Friday, March 8, 2019

Five years on, five theories about MH370's disappearance

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Malaysia military radar detected the MH370 deviate and go pass Penang airspace towards the Indian Ocean - after it disappear from KL civilian radar.

Wonder why Malaysia did not scramble its FA18 hornet jet hosted in Butterworth to intercept and follow where it goes or escort it back?

Thought Malaysia FA18 are still able to fly?
Eddie Lim
maybe old snake did
Kim Minhye
alien attack
The saddest air tragic.
Still remember many nation conduct their wasted extensive search with mislead info provide by the country sadly run national carrier back then.
Roland Wee
Simple as that know but
Roland Wee
Possible people know but without evidence. Who are people on board from where to where
Pher Kim Huat
Would like to extend my deepest sympathy to the families of the victims of this MH370 disappearance as 5 years on still no closures for them.
Based on the theories mentioned here, the possibility seems more likey to be the first two i.e. either "Mechanical Failure", or "Rogue Pilot" as Zaharie was a veteran pilot who knows the aircraft well enough to manoeuvre and glide it smoothly to the deepest of the Indian Ocean with minimum impact so that it's very difficult to be found despite a few fragments of the jet have already been found, all on western Indian Ocean shores ?
There will be a lot of debris if the pilot lost control as the aircraft would likely smashed onto the surface of the ocean but in this case, it seemed to be "glided professionally" like a "professional diver" to cause minimum splash and went down deep into the ocean bed ?
Also, it's a mystery why the aircraft turn back from its original north bound path to fly over the Indian Ocean that sounds rather "deliberate" ?
Though may still be possible, the other theories seem more speculative like the "bomoh" offering his help with a coconut as his tool to search for the aircraft in KL Airport ?
Though seems very difficult after such a long time and effort rendered with professionals and helpful countries like Australia, etc, just hope we can finally break this mystery to give the victim's families a deserved closure.
Kenny Williams
The plane's transponder was turned off. The news article did not touch on this issue. Very weird !! Who ever idiot who did it, didn't want the plane to be seen and/tracked. There is an element of premeditation about this incident.

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