(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
I still have the feelings that the younger Malaysian Ministers wanted a good bi-lateral relationship with Singapore.
Only Mahathir (and 1 or 2 apple-polishers eg. Osman Saipan) are the trouble-makers.
I have the feelings that once Mahathir step down or leave the political scene --- Singapore and Malaysia bi-lateral relationship will improve.
Only Mahathir (and 1 or 2 apple-polishers eg. Osman Saipan) are the trouble-makers.
I have the feelings that once Mahathir step down or leave the political scene --- Singapore and Malaysia bi-lateral relationship will improve.
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Ricky Lim
There are no good reasons why the younger Malaysian Ministers want a poor bi-lateral relationship with Singapore (with the exception of Mahathir) :-
(1) If Johor want to treat their own water, Malaysia as a whole will lose :-
- 3 sen raw water
- pay only subsidised 50 sen for treated water (as the actual cost of treating the water is much higher) - Singapore is subsidising the water treatment.
- the real risk of Johor facing water shortage - due to persistent drought (as water rationing has become more often since 2015 up to now).
(2) Losing S$16.6 billion or RM$50 billion a year in tourism receipt.
(3) Losing US$26 billion or RM$105.3 billion investment.
(4) Losing US$31.6 billion or RM$127.98 billion in trade.
(1) If Johor want to treat their own water, Malaysia as a whole will lose :-
- 3 sen raw water
- pay only subsidised 50 sen for treated water (as the actual cost of treating the water is much higher) - Singapore is subsidising the water treatment.
- the real risk of Johor facing water shortage - due to persistent drought (as water rationing has become more often since 2015 up to now).
(2) Losing S$16.6 billion or RM$50 billion a year in tourism receipt.
(3) Losing US$26 billion or RM$105.3 billion investment.
(4) Losing US$31.6 billion or RM$127.98 billion in trade.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Christopher Tan
It's not nice to call our neighbours "Apple Polishers"
Ricky Lim
Christopher Tan - calling Osman Saipan apple-polisher is mild.
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K Tan Don
We are ok to have a good relation with SG, but not like what Najib did..thank you
Like · Reply · 55m
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Whoever your PM is - is your internal affair - as long as he don't display hostile intent to Singapore and hurt us.
We have the right of self-defence - if anyone violate our Right of Existence, our Sovereignty and our National Interest.
We have the right of self-defence - if anyone violate our Right of Existence, our Sovereignty and our National Interest.
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K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : As I commented previously, you are most welcome to sink the boat if you see the Johor MB sitting in are doing us a favor..
Like · Reply · 2h
Kizwan Chronos
Ricky Lim (1) not really, Malaysia will not lose if treating their own water. Drought isn't the main reason for the water shortage. Instead the Johor water treatment plant unable to treat the water efficiently (at full capacity maybe) because it have problem. If draught was the reason then SG will have problem too because the raw water are from Johor river. No idea for many years why this wasn't fixed or resolved. This is due to incompetence of previous state administration.
It is good idea for Johor to treat the raw water themselves. Kinda shame for richest state like Johor depend on other state. Also another point why this is good idea is this issue/disagreement regarding water rate will not come up anymore in the future.
It is good idea for Johor to treat the raw water themselves. Kinda shame for richest state like Johor depend on other state. Also another point why this is good idea is this issue/disagreement regarding water rate will not come up anymore in the future.
Like · Reply · 11h
Ricky Lim
Kizwan Chronos -
(1) You say Malaysia will not lose if Johor treat its own water? Really?
- Singapore pay 3 sen for raw water.
- Singapore only charge Johor 50 sen for treated water (per 1000 gallons).
- Singapore directly subsidises to Malaysia = RM$1.90 sen (per 1000 gallons).
- Malaysia sells the water to Malaysia consumers = RM$3.60 sen (per 1000 gallons).
- Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
Can Malaysia treat its own water at this price?
--- Remember, Malaysians cannot drink directly from its tap water without causing stomach upset - need to be boiled.
---- Singapore water can be drank directly from the tap.
(2) Do you know why Singapore still can tap the raw water from Johor despite the persistent drought?
- Because Singapore spend S$300 million to build a Linggiu dam to trap and store all the rainwater.
- In total, Singapore has spend S$1 billion on Johor project - so that both Singapore and Johor has sufficient water to be treated.
(3) The water agreement between Singapore and Johor is a signed international agreement in which both Singapore and Malaysia must adhere to until the contract lapse in 2061.
