Sunday, March 31, 2019

Brunei defends tough new Islamic laws against growing backlash

30 Mar 2019 10:32PM
Tommie Vale
No tourist will dare go there.
Sharil Bin Saharudin
Nothing to see or do for tourists there.

But SAF NSmen or reservists going there for training better behave. Our govt can do little to help out if they get into trouble with the sharia law there.
Roger Lim
@Tommie Vale,
Why not?

Unless the tourist intends to steal, commit adultery or have homosexual activities, etc., then he or she isn't a tourist.
There are quite a few exaggerations here. Saying that no tourist will go there simply because they can't have homosexual relations or commit adultery is a bizzarre statement.

These laws are not well thought out and certainly there are other areas that need addressed.

So for example the laws for the most part only apply to Muslims. So what happens if an LGBT Muslim wants to avoid the punishment do they leave Islam? Also at a time of hightened Islamaphobia is it really a great idea to implement such laws at this time?

Also if anyone really wants to have fun there are a number of ways toSee More
William Choochootrain
Honestly I think if Muslim parents and families don't force teach their children Islam, there would be wayyyyy less people who worship/practice Islam.
William Choochootrain probably, some people have to taste life without Islam to appreciate it. Some of the strongest Muslim's I know are those who realize the vacuous lifestyle and emptiness of hedonism .

Some Muslim's worship the worship when Islam is about the hearts connection to the divine.

So, I wouldn't disagree with your statement.
Ijan Ariff
cna...stop making up me from which letter or any evidence saying that the new law of LGBT frm Brunei DS apply 2 tourist..ur story r very provocative n trying 2 drive out or discouraging tourist frm visit Brunei advise cna get the facts rite frm Brunei Government b4 publish ur article
Abdul Hameed
The Fake News Started From The Media Itself After LHL Lenghtly Speached And Praising CNA For Their Accuratesy In Delivering News To The World.
Ricky Lim
Ijan Ariff - Can you please point out which sentence and which statement in this CNA article say that the law apply to tourist?

I can't find it anywhere in the article.

Did you make it up and accuse CNA of saying so?
Roger Lim
It's very simple..

Whether you are a visitor or a resident, just comply with the country's laws then no matter how harsh are the penalties, you will have no worries.
Georgie Lee
The Sultan of Brunei should Just telll them your problem is not their problem. Just look at what is happening in the MRT and Buses in Singapore today They just dont have the respect of an elderly standing or facing them. I am sure their parents and schools have not taught them to behave so low in public.. Not only the young but the elderly as well. Anyway, Brunei is very very rich They dont rely on toiurist money
Abdul Hameed
Drugs Smugglers Or Processing Certain Limits Got Death Penalties In Singapore
That Don't Stop The Tourists Or Expatraites To Flocks In.
Same Goes To Others Countries In The World That Have Death In Their Capital Punishments.
The Syariah Laws And The Capital Punishments Have No Difference If You Abide The Respective Countries Laws.
Unless You Support The Otherwise.
Swaleeha Jaan
I am all for it
David Hans
Why only in this religion there seems to be a phobia .. it is us or nothing. What is this religion so afraid of other faiths ?
Rds Ab
Let it be and see.b

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