Sunday, March 10, 2019

Trump budget seeks 5% cut in non-defence spending

11 Mar 2019 09:59AM
Ricky Lim
The deficit ran to US$900 billion in 2019, and the national debt has ballooned to US$22 trillion.

“President Trump added nearly US$2 trillion to our deficits with tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, and now it appears his budget asks the American people to pay the price," said John Yarmuth, Democratic chairman of the House Budget Committee, who added: "It has no chance in the House.”

The fiscal policy is morally wrong :-
(1) Big tax cut to benefit the already very rich and large corporation.
(2) Now cut the spendings for the poor to make up for the big debt
(3) Ballooning the national debt with the big tax cut
Eddie Lim
US is cutting here, cutting there, cannot afford this, cannot afford that.... looks like running out of money ..........reminds me of malaysia..haha...

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