(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
In 2003, just before ending his 22-year tenure at prime minister, he announced that Malaysia would go ahead and build its own half of the crooked bridge if Singapore refused to demolish its half of the Causeway.
By demolishing the Woodland causeway, Mahathir in effect is cutting the water pipes and our water supply running from Johor to Singapore --- which in effect a serious breach of the water agreement.
By demolishing the Woodland causeway, Mahathir in effect is cutting the water pipes and our water supply running from Johor to Singapore --- which in effect a serious breach of the water agreement.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
We don't want to build more bridges - because we don't want their vehicles to clog our street.
Also, they can't even properly follow up on the RTS rail and want to postpone HSR --- now why talk about more bridges?
Also, they can't even properly follow up on the RTS rail and want to postpone HSR --- now why talk about more bridges?
Like · Reply · 1m

Raymond Seah
That Chapati guy is such an evil guy that wants to do damage to S'pore's success in many thing and holding us by the throat to abide by what his bidding is.
Reply · 10h
Ricky Lim
Raymond Seah -
If they breach the 1962 Water Agreement by cutting our water pipes and our water supply - our Separation Agreement 1965 will be called into question - that threaten our Right of Existence as an Independent Nation (because the Water Agreement is tie into the Separation Agreement).
Thus we have to be very careful in dealing with Mahathir and got to understand every proposal he raise and every issue he raised --- especially the underlying intention and its implications --- that will grossly harm our interests, Sovereignty --- and for this water issue - Our Right of Existence.
If they breach the 1962 Water Agreement by cutting our water pipes and our water supply - our Separation Agreement 1965 will be called into question - that threaten our Right of Existence as an Independent Nation (because the Water Agreement is tie into the Separation Agreement).
Thus we have to be very careful in dealing with Mahathir and got to understand every proposal he raise and every issue he raised --- especially the underlying intention and its implications --- that will grossly harm our interests, Sovereignty --- and for this water issue - Our Right of Existence.
James Lim
Why built more bridges... when Malaysia can't even commit to the much needed RTS project between JB and SG...
Niko Nishi
Yes, RTS is a good choice for moving large volume of people across the border but unfortunately it has been delayed. I doubt their sincerity to resolve the traffic situation (especially for those who do not drive) but rather their eagerness to start new mega projects and discountinuing those not started by current govt.
Caroline Chung
用李 . Why should singapore want 3-4 more bridges?? More malaysian/PRC that bought homes those mega project housing will flood singapore? To whom advantage is it?? We can all forget ahout it when dealing with Dr M.
Daryl Siow
3 to 4 more bridges despite them facing severe debt? Yea, I most definitely believe his story of wanting to ease congestion. Why not 3 to 4 more water pipes while u r at it
Richard Kee
Before you talk about building more bridges, you need to first maximise the capacity of the 2 bridges first. Such as, improve the processing speed, the effectiveness of the system, and its efficiency. You can expand the Tuas bridge by adding 2 more lanes on each side, and add double the number of booths to handle peak traffic, but you also need to ensure all booths are open and fully manned, as well as the security hardware are operating with the latest and fastest chips, with backup redundancy so that even equipment breakdown will not affect its operation. I don't think there is a need for 3 or 4 more bridges unless we are talking about a million people travelling each way per day.
Pher Kim Huat
What !!!, need 3 to 4 more bridges ? Is the vintage Old M trying to impress his "own previous contractors" who had earlier failed to proceed with his brain child "crooked bridge" project ?
Teo Huai Wei Edmund
Will we still need that many bridges when we have the RTS and HSR in operation? If the links are really so important, why are you inhibiting those links and still harping on the crooked bridge?
And what for you compare with Penang, when there is no rail link there despite being in the same country? That's why they need three road links lah bodoh!
I often wonder if this SOM (Senile Old Man) is truly an "outstanding" leader, or if he is "outstanding" only because the rest are even worse.
And what for you compare with Penang, when there is no rail link there despite being in the same country? That's why they need three road links lah bodoh!
I often wonder if this SOM (Senile Old Man) is truly an "outstanding" leader, or if he is "outstanding" only because the rest are even worse.
Joseph Lau
Traffic jam to Johor from the Causeway is due to the fact that many Johor Immigration Booths are closed.
Kenny Sting
The best sentence by Dr. M "Singapore and China remain close partners with Malaysia......With mutual respect we will always find ways to benefit from mutual interest"
Jonathan Tan
No, what they need is 3 or 4 more customs officers to man their empty booths, on top of the 2 that are currently open.
Willie Lim Ghim Lee
Totally agree with Dr M
This time you speak like a HB
But who will be the paymaster ?
This time you speak like a HB
But who will be the paymaster ?
