Sunday, March 3, 2019

As a Special Forces soldier, he stormed a hijacked Singapore Airlines plane. Now he's a monk

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
We must have wisdom and are kind and compassionate and are willing to self-help and help others in need if we can.

But if any evil people take advantage of us, threaten "Our Right Of Existence" or "Our Sovereignty" or "Our National Interest" --- we will not hesitate to protect and safeguard "Our Right Of Existence" or "Our Sovereignty" or "Our National Interest" - including the use of military forces.


Ricky Lim
Caroline Chung
Salute to you, Drachom! Yoi are a true son to Singapore.
Valen Chen Tany
The true son of this universe is more apt. We are just a little red dot
Justin Lee
Wow, look so young after serving 30 yrs passionately in SAF.

We Dare!
Ali Gandh
Hijacker not really professional nothing Great
Taggerson Jade
And you imagine you can do better I suppose lol
Alfred Yip
Taggerson Jade it would have been him storming the plane if he's great. Ignore these people lah..
Justin Art
Taggerson Jade Maybe they need people to be decoys for the terrorists to focus on. Oh wait, our guys were so efficient they didn't even need that, so Ali would just be in the way hah hah
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
@Ali Gandh:
Next time if your airplane ever gets hijacked, remember to tell the hijackers that they are "not really professional", and then see what happens. LOL
Lorenzo Lim JingXiang
I pity your views and people around you to spread love, kindness and compassion.... mouth is for praising people whoever they about how he become navy seal..... u become one then u open your smelly mouth. Shame on you and your family who brought you up!
Desmond Ang
Nothing great!!!!...Lolxxx... Fool I
think you only know how to storm to the toilet when u r having diarrhea!!!
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
Well, that made a perfect live target practice that sent a warning to others.
Mac Lee
agreed. they are up against some amatuers..even BMT FIBUA training can take on these jokers already.
SOF... another useless SAF regular force.
Alfred Yip
Mac Lee useless regular force? Can you even pass the selection test?
Muk Weng Sang Roy
Mac Lee it doesn't matter amateurs or not. 30secs flat with no casualties isn't an easy feat, it's seriously hard. People like you are really fked up keyboard warriors.

Like the rest said. Could you all do a better job? Maybe try passing the SOF selection first yea?
Muk Weng Sang Roy Haha they can't even pass the selection for the selection test!
Eone Torres
@ Ali Gandh. Thats is why the officers took their time to take them out in 30 secs...
Desmond Ang
Alfred Yip ....Talk is cheap....n the Marc guy is just another amateurish fool even in keyboard warrioring!
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Mac Lee
Whether or not the hijackers were professional or part-time, most people, myself included, would be terrified to take them on.

If you put any NSF in that situation, I dare say he would be breathing so heavily that his breath would fog up his glasses, thinking only about texting his girlfriend in case he doesn't survive, and definitely shaking so much that he would not be able to hold his rifle properly, let alone take a perfect shot at the terrorist.

Don't disparage the SOF, bro. If you have served NS before, consider the SOF your 自家人. : )
Pipe Hanger Paul
You mean is there professional terrorist?? Is there such profession? Where to apply?😂😂😂
Pipe Hanger Paul
Mac Lee have you ever attend both training before? FIBUA and CQB? Maybe u should go have a look at YouTube and find out the difference between FIBUA and CQB...😂
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Pipe Hanger Paul
Professional terrorists are full time terrorists. They usually belong to an organisation that doesn't speak English (except maybe the Irish Republican Army). From 9am to 5pm, they sit in a dark warehouse to plot world domination. Then after 5pm, they go to the local bar to drink and discuss more terrorist plans where anybody can overhear them.

Part-time terrorists are those who work a regular day job e.g. a receptionist at Temasek Holdings. They are given ad-hoc terrorist assignments and projects. It's like relief teaching, but far more sinister. Part-time terrorists are more feared and hated by world governments because they don't declare their terrorist earnings during income tax season. : )
Sim Kwang Meng
Understand..u are a professional kite flyer. Nothing is great under your arrogant nose. Only yourself. Please be grateful and useful.
Ha, U would b more than n idiot or that your religious house is a fraud if u cannot graduate s a monk. Every poor parent would leave their babies or young child at the doorstep of a religious house for them to b a monk or nun to survive. if u start at birth or a young child n through decades of religious teaching to b a monk or nun n u can’t b one, I rest my case.
So for adults who had went through decades of training, strict discipline, being a teacher n could find difficulties being a monk or nun, your argument will b on thin ice.
For a start, he is like a farmer pilot of the RSAF. MeaningSee More
Richard Kam
You sound more like a donkey braying or a chimpanzee screeching?
Muhammad Fadris Prakash
I tink if u were in the SOF position n with those not really professional hijackers, YOU WOULD HAVE WET YOUR PANTS
Hub Sun
I believe Drachom would remember Col. Lo YP.
Alfred Yip
Venerable Drachom was my OC in 3rd Coy and at that time Col Lo was my CO.
Jm Chow
Fred Cheong is a brilliant soldier. Is he as successful as a monk ?
If jetsetting is a yardstick ...then Fred Cheong is "successful" fact more than Dalai Lama himself.

