Monday, March 4, 2019

Streaming in secondary schools to be scrapped by 2024: Ong Ye Kung

The N- and O-Level examinations will be replaced by a new common national examination and certification framework, the Minister for Education announced in Parliament on Tuesday (Mar 5).
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Subject-based banding rather than streaming is a better programme - as it will not create classification and stigma to tag students - and at the same time, allow students to study at their own pace.

A good programme.
Luigi Liew
Only now you realize and take actions? You know at least one generation of our kids has been negatively impacted. Notwithstanding feedback upon feedback upon feedback the government continued on its path.... we need voices to raise and limit such behaviour in parliament!
Daniel Choo
Every generation is a guenea pig. That being said, we need to learn that the education system should not limit you to what you are but how to advance. If parents and guardians know this, school will be a lot more fun.
Clement Low
Very easy for you to bang table and bang keyboard. Have you ever thought how much work has to be put in to make this kinda thing happen? you think very easy flip prata tomorrow I wanna scrap O lvl jiu scrap?

For you easy la. Take 10 min bang keyboard, jiak bar bo sai pang anyhow flame say MOE sucks and PAP sucks. You very free mah.

You never thought, they didn't calculate one small step properly only you people will come on social media bang keyboard again. Never properly think about all the small little situations, never talk properly to all industry partners, never discuss properly with cambridge... what are the consequences? You think tomorrow they wanna change means can change ah?

No man. It takes YEARS to change the whole system.

Also, today change system you think tomorrow teachers got materials ready to teach ah? again NO MAN. Lesson plans and materials takes WEEKS if not MONTHS to prepare. you think teachers so free everytime change syllabus sit down for a few months slowly prepare the lesson materials ah? Now it's not just change syllabus but the WHOLE EXAM FORMAT change. Much more work for teachers. All the past materials and exam papers become useless already.

Let me tell you hor, right now ah teachers work 6am-6pm job hor. Easily 12 hours. Afternoon stil got CCA, still got meetings, weekend still need to mark, still need to set papers. and on top of that now still got syllabus change.

But for you very easy to bang keybaord la. you say 10min and you think those civil servants only take 10min to flip prata.

No man. Limpeh was in the service before, at least unlike you I walked the damn talk before. You wanna talk so much cock you go sign up first then you talk all the cock you want.
Alan Wong
Its better to be late then never .
Pher Kim Huat
Clement Low , well said, very good one and hit the right notes !
Justin Lee
New wine in old wineskins! Lol.
Albert Wong
Disgusting GE Vote Buying For Self-Serving Pap. Calculated For GE2019 And 2024. Not For Our Rising Generation! CECA Betrayed All Working Class Real Singaporean Families!
Felix Cat
So that there is a "uncompleted jobs" to be done and be paid millions. Good observation! Timed for interval of 5 years.
CogNeuro Lab
Give the policy a chance to work. Move on...
Jm Chow
Prior to 1978, 33% of students FAILED the O level exam or dropped out of schools.
After the implementation of the Goh report, ie streaming students according to their ability... the attrition (failure) rate dropped to LESS than 1% now

Failure rate dropped from 33% to less than 1 %... is a solid FACT. .. is the hallmark of a GOOD system.

Yes. There is a downside...
It is unfortnate, that...we are human, we are not born with equal ability and with abandance of talents. Those who failed to make the grade...failed to go to express schools...naturally feel bad, feel that they are "stigmatizeSee More
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
I agree that no matter when or where, you can never remove academic and social inequality. Replacing meritocracy with this form of socialism will never work.

In some American schools, they are trying to do away with meritocracy by giving "participation trophies" to every single contest participant, with no prizes or recognition for top performers, in case the weak ones "feel hurt".

The end result is that the good students feel unmotivated to excel, and the weak ones feel insulted and guilty for getting a trophy for being the last.
Jm Chow
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence

I agree.
The American who abandoned their excellent system,(which made the USA techologically the most advance country, the richest country in the world ... but in the name of being fair to the blacks... they dumped their meritocracy system some time ago.

What happened??
The nation which sent man to the moon...found that now they cann't send man to the Space station...they have to depend on Russia for help.
Also when Obama asked Steve relocated the Apple factories back to the USA... Obama discovered that ... the US school system cannot produce the 30,000 engineers needed by Apples factories.

One of the pillar of our economic success, is our WELL EDUCATED younger generations....hundreds of thousands who are keeping our economic machines ...well oiled..well managed. The Excellent education system is the bedrock which supported our first world way of life.
Pei Si
Why need to wait till 2024 and not just do it with next year sec 1 intake. Since it is much better why need to take so long then can be implement.
Deon Tan
U come and do. Lai.
Eddie Lim
wow, finally.....what took our govt so long to realise streaming is really detrimental and unfair to the confidence of students who are not academically inclined.... MOE should now instruct schools to teach/identify other attributes of students who are not good academically but good in sports, dancing, music, arts, teachnical, cooking, etc etc... but there should not be big difference in salary/benefits of all jobs...
Vincent Koh Chin Hiam
Our fingers are different lengths. That's GKS speech.
Kim Kow Neo
It's working fine , don't scrap
Ong Ch
Stephanie Ng
I think giving students an option to pursue higher level when they can is good but is it advisable to not push students for particular subject that they dislike (Eg.Math or Chinese)? Sometimes students don’t do well in the subject at the beginning but does well at the end.
By scrapping N- and O-level, will it affect the certificate recognition when they apply overseas Uni and do they have to sit for additional international exam before applying (Eg. English)?
How would the entry criteria into poly be like? Is it giving students a fair chance to pursue their dreams?
Will we be cultivating students to runaway from problem or give up easily because they don’t know or dislike the subject?
Are these really cultivating students with Life-long learning mindsets?

Alvin Koh
Streaming give students a false sense of superiority or inferiority complex. Step in the right direction.

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