By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Private Limited/Yahoo India News – 3 hours ago
ricky l • a second agoRemove
(1) Concentration meditation
(2) Insight meditation
Concentration meditation objective is to maintain 1 pointedness concentration through the formation of nimitta.
Insight meditation is to examine mental phenonmenon and physcial phenonmenon that arise. It is not correct to say - let the mind wander - then it become dreaming and will not lead to gaining of insights.
Both meditation require 2 aspects of efforts - known as concentration and mindfulness.
Continuous mindfulnesss lead to concentration. Concenttration lead to insights - whether on breath or on mental phenonmenon and physcial phenonmenon that arise.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
When fruition are formed - fruition will be used as respite to draw concentration back as a home after mindful investigative examination of discrete mental and physical phenonmenon. Similarly, heart-base is used as source of verification of the discrete mental and physical phenonmenon that are checked by the mind in Fruition.
Meditator cannot let the mind keep wandering with no concentration base as home - whether 1 pointed nimitta Samadhi or Fruition as home to draw concentration back. Else the mind is a wandering mind and not a concentrated & mindful mind.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Successful insight meditation through continuous mindfulness and concentration of mental and physical phenonmena - will lead to Fruition.
Both Jhana and/or Fruition - should be used as home-based for respite.
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Wandering mind without the right Effort of Mindfulness and Concentration - will still be in Samsara or Mundane World. Any visions are not Insights but mundane ideas.
With Mindfulness of Mental phenonmena (Nama) and Physical phenonmena (Rupa) anchor on Concentration - then it will be Supramundane Jhana Samadhi if transfixed on 1-pointedness Concentration and it will be Supramundane Nirvana Fruition - if transfixed on 3-Ring Fruition Nirvana - with distinct insights on all the discrete, distinct elements of Mental phenonmena and Physical phenonmena.
Meditator must still maintain concentration on an object as a home based for respite while mindful noting of the rising and falling of the distinct, discrete mental and physical phenomena - realising the impermanency as the mental and physical phenomena keep changing, no-self as it s made up of discrete and distinct elements.
The object for concentration as home-based for respite can be the on 1-pointedness Concentration nimitta or the Nirvana Fruition (if Nirvana Fruition is attained = which is Dharma Wheel that enwrap the Whole Universe).
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