Buddha's teaching is NOT about " spiritual warrior", NOT about "meditation ", NOT about traveling to retreats around the world seeking "enlightenment".

Buddha was not a spiritual warrior, nor traveled the world to retreat, nor meditated achieve enlightenment. Cheong is as misguided as Dalai Lama.
Frank Cranky Lee
you know how far the Buddha travelled on foot?
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
@JM Chow:
I'm not a Buddhist so I can't judge, but yes, I did notice that he is more a freelance, itinerant type of monk. Still, I don't think it's very nice of you to say that he and the Dalai Lama are both misguided.

Probably in his situation, after being in a financially-comfortable leadership position for so long, it would be hard to join a monastery full time, constantly take orders from people, and live a life that depends on handouts and charitable donations. Hence his preference for a more independent lifestyle while still maintaining his HDB maisonette.

Again, I can't judge. It's his choice, and he's using his own money to pay for everything. Nonetheless, my deep respect to him for his contributions to the nation, and his discipline and achievements.
James JuxArt Phang
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence Even Buddha started life as Siddhārtha Gautama. There's a time and place for everything, and everything one experiences in life is a step on the path of enlightenment (whether forwards or backwards). His experiences in the army are an important part of his personal journey.
Lorenzo Lim JingXiang
84000 ways and methods to attained "enlightened".... different vehicles for different people.... if u are a rich and powerful man.....would u learn the dharma or believe in someone who is poor and unglam and uneducated or low achiever? Shows ur view in very narrow too. Do some self reflection dude.
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
JM CHOW you may have come from a society where religion doesn't exist, that does not mean u are entitled to belittle others including Buddhism and Dalai Lama.
Chang Allen
JM CHOW , What Qualification you possess that you must comment
so negatively .You need to go Kindergarden school to learn...RESPECT !
You give me the impression You are a Pro......?
Nicole Tan
Have never been impressed with people that talk and never ever walk a step on their boring talk.
U would b more than n idiot or that your religious house is a fraud if u cannot graduate s a monk. Every poor parent would leave their babies or young child at the doorstep of a religious house for them to b a monk or nun to survive. if u start at birth or a young child n through decades of religious teaching to b a monk or nun n u can’t b one, I rest my case.
So for adults who had went through decades of training, strict discipline, being a teacher n could find difficulties being a monk or nun, your argument will b on thin ice.
For a start, he is like a farmer pilot of the RSAF. Meaning witSee More
Jm Chow
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Buddha, an Indian prince gave up the luxury of a royal life..not to seek spiritual warriorship...but to seek ways .. to help those poor, those sick and dying, those help his people stop their life long pain and suffering,.... the living "hell' they had to all their life.

Both Cheong and Dalai Lama...was misguided because (you put it nicely) ...they chose to enjoy jetset ways of life with the wealth and wordly things they have.
They should have given up all worldly things they lead the simple life of a monk....just like what Buddha did.

If Cheong were honest about seeking enlightenment, he should have started first living his life...according to the ways (how a month should live) taught by Buddha himself (for more info on this, read the Pali canon for the original words of Buddha..on Monkhood)
Jm Chow
Guna Shekeran Vijayan ....Chang Allen

Is it about me...or about Cheong's deviation from Buddha teaching?
By saying "you may have come from a society where religion doesn't exist," attack me...showing your utter ignorance about the teaching of Buddha.

I come from a strong Buddhist family, educated in a Christain brother schools, ... one of my interests in life .is religious studies.
I've spent the last 35 years doing serious reading and understanding Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Taoism. I now know at least the basic techings of all these great religions.
About the ways of Buddhist monkhood, Buddha teaching.. is recorded in great details in one of the greatest Buddhist holy books, the Pali Canon.

