Saturday, March 23, 2019

Water shortage in six Malaysian states expected, rationing may be needed

 (Updated: )

Facts :-
(1) In 2008, 14 out of 21 rivers in the Iskandar Malaysia zone had moderate pollution levels while five rivers in the Tebrau catchment exhibited more serious pollution. One river in the Pasir Gudang catchment experienced severe pollution caused by industrial and development activities.

(2) Johor Menteri Besar Osman Sapian said the state government is sharing and providing ideas to the federal government on ways to reduce dependence on treated water from Singapore.
"I have brought forward proposals that would be helpful for the federal government to realise this aim.
"I have also had a talk with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir about the matter and we are looking for ways not to be dependent on treated water from Singapore," he said when met in his office here in Kota Iskandar on Thursday (March 21).
He added that Johor is expected to have water treatment plants ready in the next three to four years.

(3) The average water treatment plant of Malaysia is about US$100 million to more than US$400 million.

(4) From year 2015 to 2019, Malaysia many states have persistently experience drought, fall in rainfall, river drying up and reservoirs below capacity.

(5) Out of 14 private water treatment plants, only 8 are operating, 6 are distressed and terminated (due to no water supply to treat water or polluted water or cannot recover cost).

Johor residents should ask Mahathir and Osman Saipan the following questions :-

(1) On average, Johor has 3.55 million to 5 million people :-
- with so many rivers polluted
- with drought and rainfall has become the persistent problem
- with so many past treatment plant distressed and terminated
- with water treatment plant costing US$100 million to more than US$400 million on average

----- does Johor residents seriously believe their Osman Saipan can produce enough water for them?
---- Even can, can they produce at 50 sen treated water and 3 sen raw water?
---- Will the treated plants be again distressed and terminated again due to polluted water, drought or cannot recover cost - and become white elephants?
Niko Nishi
I can understand when the Johor Menteri Besar Osman Sapian said he wants Johor to be self-sufficient and do not need to depend on Singapore for treated water. But then he showed the whole world his pure stupidity when he said he wants to buy less treated from Singapore. Maybe he was hoping that Singapore will do the same. Malaysia is transistioning from a totally corrupt govt to a brand new govt where most ministers do not have any governing experience and you have plans like building more bridges to Singapore, roll out a third national car project set for launch in 2020, and of course the fantastic unveiling of flying car prototype by the end of this year by Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Yusof who said the vehicle will cost about RM1 million (S$331,000) to develop and will fly at low altitudes. This is the dilemna Malaysians are faced with, corrupt and/or inept govt.
Niko Nishi -
Whatever they want to do - I hope they don't infringe our National Interests, our Sovereignty and our Right of Existence.

They have the right not to depend on us for treated water.

But they have no right to unilaterally amend the Water Agreement - that will infringe our Sovereignty and our Right of Existence.

If they do, then we will have to respond accordingly to safeguard our Sovereignty and our Right of Existence - with whatever Rights (eg. sue them in International Court based on our Rights in the Signed Water Agreement) and Resources that we possess (including Military Actions as last resort if all else fail --- because we will not allow anyone to deny us from our Right of Existence).
Ricky Lim
For eg., we have the right to draw 250 mgd a day at 3 sen raw water (per 1000 gallons).
As per the signed Water Agreement - we must be able to continue to do so.

If they do not want to buy treated water from us 50 mgd a day at 50 sen (per 1000 gallons) - as allow under the signed Water Agreement --- it is their perogative.

We can save RM$1.90 sen (per 1000 gallons) of subsidy to Malaysia.

But think carefully --- you think Mahathir (who has the propensity to want to win at all cost) --- will let this go easily?

As they not only lose the 3 sen of raw water they sell us, and lose our subsidy of RM$1.90 sen for treated water?

In addition, they will be spending USD$100 to more than 400 million on their water treatment plant with no guarantee of success.

You think Mahathir will not give us a hard time - 3 to 4 years down the road when the hard truth come to them --- that they will sustaining a terrible loss?

We must try to influence the Johor residents to stop Mahathir and Osman Saipan stupidity --- knowing that they are in for a terrible mistake.

Just do some simple mathematics -- prove what they are trying to do - will be terribly wrong.

Hopefully the Johor residents can stop Mahathir and Osman Saipan stupidity before it is too late --- after presenting them all the facts now.

If they still continue to go on with their stupidity --- and 3 to 4 years regret about it ---- Singapore and Singaporeans will need to get ourselves ready for any sharp responses --- if they try to be unreasonable with us using the Water Agreement to exert pressure on us - that infringe on our Sovereignty and our Right of Existence.

Ricky Lim
Note :- The exchanges could be as sharp as now ---- or could even be sharper --- depending on the circumstances and political reality there and here 3 to 4 years down the road.

If these could be prevented now --- by making the Johor residents realise - how wrong Mahathir and Osman Saipan in their calculation, wrong and costly decision ---- future confrontation can be avoided.

But of course, there is a possibility that Mahathir and his apple polisher Osman Saipan - may no longer be around --- and new Leaders will do their calculation and discover that working with Singapore is a better option 3 to 4 years down the road.

