2 kids for being sensible, responsible and good kids - who have learn the wholesome values of "share-share", "give-and-take" and know how to "work together and play together" in a cooperative manner.
However, if our 2 kids fight over the toys, snatch one another's sweet and refuse to share their sweets - wail and cry, fight with one another, pull one another's hairs, scratch one another and give one another blue black eyes - where both suffer from panda eyes - then the Parents will bring out the cane - and spank both backsides for manifesting their 3 inherent unwholesome roots of "Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed/Attachment and Hatred/Anger".
ricky l • Remove
OK, now let us sing the song of the turkey.
一首“土鸡歌“ - 骂土鸡
拔了仇恨根。(还好不是子孙根). 不然犹太就没了。
”土鸡” 斜音是“土地”。
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