Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Malaysia considering shut down or sale of Malaysia Airlines: PM Mahathir
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/malaysia-airlines-sell-or-refinance-mahathir-mohamad-11335570

12 Mar 2019 01:56PM
Ricky Lim
Under Mahathir - many of its Sovereign Fund assets start to fall apart.

Now it want to sell MAS, then he mention it want to sell Legoland, its proton already sold off - now want to revive another national car, petronas profit drop drastically this year ..... what else, how many more - malaysia tak boleh ....

Ricky Lim
Malaysian voters must be very proud of Mahathir by now ...... for making Malaysia tak boleh......
Pher Kim Huat
The Old M just want to focus on his "brain child" i.e. the revival of Proton with his latest lauch of Proton X70 SUV and even have no time to tackle Johor's P. Gudang 2nd methane poisoning ?
Also his favourite MB Osman Saipan seems to fail in his duty as Johor's MB and just follow him to focus on his "brain children", now with Proton and next could be the revival of the "crooked bridge", etc ?
Ricky Lim
Pher Kim Huat - Mahathir mind is full of "archaic" ideologies, old thinkings, full of grudges, like to pick fights and failure to keep pace with new things emerging from the World.

Malaysia under him will be left far behind.

Mahathir failure to strive good relationship with other Countries such as Singapore, China and many important trading, business and investment partners --- will eventually bring failure to many of its ventures.

Eg. Legoland is visited by many Singaporeans, China Chinese.
MAS that ply between Singapore and Malaysia.
Investment - Singapore and China are one of the 2 large
st investors.
Tourism - Singapore and China contribute the largest tourism receipts and visitors.
Trade - Singapore and China are its 2 largest trading partners.

Mahathir - an old hat fail to understand how important Singapore and China are to Malaysia's Economy --- and thus it deserve its downfall to many of its business ventures.

All business ventures are based on mutual benefits, trust, goodwill and ability to adhere to signed agreements or contracts.

This old hat destroyed them all --- how do Malaysians expect any businesses or investors will want to set foot into Malaysia to do business with them - where their prime minister is not trustworthy, fail to honour contracts. flip flops on signed contractual agreements?

Dave Choy
Ricky Lim 2 largest investors are Singapore and Japan. China #3
Ricky Lim
Dave Choy - There are some contradicting reports about who is the 2nd and 3rd largest investors - because of Mahathir flip flop - one day say cancel ECRL, gas pipeline, Forest City etc, then one day say do at reduced prices etc.

So even reports are confused whether China is 2nd or Japan 2nd, the earlier report even say China is 1st --- but there are some re-shuffling going on --- due to Mahathir flip-flop, one day cancel, then resume, then renegotiate etc etc.

So investment figures will keep changing like stocks in stock exchange.
Ricky Lim
For example,, see this report :-

12 Jan 2016 ... China becomes Malaysia's biggest foreign investor, thanks to 1MDB purchases.
"26 Mar 2017 ... China has eclipsed Singapore as the biggest source of investment in Malaysian".
Jing Kai Lim
I thought they just won Best Airline in Asia and now want to shut down or refinance? How interesting.
Simon Liew
That's Airasia.
Nazjimee Amat Omar
Simon Liew nope... its MAS... they won it at ITB Berlin yesterday...
Wong DJango
Shut down la, all sleeping on the job.
Swee Meng Ling
SGP government, and or, SIA
Do not touch it. Do not even think about it. Even if you can turn MAS around, no good thing can come out of it for SGP.
Frank Kam
Cannot/in-capable to manage their own National Airline and yet dare want to take back and manage Air Traffic Controls !!!! What a freaking joke !!!! Anyway will also be similar to case of the Luxury Yacht, cannot sell off even below half price !!! LOL !!!
Kenneth Avan
Managing ATC and an airline are 2 different things. FYI, Singapore Airlines is not in the business of ATC and neither is Changi Airport in the business of running an airline. Bringing up illogical correlations just to satiate your urge to gloat?
Joseph Lau
Most likely the airline will be given away soon. The flying car is arriving very soon.
Joseph Convergence
Sub- to SG, form joint venture to operate & earn together mah
Joseph Convergence
1 point -:- stay fully focused on FLYING CAR.
Pher Kim Huat
Remember even with vast experiences in airline management, the 2 foreign CEOs from Germany and UK respectively also gave up with this airline when came to encounter those deep-rooted cultural issues (cronyism, nepotism, etc) in their works ?
Looks like now their "local talents" can only bring them to this stage of "shut down or sale of MAS (Mana Ada System)" as expected ?
Petes Soon
Please first Legoland and now Malaysia airlines all this is just a remark or a plan to do so to justify how poor they are when they discuss the water deal . After water deal settle all not selling hooray start to test water against SG again .Remember the lesson SG did not heavily penalize for the rail issue immediately they find problem with ports limit and flight path ..too sly too believe.
Brian Soh

Kianpheng Ong
malaysia under dr m is bleeding daily. Malaysia still indebt to Singapore and China .

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