Then our current worry may no longer be necessary.

But if 3 to 4 years down the road if Mahathir is still around ---- I doubt "the leopard will change its spot" --- and we must be ready and prepare ourselves for sharp or sharper responses against this old cunning fox --- as he is working towards a big costly mistake.
Ricky Lim
The current show of "self dependency" on treated water for Johor ---- is just a "political show" --- to stoke the emotion of Johor residents about "nationalism" --- but are not make aware to Johor residents that it is a costly mistake based on $ and sen or economic principle.

It will eventually hurt Johor residents pocket --- or Malaysia will have to dig deeper into their financial coffer --- in terms of more borrowing or more debt to finance their "questionable investment".

And when their calculation go wrong 3 to 4 years down the road --- they will then again invoke the emotion of "nationalism" to find fault with Singapore - to cover their mistake.

Singapore and Malaysia will again embroil in sharp exchanges --- like what we are going through now ---- no ends to "Mahathir style of hostile confrontation and his style of politicking" rather than governing in good faith to promote welfare for his people or for mutual benefits with his neighbors.

AY Lim
Ricky Lim 👏👏👏.
Raymond Chan
Mahatir once said that Singaporeans are drinking toilet water when we introduced Newwater into our taps. Instead of ridiculeing our water resources Mahatir should have taken the water issue in his country seriously. A wake up call not a joke. Today Malaysia is facing the prospect of water rationing. Instead he is bickering about water price, croocked bridge, his national car project. Malaysians should ask him for an explanation.
Winston Ling
with water pollution threatening the world's drinkable water sources, i wont be surprised more ppl globally will be using water treatment process on waste water in future.

the "Toilet water" claims isnt correct actually, NEWATER is treating the water that comes from your kitchen sink, from washing vegetables and dishes and such.
While "toilet water" is going to sewage pipes and not the same pipes from your kitchen sink.

so technically speaking NEWATER and toilet water is not even the same source.
2ndly the treated Water, is very clean.
Lastlt only a small percentage of that NEWATER is mixed into the water that you get from your taps, so the "taste" is hardly noticed when the mixed amount is only like 5% or less.
Frankly i wont mind drinking NEWATER than being threaten with water pipe cut off by Malaysia.
I believe Singapore has the ability to be 100% self sufficiant, but as of now the cost of doing so is not cheap, and buying raw water to treat is still lower cost than desalination.
but by 2061, the water treatment tech and cost might be comparable to the raw water price. so even if the agreement laspe by then Singapore should not need to buy water anymore by then.
Poi Pat
I believe toilet water and kitchen water will merge into one pipe eventually and goes into water treatment plant. I saw pictures of glasses of toilet water recycled into clear water at the treatment plant.
Btw, newater has no minerals at all unlike potable water from river. Minerals are essential for children growth confirmed by doctor eho often said drink more water when people are sick. I don't think newater is healthy although it is safe to drink.
Poi pat newwater was pump into our reservoir recently fyi. New water do not go to our tap directly!
Eng Hong Ong
all these talk about "minerals".. One good meal will give you more minerals you will ever get from water for a year..

by the way, eating celery for 1 months will cure all cancer.. eating avocado for 1 year will grant immortality...
Niko Nishi
They are blessed with natural resources, water, oil, tin, etc but just do not know how to manage them
Paul Tan
Never if they don't know how to manage them, they also not letting others to manage them.
Michael Thomas
Mahatir is full of shit!
Georgie Tan
Is SG till providing extra water at RM0.50 sen? Hope SG Govt will not do so but at cost. The Johor people will understand and hopefully protest again the FLAKE JBCM for doing nothing but causing trouble. The Sultan will also understand SG problem given by M and his flaker.
Niko Nishi
Why is Malaysia facing shortage of water while Singapore is allowed and able to draw 250 MG of water a day from Linggiu. This doesn't happened by chance or Allah fall more rain around Linggiu.
Singapore signed a new water agreement with Johor on 24 November 1990 that allowed Singapore to build a dam across Sungei Linggiu to extract water from the Johor River. Without the dam, Singapore was unable to draw the 250 million gallons per day of water it was entitled to under the 1962 water agreement.
To build the dam, Singapore had to compensate Johor RM$320 million for the land needed to build the dam and its surrounding facilities.This was in addition to a premium of RM18,000 per ha (per 10,000 sq m) and an annual rent of RM30 for every 1,000 sq ft (per 92.9 sq m) of the land. Singapore would also bear the cost of constructing and maintaining the dam, which would be transferred to Johor at a later date.
The dam, together with other saddle embankments and ancillary works to create the Linggiu Reservoir, was completed in April 1993 at a cost of S$310 million, and that was some 26 years ago.
All these costs to Singapore are of course not mentioned in Mahathir's claim that it is "morally wrong" water agreement and price of 3 sens per thousand gallons is ridiculous. And all these costs are nothing to him because they went to the State of Johor and not his pocket.
AY Lim
👍👍👍Much thanks for the information you gave, sir.

Georgie Lee
If need be Singapore should only supply to Johore. Let that 93 year old snake drink toilet water and urine.

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