Sunday, March 31, 2019

Brunei defends tough new Islamic laws against growing backlash

30 Mar 2019 10:32PM
Tommie Vale
No tourist will dare go there.
Sharil Bin Saharudin
Nothing to see or do for tourists there.

But SAF NSmen or reservists going there for training better behave. Our govt can do little to help out if they get into trouble with the sharia law there.
Roger Lim
@Tommie Vale,
Why not?

Unless the tourist intends to steal, commit adultery or have homosexual activities, etc., then he or she isn't a tourist.
There are quite a few exaggerations here. Saying that no tourist will go there simply because they can't have homosexual relations or commit adultery is a bizzarre statement.

These laws are not well thought out and certainly there are other areas that need addressed.

So for example the laws for the most part only apply to Muslims. So what happens if an LGBT Muslim wants to avoid the punishment do they leave Islam? Also at a time of hightened Islamaphobia is it really a great idea to implement such laws at this time?

Also if anyone really wants to have fun there are a number of ways toSee More
William Choochootrain
Honestly I think if Muslim parents and families don't force teach their children Islam, there would be wayyyyy less people who worship/practice Islam.
William Choochootrain probably, some people have to taste life without Islam to appreciate it. Some of the strongest Muslim's I know are those who realize the vacuous lifestyle and emptiness of hedonism .

Some Muslim's worship the worship when Islam is about the hearts connection to the divine.

So, I wouldn't disagree with your statement.
Ijan Ariff
cna...stop making up me from which letter or any evidence saying that the new law of LGBT frm Brunei DS apply 2 tourist..ur story r very provocative n trying 2 drive out or discouraging tourist frm visit Brunei advise cna get the facts rite frm Brunei Government b4 publish ur article
Abdul Hameed
The Fake News Started From The Media Itself After LHL Lenghtly Speached And Praising CNA For Their Accuratesy In Delivering News To The World.
Ricky Lim
Ijan Ariff - Can you please point out which sentence and which statement in this CNA article say that the law apply to tourist?

I can't find it anywhere in the article.

Did you make it up and accuse CNA of saying so?
Roger Lim
It's very simple..

Whether you are a visitor or a resident, just comply with the country's laws then no matter how harsh are the penalties, you will have no worries.
Georgie Lee
The Sultan of Brunei should Just telll them your problem is not their problem. Just look at what is happening in the MRT and Buses in Singapore today They just dont have the respect of an elderly standing or facing them. I am sure their parents and schools have not taught them to behave so low in public.. Not only the young but the elderly as well. Anyway, Brunei is very very rich They dont rely on toiurist money
Abdul Hameed
Drugs Smugglers Or Processing Certain Limits Got Death Penalties In Singapore
That Don't Stop The Tourists Or Expatraites To Flocks In.
Same Goes To Others Countries In The World That Have Death In Their Capital Punishments.
The Syariah Laws And The Capital Punishments Have No Difference If You Abide The Respective Countries Laws.
Unless You Support The Otherwise.
Swaleeha Jaan
I am all for it
David Hans
Why only in this religion there seems to be a phobia .. it is us or nothing. What is this religion so afraid of other faiths ?
Rds Ab
Let it be and see.b

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blood donor data leak: HSA's vendor says information that went online was accessed illegally and possibly extracted

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Let us discuss the issue of accountability :-
Scenario 1:-
(1) A robber walk into the bank - and rob the bank of money, open fire and kill a person in the bank.
Accountability :-
(1) Is the robber that commit robbery accountable - yes (he should be jail or even face death penalty for the crime.
(2) Now some people argue - should the robber father and mother be held accountable as well?
(3) Some more far fetch argument - should all the family members of the robber be held accountable? 诛九族。
(4) Should the bank employees and bank manager be held accountable - for failing to put in security to prevent the robbery?
(5) Even more far fetch argument --- should the Law Minister be held accountable - and ask to resign - for failing to prevent people from becoming robber, for failling to put security instrument to prevent the robbers from staging a robbery and from succeeding in the robbery.

Public at large seems to be able to accept that - only the robber is held accountable for money crime.

Then we will discuss Scenario 2 - data crime (stealing of data).

Ricky Lim
Scenario 2 (data crime):-
(1) A vendor staff is contracted to install an IT system - but instead he steal the data while installing the system (assume in the toilet using wireless login with the admin account - and the government official that supervise his work - cannot go into the toilet cubicle to see what he is doing).

