Saturday, March 2, 2019

‘Significant and steady investments’ in defence required to keep Singapore’s future secure: Ng Eng Hen

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Singapore approach to the old hat (who keep creating bi-lateral issue with us) is very simple :-
(1) Use diplomatic bi-lateral approach such as negotiation to resolve dispute
(2) If diplomatic negotiation fails - use 3rd party arbitration or International Courts etc for resolution according to International Laws.

If all the above fails, we may have no choice but to resort to military actions to safeguard Our Right of Existence, Our Sovereignty and Our National Interests.
This will be our last least preferred resort.

And Our Military Forces are ready and confident to deliver a swift and decisive Victory - if come to the last resort.

Ricky Lim
(1) The most credible threat the old hat up north on us - is their RAM (Rocket, Arty and Mortar). If they do a saturated salvo at us - being a small island with no strategic depth - we will suffer heavy damages and casaulties.

The old hat up north - almost rely solely on their RAM to threaten us - thinking that we will not able to counter their saturated RAM attack.
- Multi-barrel rocket launchers = 54 Astros II MLRS (range = 20-90 km, mach = 0.075 mach)
- Arty/mortar = 240 towed or self-propelled howitzers (range = 30-40 km, mach = Mach 0.00075208774)

Our Countermeasures - is our C-RAM (Counter RAM) - in which we have one of the most sophisticated C-RAM that match the combat-proven and advanced Armed Forces in the World.

Our powerful radar are combat-proven, can track C-RAM more than 1000 target at few hundred km away).
Our C-RAM missiles that can fly at Mach 4 and above can shoot down a saturated malaysia of hundreds and thousands of their RAM (that fly way below mach 1) --- and all will fall into Johor territory.
The more the Malaysia RAM fire --- the faster our C-RAM can intercept them and the more they will explode over Johor territory --- that will flatten all Johor buildings and infrastructure --- causing massive casaulties in Johor.

We also have saturated RAM that will respond to the 1st of the Malaysia RAM fire at us --- by pin-pointing the source of fire - and will return fire with equivalent salvos --- and Johor will have no more standing buildings and infrastructure.

(Note :- Our C-RAM capabilities - radar, sensors and missiles have been proven in combat for many years and our long-range missiles detection - have intercepted various missiles - subsonic below mach 1 and super-sonic missiles at mach 2)

Malaysia don't have a C-RAM ---- and they will be hammer very badly the moment they open the 1st fire.

Ricky Lim
(2) The 2nd most credible threat is the old hat air-force - notably :-
8 FA18Ds, 18 SU30MKMs (only 4 working), 10 MiG-29s (decommission - no maintenance), 28 BAE Hawks --- and they position all their aircraft further up north and the Hawks at Labuan E Malaysia.

Their 8 FA18Ds have 20 AIM-120 AMRAAM beyond-visual-range missile (range = 105 to 160 km, Mach = 4.) - (Combat proven, high-kill ratio 63.15%).
Their 18 SU30MKMs (only 4 working) have 280 R-27 beyond-visual-range missile (range = 40 to 170 km, Mach = 4.5) (Combat proven, kill ratio 4%).

Our Countermeasure -
(1) We have C-RAM - Our powerful radar are combat-proven, can track C-RAM more than 1000 target at few hundred km away).
Our C-RAM missiles that can fly at Mach 4.5 and 3.5 can shoot down their airplane hundred of km away - as their fighter planes can only reach Mach 2.

(2) Our fighter planes F15SG and F16C/D - also possess 250 AIM-120 AMRAAM beyond-visual-range missile (range = 105 to 160 km, Mach = 4.) - (Combat proven, high-kill ratio 63.15%).

Our fighter planes are supported by sophisticated arrays of AWACs (4 Gulfstream G550), drones (Hermes 450, Heron 1) and Ground-Based sophisticated powerful radar plus our satellites.
They provide real-time, up-to-date and pin-point information to our fighter planes to detect the malayia fighter planes up north - and our fighter planes can track their radar and lock their missiles at the malaysia fighter planes - much earlier and faster than they can track us --- and deliver the kill.

(3) When we procure our F35s - their fighter planes will not be able to detect our F35 stealth planes when it is within our firing range - whereas our F35 advanced sensors and radar will have picked up theirs - and will have fire off our "beyond visual range missiles" - and kill them off before they can even come close to do a dogfight.

Ricky Lim
(3) Their 3rd most credible threat - is their frigates, their missile boats and their submarines - altogether about 20 of them that are armed with missiles or torpedos.

Our Countermeasures - our fleet of 7 submarines with heavy and light torpedos (3 more in the piplelines) - can kill their 20 missile or torpedo armed vessels undetected.

Of course we have missile arm frigates, corvettes, Littoral Missile Vessels etc - that also carry missiles to do the kill.

Our navy are supported by an array of powerful radars, AWACs, satellites, drones etc - to provide real-time, up-to-date information about the malaysia vessels - to help our navy assets to do the kill before the malaysia vessels can do.

Ricky Lim
The 4th most credible threat that the old hat can do to us - is their tanks, armour vehicles and their helicopter missile gunships (tank-killer) to support their army troops of 420,000.

Our Countermeasures - If we take out and bomb all the old hat air threat, their air defense and radar and naval vessels - all their ground forces will become a sitting duck.
KT Tan
What are we doing about the defense against water intrusion? I think the deployment and future plans of SAF should be restricted from public news as a basic precaution.
Pankaj 12345
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HERE → → → → ℱW­w­w­.­m­o­n­e­y­s­t­a­r­5­.­c­o­mℱ

Try not to duplicate ℱ Thank you
Christopher Tan
Well said, Minister Ng. No expense must be spared to defend Singapore
Yang Kang Kin
Spend so much money for what. malaysia's government boat is still in our waters. it shows Malaysia don't give a rat shit on how potent our military are. Which proves our military deterence is a big failure.

if Malaysia is so afraid of Singapore's militray might they dare to intrude into our territotial waters?

Don't talk cock can?
Jack Sparroww
Impossible to defend such small land under 1000 km2, from within. Keep buying more expensive toys. Try firing the first shot when they cut off water. Gives them reason for military 'retaliation'. Their old enemy to our south may suddenly become new friend again. We become patty in a burger. We lose.

Fast forward to the future: Republic of Malaysia SAR Singapura.
Kan Jasper
a lots of countries also up grade their military!think they are much much standard! no need to blah blah blah! in the end more soldiers die in training!
Edward Legaspi
Facing Communist China and Dictators needs a Vigilant and strong Defense as well as with a Freedom Loving Allies🤙💛
Jack Sparroww
"Kicking them out is required to make you safe."

Foong Mun Loh
as Duterte said ......''S'pore is a garrison masquerading as a nation''.........seems like he also know which foreign entity is really in control of this ''garrison''........
Bruce Kky
Invested so much in cyberwarfare yet could not even protect our hospital records being hacked in causing so many of our confidential records in foreign hands. 纸上谈兵,talk so much like just another toothless, paper tiger. **toothless- unprovened, inexperienced.
*paper - acedemically qualified only
Ricky Chen

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