Frank Kam
We don't have any problems with the present causways !! Settle the current problems regarding water supply, territorial waters and air space controls first ! Why bring up your pet subject of anymore bridge, or for goodness sake, another 3 to 4 bridges !!! Is this an advanced planning of your snake brain that you could send your troops into Singapore more easily to bully us ??? If so, sorry to remind you, in case you had forgotten, that you won't live that long !!!
Georgie Tan
If no bridge built then mad dog will blame SG for not co-operating. After all the current issue created by him solved he will start the blaming game again. Just open 1 ear and shut the other. 4 bridge will be crooked and end to nowhere but HELL.
Like · Reply · 1 · 16m
Roland Yeo
All exisitng projects doesn't benefit Malaysian (certain to be precise). Only new bridges will benefit Malaysians, 'certainly'.
Old man need to repay his 'debts' before stepping aside.
Old man need to repay his 'debts' before stepping aside.
Like · Reply · 13m
George Lim
Think about it, more bridges means more traffic which requires extra public resources to maintain. Somebody must pay for it. When movement steers towards easy access, it also means a potentially diluted border security and a weakening of control for Singapore as a small State. So a smoother cross border policy always disadvantage the smaller countries. Public Policy 101. Who is the fox here?
Like · Reply · 6m
Eddie Lim
more bridges more conflicts ....
Like · Reply · 14m
Norman Wee
Wrong. If Malaysia is smart enough it will fully utilize the underused Malaysia-owned railway at the causeway to solve whatever that is to solve. Just ask him to ask me to put my proposal in writing.
Lance C Alta
Senile old Co@k. Your maker calling you soon.
Like · Reply · 2m
Niko Nishi
Mahathir is not a civilised person and that is why he said he will "try to negotiate like civilised people". Which civilised person would asked for 45 sen per thousand gallons in August 2000, increased to 60 sen in February 2001, and then RM6.25 in September 2002? Clearly this uncivilised person has no interest in the negotiation.
Pher Kim Huat
Niko Nishi, spot on.
This vintage Old M is not only uncivilised, he is also unreasoanble, ungrateful, inhumane and merciless, etc, just to add a few more adjectives to describe him.
Upright M'sians with sense of justice and righteousness can understand why we're so angry with him from what he had done to S'pore despite all our kindness rendered to help them.
This vintage Old M is not only uncivilised, he is also unreasoanble, ungrateful, inhumane and merciless, etc, just to add a few more adjectives to describe him.
Upright M'sians with sense of justice and righteousness can understand why we're so angry with him from what he had done to S'pore despite all our kindness rendered to help them.
Reply · 14h
Raymond Seah
He simply wants to confuse us and keeps blaming us for all the woes created by him.
Reply · 9h
Tony Nat
The reason why Mahathir wants more bridges is to lure more Singaporean tourists and investments into Malaysia as well as sell more Malaysian exports to Singapore.
Singapore provides as many tourists to Malaysia as the rest of the world combined! In 2016, Singapore provided 13.3 million tourists of Malaysia’s 26.7 million tourist arrivals. In 2017, 12.5 million Singaporean tourists visited Malaysia -- nearly half of the 25.9 million tourists who visited Malaysia. In 2018, with the Mahathir back in power, the number of Singaporean tourists dropped to 10.62 million. Singapore still provided three times more tourists to Malaysia than second-placed Indonesia’s 3.28 million tourists in 2018 (more Indonesian tourists visit Singapore than Malaysia, even without bridges)
Singapore is -- by far -- the largest foreign direct investor in Malaysia. Singapore is also the largest destination for Malaysia’s exports. Malaysia's economy has been growing partly due to Singapore.
On the other hand, only a paltry 1.1 million Malaysian tourists visited Singapore in 2017. Singapore will not get much more tourists, investments or trade from Malaysia with more bridges. Why should Singapore waste money on building more bridges for Malaysia’s benefit, given Mahathir’s 'abang adek' and take-and-take attitudes towards Singapore?
Singapore provides as many tourists to Malaysia as the rest of the world combined! In 2016, Singapore provided 13.3 million tourists of Malaysia’s 26.7 million tourist arrivals. In 2017, 12.5 million Singaporean tourists visited Malaysia -- nearly half of the 25.9 million tourists who visited Malaysia. In 2018, with the Mahathir back in power, the number of Singaporean tourists dropped to 10.62 million. Singapore still provided three times more tourists to Malaysia than second-placed Indonesia’s 3.28 million tourists in 2018 (more Indonesian tourists visit Singapore than Malaysia, even without bridges)
Singapore is -- by far -- the largest foreign direct investor in Malaysia. Singapore is also the largest destination for Malaysia’s exports. Malaysia's economy has been growing partly due to Singapore.
On the other hand, only a paltry 1.1 million Malaysian tourists visited Singapore in 2017. Singapore will not get much more tourists, investments or trade from Malaysia with more bridges. Why should Singapore waste money on building more bridges for Malaysia’s benefit, given Mahathir’s 'abang adek' and take-and-take attitudes towards Singapore?
