JULIE PACE | Associated Press – 31 minutes ago
ricky l • a second agoRemove
For eg. :-
(1) Iran nuclear issue - able to get support from EUs, China, Russia to coax Iran into constructive dialogue and some deterrence provide a more wholesome outcome thant sabre-rattling war machines that threaten to erupt war in Middle East - that will threaten Oil Supply and hurt World Trade.
Gun blazing will bring a very bad outcome and turn the Middle East into a red hotspot.
Syria internal conflict is a very complicated affair - as there are Russia and Iran support for the incumbent, Saudi and other Middle East Countries support for the moderate rebels and the most contentious one are the extremists that fight both the incumbent and the rebels.
Military actions will have unintended consequences and may bring about complicated outcomes.
(3) US engagement and continuous strategic dialogue with China - will has a stabilising outcome in Asia Pacific region - and avoid a "Clash of the Titans". It also reduce the risk of military action in Korean Peninsula as positive engagement with China will have a cushioning effect on Korea nuclear risk.
In addition, East China Sea and South China Sea dispute - will allow US to engage China more rationally and more cool-headedly - with less "locking horn" militarily - which will in some sense help to cool temperatures if tension rises.
US will also able to soothe her Alliances when tension rises.
(4) US handling of Ukraine issue is also more rational, more even handed and less emotional - and this has help to relieve and prevent tension from escalating - that would have turn East Europe into the Cold War confrontation - between the Nato bloc and the Russian bloc - that may trigger something mammoth - with WW2 and WW1 as reminder of massive human sufferings.
Imagine if US and Nato Bloc take a more confrontational approach with gun blazing - then I shudder to think the World could be facing an imminent WW3 with nuclear war - as a likely outcome.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
(1) Middle East hotspots - a link of US, EU, Middle East Countries vs Russia, Syria, Iran
(2) East Europe hotspot - a link of US, EU, Ukraine vs Russia
(3) Asia Pacific hotspot - a link of US, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam vs China. US, S Korea vs N Korea.
President Obama and His Administration has to date handle the foreign affairs delicately, constructively and has bring about many wholesome outcoms ---- vis-a-vis if US take a more confrontational approach in all the above events ----- what do think the World will be facing now?
The World could be facing a WW3 scenario - with nuclear warhead pointing at one another in a firing position - where for the 1st time - Human Civilisation could be facing the real threat of extinction.
The intuition vision many years ago - has 3 loud bangs that end the World - the like of nuclear weapons. It could have unfold this year 2014. But the World seems to have averted this crisis, at least postpone to very much later - hopefully.
But somehow - human civilisation do end with very big explosion - not sure through nuclear weapons, or a big asteriod hit the Earth or Earth suck into a Black Hole causing very big explosion.
Hopefully at least 3 more generations down the road, Human will not witness this !!!
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