Accountability :-
(1) Is the vendor staff turn hacker that commit the data crime accountable - yes (he should be trial in Court for stealing the data and posting it in the Internet - infringing OSA).
(2) Now some people argue - should the hacker father and mother be held accountable as well?
(3) Some more far fetch argument - should all the family members of the hacker be held accountable? 诛九族。
(4) Should the HSA employees and HSA manager be held accountable - for failing to put in security to prevent the hacking? (Ie. put CCTV in the toilet cubicle or use eyeball to peep what this vendor is doing in the toilet?)
(5) Even more far fetch argument --- should the Health Minister be held accountable - and ask to resign - for failing to prevent the vendor from becoming hacker, for failling to put security instrument to prevent the vendor from hacking and from putting the data in the Internet.

Some people seems to say that - the hacker is held accountable & further demanding HSA and Minister to be held accountable.

Is there differences in robbery and data crime -- in terms of assigning accountability?

Ricky Lim
What is the World trend in data hacking? Can data hacking be prevented and totally cut off?

This is as good as asking can crime like robbery, stealing and other more serious crime be prevented?

Study shows that, with proliferation of Internet, mobile devices and more IT connected world --- hacking, data crime happen in every Country that are connected.

(1) US - has many highly secret, confidential data - whether in Government, Military, Business etc being stolen by hackers. Snowden (the NSA contractor) steal all the NSA data and fled overseas that started the wikileak.

(2) China - same

(3) Russia - same

plus almost every Countries that have internet connection.

As much as IT security are put in place to prevent hacking and data crime from happening -- it is almost impossible for data crime be totally eradicated.

Cyber security is always a chasing game --- and though we should strive to minimise data crime into minimum (it will be far fetch to say we can totally eradicate cyber crime - just like eradicating crime like robbery, scam, thief etc).

Strong punishment will be some sort of deterrent (in addition to beefing up cyber security and processes).

Ricky Lim
Let us take the discussion into layman arena:-

(1) Both husband and wife go into a maid agency to employ a maid.
(2) The agency say that all the maid are trained and screen for good behavior.
(3) Husband and wife engage the maid.
(4) Assume the maid steal the money from the husband.
(5) Does he the husband expect his wife to monitor every moment what the maid do - including going to toilet and to bathe?
(6) In this case, is the maid accountable for stealing? Answer is yes.

(7) Under the argument in Scenario 2, do we expect the Husband to held his wife accoutable as well - for not monitoring the maid every moment?
Some bloggers here argue that the wife should also be held accountable - just like HSA staff should be held accountable for the data loss.

(8) Take one step further, should the husband also be held accountable - because the husband is the one that engage the maid.
Some bloggers here argue that the husband should also be held accountable - just like Health Minister should be held accountable for the data loss.

So it looks like - some bloggers are doing some sort of "witch hunt".
Ricky, you are ranting nonsense. Pp here don't blame for witch hunting as you alleged.

If robber rob bank & kill people. He is like hacker to be go after.

If bank has do all necessary security, with armed guards, CCTV, silent police alarm button activated, carry out SOP in handling robbery calmly to avoid casualty, ambulance save wounded timely, police come instantly to control situation(let robber runaway first with loud siren faraway), no one blame them but praise.

But if bank officers agitate robber against SOP to shoot, CCTV not working to capture robber face, no armed security or was away in toilet/lunch long time, shot customers were not sent to hospital timely because no ambulance, police arrived 3hrs late with excuse Little India traffic jam, and repeat every month same robbery, then we will haunt them, from bank-Cisco-CDF-Police-Sham.

Ricky Lim
TanChin -
(1) Assume the bank implement all of what you say - and the robber still manage to rob the bank, kill a person and run away.
Then what will you say?

(2) Can you list a Country where no crime ever happen?

(3) Can you list a Country with internet connection - where no data crime ever succeed?

I am not finding excuse for the data breach that happen in the Country - where we need to continue to review ways how to minimise data breach to the minimal as far as possible.

But what I am trying to prevent "witch hunt" from happening.
Blood donor data leak: HSA's vendor says information that went online was accessed illegally and possibly extracted

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Vendors who tender for Government projects will have to :-
(1) Clear the personnel doing the project - through Security Clearance.
(2) Sign an OSA (Official Secret Act) - to get commitment from personnel working on the project not to divulge any information obtain through the course of doing the project.
(3) Successful vendor of the project - must have an undertaking that it will be liable if any of its personnel breach the OSA.
(4) Put in security safeguard in the system it implement to ensure that it will secure the system safely from hacking or security breaches.

Investigation got to establish whether :-
(1) if any of the vendor personnel leak the official information by infringing the OSA
(2) any security lapse in implementing the system.
Ricky Lim
Vendor working on a Government project - will usually have all the admin right and supervisor right - to all the system it implement.

Copying the raw data by the vendor is possible and unpreventable during the course of implementation - as it need to populate the database it created.

It is very difficult for Government officials task to work with the vendor to scrutinise and monitor its every move - because accessing the system in progress can even be done remotely (in thier office).