Cheong does not live his life ..according to Buddha's teaching...(as recorded in the Pali Canon.)
Christopher Bong
My respect Drachom for what you have done in your life. Om Mani Padme Hum.
Justin Art
Peter/JM Chow, I believe you missed the part of the article where it is mentioned that his travels were to "learn, teach and meditate." Google "Tenzin Drachom" to see what other activities he has been involved in since he started his path.

The path for enlightenmnt for Buddhism is an ongoing journey and does not even end in one's lifetime. To ask if he is successful or not, which is an end-goal, implies you do not even know about the path he is following, much less able to gauge whether he is successful or not.
Taggerson Jade
Was wondering why JM Chow was so salty about since he obviously doesn't understand Buddhism or read the article properly. Then saw his last line. He is just looking for any excuse for a pro-China rant as usual lol.
Guna Shekeran Vijayan
Taggerson Jade He is pro communist.
Jm Chow
Justin Art

I've read about his travel..."to learn, to teach and to meditate"... to seek spiritual strength like seeking military the way of a naval seal.

Since you talked about buddhism and enlightenment...I assumed you have read about Buddha's teaching for they should live their life and how they should conduct themselves. If not, you may like to read the Pali canon....before offering your advice.

Buddhism of the deviated kind (soccer god or male organ god or four- faced money god) of those practised in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia..and their versions of enlightenment , I am not what Cheong is in practice.
He least...follow that Buddha want his monks to do... as a Buddhist monk.
Shi Jie Sang
He should be a pastor instead
Hub Sun
It all would ends up the same destiny and purpose
Justin Art
Google Tenzin Drachom. He's doing good works as a monk.
Chan Cw
why should he be a pastor and not a monk? will be interesting to hear your thoughts.
Joe Armada Jonas
Yes let us here your thoughts..
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
@Shi Jie Sang:
I'm assuming you mean a church pastor? He's not a Christian, so it's not likely.
Even if he is, it's not a calling for every devoted Christian to be a pastor.
Anthony C Yip
How many more youth can be another Fred Cheong? Not even a few. Maybe not even one more.
To survive through those torturous military courses takes more than guts, determination & willpower.
He had to live in another dimension to keep going & stay alive to graduate.
Ordained as Drachom, he will have to live in the spiritual dimension in his quest for answers to all his questions.
How many of us can do that?
Or has the opportunity to do that?
James JuxArt Phang
Everything one experiences in life is a step on the path of enlightenment (whether forwards or backwards). His experiences in the army are an important part of his personal journey.
Anthony C Yip
James JuxArt Phang, yes very true. I do agree with you.
Nicole Tan
I guess you around the age of Fred cheong? How many of You did anything remotely inspiring like Fred? Maybe the youth today are whatever you assume bec the adults are no role models.
Anthony C Yip
Nicole Tan, you guessed wrong.
I am much older. Yes, people from my generation, the post WW II baby boomers, have a very different perspective on the youth of today. That's only normal .
Mohamed Shah
right choice before PAP make you paper general and lying to singaporean.
Hub Sun
Alfred, your good fortune to have these great leaders leading the team.
Lee Kuan
I was once in a high flying finance job that people admires (in my 30s), now I am in a lowly paid menial job (at 56 years old).
Tommie Vale
Very interesting life. But didn't mention about his wife or children.
And why Tibetan Buddhism and not Theravada Buddhism?
Alfred Yip
Dude.. his wife died before he left service. If I were you I'll remove this comment. Thank you.
Shu Ra Aaron
Alfred Yip Cindy
Ace Lim
btw, what do you understand between Tibetan Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism?
Tommie Vale
Alfred Yip how did you know? It wasn't mentioned in the article.
Tommie Vale
Ace Lim as a general rule, Theravada Buddhism is more suitable for South Asian and closer to the original Buddhism.
Nicole Tan
Alfred Yip why in your opinion should he remove his comment. Is death of a spouse shameful?
Alfred Yip
Nicole Tan don't bring up his sad past.. let this man live his current life in peace.
Alfred Yip
Tommie Vale He was my OC when I served. He apartment is 2 blocks from mine.
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
@Alfred Yip:
Nicole Tan didn't bring up his sad past, bro. You were the one who mentioned it.
Anyway, nice to know that you had the privilege of being one of his men, and neighbour as well.
Goh Jon Hin
Alfred Yip
Hopefully you can understand Chinese.
Alfred Yip
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence I'm stationed in Vietnam and I don't wish to type to much. As long as I get my message across. Nicole Tan, death of his spouse isn't shameful but it's his past which may hurt.
Peitwan Liong
Alfred Yip thank u very much.
Siew Tia
everyone is true son of Singapore to build a modern nations. l servers my 2year NS n reserve until old. but in the end l get nothing. everybody cooperation hand in hand together is the best.
Cynthia Stansilaus
Woow! Very impressive! A hero!
He was the talk of the town then when he rescued the SQ passengers.
Very focused and brave. He succeeded in his rescue of the passengers from the hostages. Very very delicate and task where there was no room for mistakes.
Tin Aung Moe
Much much respect for you, Sir!
Chia Leckmeng
Be any Chinese practise ditnities, ancesstors, or Buddhism worships believe what one actions on this earthly world will accuminate 'good & bad' kamar. After death, one's soul will be judge on the 'good or bad' kamar achieved.