There is no question of uni-laterally altering the water agreement.
Else we will have the right to bring Malayisa to the International Court - if Malaysia break the contract.
(1) You say Malaysia will not lose if Johor treat its own water? Really?
- Singapore pay 3 sen for raw water.
- Singapore only charge Johor 50 sen for treated water (per 1000 gallons).
- Singapore directly subsidises to Malaysia = RM$1.90 sen (per 1000 gallons).
- Malaysia sells the water to Malaysia consumers = RM$3.60 sen (per 1000 gallons).
- Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
Can Malaysia treat its own water at this price?
--- Remember, Malaysians cannot drink directly from its tap water without causing stomach upset - need to be boiled.
---- Singapore water can be drank directly from the tap.
(2) Do you know why Singapore still can tap the raw water from Johor despite the persistent drought?
- Because Singapore spend S$300 million to build a Linggiu dam to trap and store all the rainwater.
- In total, Singapore has spend S$1 billion on Johor project - so that both Singapore and Johor has sufficient water to be treated.
(3) The water agreement between Singapore and Johor is a signed international agreement in which both Singapore and Malaysia must adhere to until the contract lapse in 2061.
There is no question of uni-laterally altering the water agreement.
Else we will have the right to bring Malayisa to the International Court - if Malaysia break the contract.
Eddie Lim
malaysia has wasted our precious time and resources... they just too free.... beware of karma...
Pher Kim Huat
You're right, they are so free to arouse S'pore to see if we'll fall into their "dirty trap" BUT do NOTHING for their own ordinary people except the cronies ?
Eddie Lim
Pher Kim Huat malaysians are blind to have voted back old snake especially so many from BN has since joined him back.... different party but continuation of same shits from old snake's decades of mis-ruling malaysia to what it is today, a bankrupt country that cannot even afford to build proper roads and bridges for its people...
Like · Reply · 5 · 1h

Minhwa Aaron Lee
i daresay, most of us who voted ph, voted for dap and pkr. m was needed to bring in the insecure or undecided malay votes.
admittedly, najib's bn is cooperative with sg bcoz he has no bones with sg, he just wanted to stay in power, and for that, he needed lots of money, which can come from successful projects with sg.
but, najib was really dragging msia to failed state status. he had to be brought down. so, we needed all the votes we can get, even if its an unholy alliance. m hates sg to the core, obvious from all the shit he said, and the shit he ordered, since winning the election.
if he hands over power as promised, there is hope, great hope for msia and sg to truly synergize and achieve amazing results together.
but, i doubt so, i see dark clouds looming, very dark clouds. i see him creating a dastard grand coalition of malay muslim chauvinists - bersatu, umno, pas, and - the most insidious of all, a pkr breakaway led by azmin. and in toe, the traitorous, spineless mca and mic.
and if he cannot bring that abt, military conflict with sg may be a workable excuse not to hand over power.
sg is a bright light of meritocracy and harmonious diversity in a cesspool region of chauvinism of race language and religion. may sg keep shining, and shine brighter - give us all hope!
admittedly, najib's bn is cooperative with sg bcoz he has no bones with sg, he just wanted to stay in power, and for that, he needed lots of money, which can come from successful projects with sg.
but, najib was really dragging msia to failed state status. he had to be brought down. so, we needed all the votes we can get, even if its an unholy alliance. m hates sg to the core, obvious from all the shit he said, and the shit he ordered, since winning the election.
if he hands over power as promised, there is hope, great hope for msia and sg to truly synergize and achieve amazing results together.
but, i doubt so, i see dark clouds looming, very dark clouds. i see him creating a dastard grand coalition of malay muslim chauvinists - bersatu, umno, pas, and - the most insidious of all, a pkr breakaway led by azmin. and in toe, the traitorous, spineless mca and mic.
and if he cannot bring that abt, military conflict with sg may be a workable excuse not to hand over power.
sg is a bright light of meritocracy and harmonious diversity in a cesspool region of chauvinism of race language and religion. may sg keep shining, and shine brighter - give us all hope!
Like · Reply · 32m
Pher Kim Huat
Minhwa Aaron Lee , yiour comments are valid and that's why and/or what we as ordinary people or commoners would like to see both S'pore & M'sia co-exist and if possible prosper together i.e. win-win situation.
Don't think S'pore will bother too much about M'sia's own domestic "wayang wayang" politics if your "political opportunists like the Old M and his team don't start to stir those "emotive remarks" on S'pore when they come to power just to score political points for their own personal agenda and also to distract own countrymen's attention away from their own domestic issues.