Thus vendor personnel is expected to possess the integrity to protect the Government data under its care.

If there are any lapse due to negligent or deliberation - then vendor will be held accountable.
Nantha Tan
Don't expect all these when the key determining factor to get the contract is price.
Jack Sparroww
Ricky Lim You're right, the garmen will hold the vendor accountable.

And the citizens will hold the garmen accountable. Fair and square.

Any more long long Grandma's story to cover your paymaster's a$$, Ricky?
Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan -
For Government tender, all the above terms and conditions are factor into the tender - and all vendors bidding for the tender will have to indicate "compliance" - before it can win the tender.

The vendor contract price will have cover all the above obligation.

Faker Nantha Tan your words had to b careful!!
Francis Ong
Nantha Tan or relation.
Nantha Tan
Ricky Lim Hao siao one... You really believe all conditions are met meh?

From what I have witnessed, vendors will set up a plan, do half way then leave it alone, till shit hits the fan. When it hits the fan, apologize, give discount, rinse and repeat.

The government staff won't be so boliao or hardworking to spot check. The repeated incidents of data leak speak clearly of that.
Nantha Tan
用李 Really. You don't believe you go gebiz see lor. How many tenders are given to the lowest or second lowest bidder? Only once in a blue moon will you the project is awarded to a high bidder.

It's all there.

Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan - You mention that most Government tender "sounds like in a tatter state".

But just to let you know that every year $80 billion are allocated for government spendings.

This mean hundreds and thousands of tender will be called by the Government every year - big or small.

If we take a look at the landscape of Singapore ---- short of some hiccups --- Singapore infrastructure - hardware and software is one of the most modern and wonderful city and Country in the World.

It speak volume of how Singapore Government - Ministers and Civil Servants - has run the Country.

And Singapore has continuously being rank the 1st in Governance - in yearly Business Competitive Survey.

This is a Global independent and objective assessment of the performance of Singapore Governance.
Nantha Tan
Study so hard to learn a unique skillset only to join the government sector?

Outsourcing isn't the problem, the problem is how they award the contracts which is hugely depending on how attractive the bid is, usually price. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Don't be surprised if the vendors are using pirated softwares all along.
Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan -
(1) The following are normally important considerations in awarding Government contract :-
(a) Meet all tender (administrative contractual) term and conditions (including security clearance).
(b) Meet all mandatory technical specifications, technical competency and fit-for-purpose.
(c) Meet (a) and (b) with the lowest price.

So it is not true that the lowest price bidder will win the contract.
Those vendors who can't meet (a) and (b) -- will be kicked out in the 1st round.

(2) Using pirated software is an offence in any Government tender.
It infringe the Intellectual Property Right act and it may also introduce malware, trojan or virus into the Government System.

Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan - when you say "outsourcing is not a problem" --- is correct.

(1) Government normally try to do things in house.

(2) However when this is not possible, or not cost effective, or the career path is limited and not possible to keep this people --- "outsourcing" maybe needed.

(3) Sometimes, very specialised, niche or high security system (with closely guarded IPR by vendor) - may need some "outsourcing".

eg. if we want to buy F35s from Lockheed Martin - can we insist that they must have employed local staff in Lockheed Martin to service the RSAF - if RSAF want to buy F35s?
F35s stealth, software etc are closely guarded secret that are kept close to the heart of Lockheed Martin depot - and will not allow customers to have access to their code or IPR.

Then can we insist that they must have local staff employed by them - before we can buy them?

The only way to ensure that our vital information are safeguarded - is to factor all the above obligations in the tender terms and conditions plus any other safeguard put in place - to ensure our confidential data are not compromised.
Paul Tan
Ricky Lim the trend has been insourcing not outoutsourcing since 2011. The government is fallen behind the trend. Especially important is that intellectual knowledge and property should be owned by the insourcing staffs as that is critical for survival of the business.
Nantha Tan
Ricky Lim LOL @ point 2. You really have no idea. Stop being naive. No one checks. I know some companies who have done it and are still doing it.

As much as I agree on point one, you forget to consider how and who designs the kpi for the requirements and who ultimately decides if the company fits the bill. Most of the time, and again I emphasize most, the one who is doing all these vetting has zero or basic knowledge of the assignment.

I have done tenders before, it maybe for a different industry, but the conclusion of usually the same, lowest bidder wins. I'm not saying these because I have a beef with the government, but because I have experienced it.
Nantha Tan
Ricky Lim Yes, I agree. In a prefect world, that is the case. But, we are not living in a perfect world.
Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan -
(1) I am not able to comment on your sweeping statement you have made on the Government tender process.