Those souls that prossesed many bad and little good kamar will have to suffer 'punishments in The Stages of Hell. One's soul will only be 'saved' and allow to enter 'Heaven' after paying for one's bad kamar.

This Fred Cheong 55 must have realised that he has have done many bad deeds, that the general public do not know about; and now becomes a Buddhist Monk to accuminaSee More
Xanzee Hotenmal
Why you so sure he did something bad? He took the last occupied seat on the train from you izzit
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
@Chia Leckmeng:
Who are you to judge that "he has have done many bad deeds, that the general public do [sic] not know about"?

Do you know him personally? Or are you just jealous of his achievements and life purpose, both of which you obviously lack in your own sad life?

Also, according to your twisted logic:
more good deeds that a person does = more bad deeds that he has done in his past?

I really pity the people who have to live with you.
Taggerson Jade
Do you know this guy well or even at at all, or did you just ASSuME his bad past? Or are you claiming to be omniscient? Different people become monks for different reasons. Some find a calling. Some are fulfilling a promise for a prayer answered.

The Buddhism he is practicing is about reaching enlightenment, not about avoiding hell or approaching heaven. At least do some research before sounding silly, yeah.
KS Lim
Recently, SAF are getting bad limelight due to multiple accidents in short period. They badly need need some good stories to bring back their image. CNA is doing them a favor. I do not agree to put so much limelight just to hero rise one person, there are many unsung heros also served in the NS and sacrifice their time as well.
Tp Chua
As a Singapore soldier I will shoot any hijacker whether professional or not. They ought to disappear as scum.
Taggerson Jade
The amateurs can be more dangerous than the professionals. They are the type who more often than not, don't follow instructions, accidentally trigger explosives, kill unnecessarily, sometimes accidentally (rule-fingers out of the trigger guard unless necessary)...
Zhang Jin
cant really see his buck teeth!anyway all the best against all odds.
Alfred Yip
Courage Dispels Fear..FHAG!
Harbans Khakh
Love the guy. See you in Dharamshala soon.
Mac Lee
and the gurkhas is for what use?
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Those are to protect Lee Hsien Loong and Ho Ching LOL
Taggerson Jade
Gurkhas in Singapore support the police, not the army. Do some research before trying to act smart, please....
Cynthia Stansilaus
Did we have a better training for the army and police then, compared to now?
Was it more stringent and straight no nonsense type training then compared to now?
Was is it about the attitude towards the training that was different then compared to now?
Then how did we lose our grounds on "Little India riot"? Too many protocols/ hinderance that lead to failure? The response and action in the handling was slower and poor.
Does anyone army officer have any answers.?
Kelvin Ng
remember encik mike gee
Mac Lee
i can look that young if have nothing stressful to think about, run around all day long and terkan the NSmen for fun for 30 years!
try working for a job in the private sector for a change!
AK New
Salute to you Sir ! 🙏venerable
Eileen Tan
Lovely article. Enjoyed reading it. Amazing man!
Peitwan Liong
Thank u.
Mark Chen
Yes, you only have 1 shot to kill...there is no 2 shots...
Vincent Tan
Yi Yong Ke
om mani padme hum...
Om ah hum
Peitwan Liong
Thank u. May u be well and happy too.
Foong Mun Loh
far better than being a yes-man puppet in Pinky's LumParLEEment..........
Eddie Lim
did he ever spare a thought for his wife and children???
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Heard that his wife has already passed away. Likely he has no children.
Eddie Lim
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence i really think i need to counsel this man...clearly got some mental issure.... u know he should have remarried and have a soul mate and possible have children, if cant, its ok, just do something for society after SAF and Sg gives him so much pay and gratuity to retire early.. not doing some fake monkhood now and then in tibet....or maybe he has double life we wont know and now just seeking attention on media...
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Eddie Lim
Aiyah, let him do what he wants with his money lah : )
As long as he doesn't use religion to cheat people like what Kong Hee did. LOL

I'm not a Buddhist but I also don't criticise him for choosing his path. Probably he finds peace and fulfillment with what he does, plus he gets to travel and teach people, which is what he enjoys.

