Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen attends Langkawi aerospace exhibition; meets Malaysian counterpart
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/lima19-ng-eng-hen-langkawi-aerospace-exhibition-rsaf-11382438

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
At the Ministerial level, Singapore and Malaysia relationship are still cordial.

Thus we should take a long-term view and be careful not to sour the bi-laternal relationship at the Ministerial level.
Pang Jun Jie
SG and MY are like two squabbling sibilings. While we argue from time to time, deep down inside we know we have each other's back. And then of course you have the other sibiling (aka Indon) who is suffering from the middle child syndrome, haha. I'm just kidding, relax!
Tun Osman
First we are not sibling. How can we be sibling when we're from different parents. We're just neighbour. This great for The Little Red Dot. We can show to the others that we're not a push over. We should all be a good neighbours helping each others.
Raymond Goh
Tun Osman Bro., Well said. We show them that this red dot is not easily to be pushed over.
Willie Lim Ghim Lee
It is very rude by addressing or shaking hands with people wearing a sunglasses

If others can do it without wearing under the hot sun , why cant you do it ?
Minister cannot tahan under the sun ?

To me its a disrespect to others
Tun Osman
That also you want to make an issue ? If got nothing better to post, just zip it.
Georgie Lee
I dont think so. After all Mr Ng is not the only one wearing glasses on that day.I think it is very childish to pass such remarks.
Raymond Goh
Tun Osman Right on the dot. Only bird brain will comments on such small things.
Georgie Lee
Mr Ng, be wary of those smiling tigers from the BOLEH LAND. Indonesia is our friend.
Tun Osman
Georgie Lee, our Ministers are way smarter than the boleh land. Infact our Ministers now are more firm.
Georgie Lee
Tun Osman I think so

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