Be it PH or BN is in power, as long as "good leaders" come on board, the people from both countries will definitely benefit graciously.
We can understand that many upright M'sians with sense of justice are fully aware of those "evil and wicked" ideas from the cunning Old M hence among ordinary people like us, we should have no grievances among ourselves to fall into the "traps of those dirty politicians".
Though we are just commoners, we may be a much better person than those "political opportunists" if we are deemed to be more upright and have more sense of justice than those "opportunists" or "populists".
Don't think S'pore will bother too much about M'sia's own domestic "wayang wayang" politics if your "political opportunists like the Old M and his team don't start to stir those "emotive remarks" on S'pore when they come to power just to score political points for their own personal agenda and also to distract own countrymen's attention away from their own domestic issues.
Be it PH or BN is in power, as long as "good leaders" come on board, the people from both countries will definitely benefit graciously.
We can understand that many upright M'sians with sense of justice are fully aware of those "evil and wicked" ideas from the cunning Old M hence among ordinary people like us, we should have no grievances among ourselves to fall into the "traps of those dirty politicians".
Though we are just commoners, we may be a much better person than those "political opportunists" if we are deemed to be more upright and have more sense of justice than those "opportunists" or "populists".
Kwai Meng Tang
The preferred platform for Singapore is to bring all issues with Malaysia to international arbitration court. We never know what and when Malaysia will get the itch again to cook up the issue and come at Singapore. In other words you can never trust their politicians.
Andrew Ong
Yes. We are prepared to go IAC. But Malaysia just want to poke us as a distraction from their internal political issues. Most recently the loss of 2 by-elections when BN won. A real shame to the PH because of their failure to meet promises made.
Frank Kam
Stalemate !!! Back to square one !!!! What a load of bullshit !!! Worst of all, a huge amount of time, money and manpower was wasted.... and for what ?!?!?
Christopher Tan
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan is a very capable Minister. Well done !!!!
Cheryl Chan Hwei Juin
Reply · 46m
Yeok Fong Yong
I am not surprised after this agreement, the same vessel will be plying the disputed area...this time maybe bring the chief Minister on fishing trip or bring their dog to have the view of the harbour....hehehee
Paul Tan
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Tan Kwong Moh
Yes, better sit down and talk, otherwise both countries people may suffer if dispute go deeper.
Elvin Soon
Perhaps it’s also time that we should review the influx and ease of Malaysians coming to work here in Singapore.
KS Lim
For sure, they will pick on Singapore again on other issues because at this moment, they have nothing productive to show to their citizens, stay tune...
KS Lim
And it won't be long.
Reply · 1h
老蛇欺骗人民,欺骗国家,浪费国家的资源,世人都看在眼里?这种烂戏它也演得出来?胡里取闹?让人啼笑皆非?幼稚?老糊涂? 只会玩把戏,不懂得治理国家!大家都把它当成疯狗!
Like · Reply · 10m
Yeok Fong Yong
I am not surprised after this agreement, the same vessel will be plying the disputed area...this time maybe bring the chief Minister on fishing trip or bring their dog to have the view of the harbour....hehehee
Yeok Fong Yong
用李 You are absolutely right. Mahathir is wasting tax payers resources and money, making their ministers and civil servants running in circles instead of looking into all the problems in their country. Of course, Mahathir still has that UMNO DNA which is katuana Malayu, katuana Msia; people livelihood not on their top of the list! Sighhhhhh
Reply · 1d
Pher Kim Huat
Thought Johor sultan is going to order Osman Sampan to use his own sampan to clear those methane spillage in Sungei Kim Kim ?
As Mentri Besar, he should be the 1st one to inhale those Methane poison not those ordinary Johoreans ?
As Mentri Besar, he should be the 1st one to inhale those Methane poison not those ordinary Johoreans ?
Reply · 1d
Yeok Fong Yong
K Tan Don Don, you are over optimistic. The last 2 by-elections clearly showed a large segment of the population, mostly Malays have decided to vote in parties that are stuffed with corrupt and lying politicians (from UMNO/PAS) as long as these politicians can shout ketuanan Malayu and ketuanan Islam loudly and fiercely. Since the minority will never support them, the only way forward for UMNO/PAS is to be more extreme in their ideology and hoping more Malays can be radicalised by their narratives. So, one day, Singapore may discovered they just has a new neighbour called "New Taliban" in their backyard! OMG!!!
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