Some widowers find it hard to re-marry after their wife has died. Last time my landlord was someone whose wife died from cancer. Although I can see that he gets lonely after he comes home from work every evening, he told me that the thought of re-marrying has never crossed his mind. Maybe it's too painful for him, or he may feel that re-marrying is like betraying his first wife.
Eddie Lim
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence bro, frankly, i dont buy his BS, i am not that gullible... ok let me first quote him : “In the military, I destroyed the enemy outside. Now I destroy the enemy inside.”..... ok this clearly shows that he is aware there is some evilness or sinfulness inside him and that he needs to be a monk to overcome it.... so we really dont know what kind of double life he has lived earlier or still living now that only his constant trips to tibet will help... i think he is either too free, too rich or plain BS attention seeker...
Goh Jon Hin
Eddie Lim
Who are you? Who are you to counsel others who chose what path of life to lead? Who gave you that right?
In the military, taking orders from his superior to kill the hijackers in the rescue operation was not a crime, and certainly not any evil doing.
Why are you so piss off with that? Was any of the hijackers your buddy?
Eddie Lim
Goh Jon Hin who are u too? who give u the right to lecture me here in CNA? of cos u have the right, so do i..everyone is entitled to his opinions to post in CNA ok, as long dont get sued can liao...haha....anyway i am not pissed off, i am just having fun here...hehe :)
Goh Jon Hin
Eddie Lim I respect your opinion but accusing other evilness and BS is different. I surely understand scum like you do have fun doing scum business. What else can you be?
Eddie Lim
Goh Jon Hin at first i respect your earlier comment , but after u called me scum...i think u r not much better than me, also another scum having fun here....haha ... :)
John PC
You are gone but you are not forgotten . What makes a hero . Sir , you've serve your country well .
Sãm Ng
Peitwan Liong
Thank u
U would b more than n idiot or that your religious house is a fraud if u cannot graduate s a monk. Every poor parent would leave their babies or young child at the doorstep of a religious house for them to b a monk or nun to survive. if u start at birth or a young child n through decades of religious teaching to b a monk or nun n u can’t b one, I rest my case.
So for adults who had went through decades of training, strict discipline, being a teacher n could find difficulties being a monk or nun, your argument will b on thin ice.
For a start, he is like a farmer pilot of the RSAF. Meaning with so much training n accolades, he could not get his full colonel or one star general, it meant he did not have a degree recognized by the SAF at that time, or simply not a scholar.
Thus, if he were to take on any challenging jobs to have a decent pay s a civilian, after his frustration with the SAF which he did not say, he would b so frustrated that very young managers would breath down his neck for the pittance paid job he would b doing s a civilian. Many military ppl ended in disaster in civilian life coz they were pampered in the military with full provision of food n needs.
If he was no longer poor to support his aging parents in Sg, n traveling around the world to retreats which r only supreme treatments for privileged religious ppl in all religions including Abrahamic religions. Many lower level monks, nuns n religious ppl do not get retreats let alone such luxurious retreats coz all these airplane fares, transports to hotels n places n good hotels needed tax payers money if not donations from tax payers. U can’t make money out of meditation n prayers in Any capitalist society.
So to me religious ppl of these orders r parasites except those who helped the poor to learn a skill to make money or contribute to society. Wasting time in any temples, caves or retreats r not productive contributions to a capitalist society.
Sim Kwang Meng
Hero. True Singaporean son . Respect. A real teacher.
Raymond Chan
Yeah, we should have more of such people. Buddha bless you.
Edmond Ho
Cheong , Salute ! 💪🙏
You are one in a Billion...

Tqvm for protecting SG and making us Safe , Peaceful and Respected in the world !!🙏🙏
HP Home
You are great, done proud to the country. I salute you
Bee Seng
He found happiness.

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