Pher Kim Huat
Tony Nat, very valid points raised.
Probably due to the methane poisoning incident in Johor that affects his brain, the vintage Old M is very confused at the investment forum and what he "actually means" is to bulid 3 or 4 more "bridges over trouble water" in Sungai Kim Kim not to S'pore ?
Probably due to the methane poisoning incident in Johor that affects his brain, the vintage Old M is very confused at the investment forum and what he "actually means" is to bulid 3 or 4 more "bridges over trouble water" in Sungai Kim Kim not to S'pore ?
Reply · 15h
Raymond Goh
One must understand that this man has a reputation for cronyism and corruption, He is doing all these for the benefit of his three sons. One must turn back the page on RTS delay cos he was still cooking curry and as of recent , it was told that Malaysia wish to change contractor from previous joint venture on the RTS. Now that his curry is already cooked and his sons are wanting to be involved in order to corrupt from the RTS project. This is the intention of this Old Dog's delaying the project earlier.
Reply · 13h
Goh Jon Hin
First you cancel or delay the HSR/RTS projects, then you talk about producing flying cars. Why now the need for 3 to 4 more bridges?
More nonsense from this Double-headed Forked-tongue Roti Prata.
More nonsense from this Double-headed Forked-tongue Roti Prata.
Raymond Seah
People eat rice and shit thru the ass hole but this chapati man eat from his ass and shit from the mouth.
Reply · 9h
Raymond Goh
Now that he is in power as PM, the understanding from Malaysian friends was that all the projects have been diverted to his sons' company. This is the most corrupted PM in the world only that Malaysians are blinded and naive to vote the PH into parliament. Why should Singapore agree to his rubbish cronyism to build more bridges? If he wish to corrupt, do it in his country Malaysia not with Singapore..
Raymond Goh
Which investor or investors would want to invest in a country comprising of a corrupted leader known as Mr 10 % and talking rubbish as well as having a finance minister whom is an unqualified accounts clerk that does not know about world financial issues. Ironically we are more than please that these two monkeys will continue with all their rubbish talks and doings that will benefit us in Singapore..
Timeless Zim
NEVER , NEVER again be taken in by the words of a serpent , stay sober, be situation aware, stay alert at all times, do not let go your sword , you never know when and where the serpent will strike again .
Georgie Lee
How is that 93 year old snake going to build bridges? Why delay the RTS project? Is it because the idea was mooted by Najib and it involved Singapore? No one should trust and believe this 93 year old snake anymore. He dislikes Singapore even till today and wants to bury Najib at all cost.
Georgie Lee
Hey, 93 year old snake, the plan for the RTS project is already in place. It is feasible and most efficient. Why are you delaying it and come out with the stupid idea of 3 or 4 bridges? Because you dont like Najib and Singapore, right?
Kel Ck
Might as well reclaim the whole of the sea to join Johor and Singapore together, that is Dr M ultimate goal... Forgo RTS but want more bridges....老糊涂
Like · Reply · 18m
Jim Ihope
Talk is cheap Dr.M.Lets not put the "cart in front of the horse". First,settle the HSR & RTS issues to show that you are sincere,consistent & there is continuity at the government level. The world has learn that changers in the administration does not mean that any agreement signed will be honoured.
Therefore any agreements signed must follow immediately, if possible, with monies put forward by all parties to a third party stakeholder, before work can proceed. This way no new government administration can be incoherent & withdraw.
This should be the new norm/procedure for any new agreement!!
Therefore any agreements signed must follow immediately, if possible, with monies put forward by all parties to a third party stakeholder, before work can proceed. This way no new government administration can be incoherent & withdraw.
This should be the new norm/procedure for any new agreement!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 3h
Hariz Tang
Building a 3rd bridge at the eastern zone of Johor with a connection to the Desaru-Senai Expressway definetely will ease a lot of traffic flows .
Like · Reply · 2h
Ricky Lim
How do you expect us to trust your Mahathir when he has the propensity to :-
(1) fail to honour any signed agreement
(2) always flip flop on signed agreement
(3) always create dispute and conflict over signed project
(4) always want to win and take at all cost?
Your Mahathir to us - is an unreliable and untrustworthy person --- and we don't trust him to do any joint project with him.
Look at all the disputes he created for us.
And did he honor his obligation on the RTS rail and HSR?
Then why talk about bridges? To create more disputes and conflicts?
(1) fail to honour any signed agreement
(2) always flip flop on signed agreement
(3) always create dispute and conflict over signed project
(4) always want to win and take at all cost?
Your Mahathir to us - is an unreliable and untrustworthy person --- and we don't trust him to do any joint project with him.
Look at all the disputes he created for us.
And did he honor his obligation on the RTS rail and HSR?
Then why talk about bridges? To create more disputes and conflicts?
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