Monday, March 18, 2019

The Big Read: To build a strong water-saving culture, S'pore needs more than recycled messages

PUB's water conservation campaigns over the years have become a regular fixture since the first one in 1962 but are the messages just old water in new bottles?
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
In October 2016, water in Johor’s Linggiu Reservoir, which supplies water to Singapore, reached a historic low of 20 per cent.

From a high of 80% capacity before 2015, Johor’s Linggiu Reservoir capacity has been hovering around 20 to 27% ---- and this has become increasingly unreliable water source for us.

Thus cannot imagine Mahathir and Osman Saipan want to build a separate water treatment plant to treat their own water ---- where actually, drought and lack of rainfall is the actual cause of water shortage.

Cannot imagine how does building a new water plant can help Mahathir and Osman Saipan's cause of providing enough water for Johor residents?

They should work with Singapore and continue with the current water arrangement for Singapore to provide some treated water to Johor.

Christopher Bong
Looks like the price of water will be moving upwards again. Unlike PUB, PAP’s method is to raise price.
R u spreading fake news to topper SG GOV?
David Lim
Missing : the actual water cost per hectolitre trend in the past 10 years which was never discussed by our government before raising water prices and indirectly amplifying the ‘save water’ message
Bottom line just try not to waste water. The rest dun matter.
KS Lim
Car washers in condos are one of the culprits to waste water. I have seen families and individual just let the water gust out of the drain because they know that they don't have to pay for the water, they think that their heavy maintenance fee can justify for the cost. Such a shame to see well to do people still behave this way.
Report them!
Peng Hock Lee
Catching water is simple but it needs concerted effort to bring culture to bear on water storage, drainage and recycling. All overhead structures should have catchment drainage to gradient flow towards storage.

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