But the following are few points that you may like to take note of :-
(1) The tender process has to undergo rigorous verification and approval process through the various hierarchal Government level.
(2) Evaluation criteria are established and made known in the tender process to the Tenderer.
(3) The award will have to go through the various step mention above and a detail evaluation report need to be made - to be submitted to the various level of senior official for endorsement and approval.
(4) The vigor of tender process will depend on the tender amount and the complexity of projects - in tender formulation, verification, checks and approval.
(5) Finally, tender process are subject to audit by independent auditor, specifically the AGD - to ensure there are no irregularity in the tender process.

Singapore has been rated as the 3rd least corrupt in the World - after Denmark and New Zealand.

I believe if anyone has information about the integrity or irregularity of the tender process - one can file report against it.
Malaysian Paul Tan pls lah no need to die hard in bring in Singapore down.

U life in your condo estate? If yes, then do u DIY your condo security or u outsource?
Faker Nantha Tan pls lah being fake u already a nonsense.
Why so sick & had to always attack Singapore, even if u with the fake MY gang. Tbis shit gang is weak dirt!

Which industry do not out source nowsday? Try so hard and in the end agree the world is mess up, worst when u & gang r existing.
Paul Tan
用李 u r double headed snake . It was not too long ago and we saw u supported TCB new party . So clearly u r a fake PAP supporter and your real motive here to make more people dislike PAP. U r doing this by brainlessly attacking the netizens and mislead them to believe u support PAP.
Nantha Tan
Ricky Lim it's not corruption..... You're putting words into my mouth and I don't appreciate that. I did not say, accuse nor imply the system is corrupt. I am saying price has always been a key determining factor for awarding the project.

It has been awhile since I did a tender, so pardon me if my memory is a little hazy. There is a grading table is given vendors for an idea of the portion of scores and price very often is about 30%.

You can cite all you want of the criteria. But it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be followed. Same as the ten commandments.
Nantha Tan
用李 I never say outsource is bad what? Your comprehension fail until cannot sia. Since when I say outsource is bad? My livelihood requires outsource from time to time leh, how can I say it's bad?

I agree the world is messed up, but I disagree that nothing can be done to make things better.

Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan -
Corruption also refer to :-
(1) biasness, not objective in awarding tender, or favor some vendors against others
(2) not complying to evaluation criteria make known to all Tenderers for tender award.
--- not only refer to bribery, or gaining favor by whatever means.

Public can make a complain to the relevant authorities if there are information or evidence of (1) or (2).

AGD will have pick up such irregularities in (1) or (2) during the audit.
Singh Prem
Ultimate responsibility lies with HSA. Government agencies must stop all outsourcing, especially if they are THE authority on the fundamental obligations. Time to accept that the house needs to be put in order, to justify the high remunerations paid. Outsourcing of fundamental obligations, involving strictly private confidential data, has to be a "NO GO" from the onset. Do your job, please, and not just outsource, or delegate to 3rd parties. By the way, are SSG marerial staff all locals, or there are foreigners having access to the data as well?
Out source task is common practice in a lot of area. Simple example is your condo secrurity out source or the residents do it themselve?

The main fault is the one secure the job did not professionally carry out it job & job offerer only failed to ensure is a trustworthy out source agent!
Yen Er
The Singapore telcos also outsource to FT. That's why we are receiving so many scam calls and millions of dollars have been scammed.

Ricky Lim
I believe the Government is trying to fix this :- 
By reducing the DRC - dependency ratio ceiling (for service) in using foreigners and trying to get companies in Singapore to recruit more Singaporeans.

Local teclos are in a "cut throat" business - where competition are intense and market is saturated. 
Won't be surprise they will try to cut cost in whatever ways.

But with Government policies tightening up through ITM - business will be forced to transform and with DRC cut - companies will have no choice but to recruit more Singaporeans.
Singh Prem
Ricky Lim useful comment....deeply appreciated. Hopefully, it is sooner, and not in some distant past.
Ricky Lim
Singh Prem - The ITM is implemented in Mar 2016 (Budget Speech) and the DRC is just implemented in Mar 2019 (Budget Speech) both announced by the Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat.

In fact the whole Cabinet is deeply concerned about the job situation for Singaporeans.
(1) The Government need to ensure that businesses in Singapore can perform well in our Economy - as Global competition are intense.
Note :- Singapore cost is not low - as compare to other Countries in the region.
Eg. Malaysia salary is RM$2,700 for a Master degree holder.
In Singapore, it is at least S$3,700 for a Bachelor degree or RM$11,100

How do we ensure Singapore business can compete with business in Malaysia - as our labour cost alone is 4.1 times higher than Malaysia?

Thus we need to adopt ITM - so that business must transform to adopt automation and employ 1 Singaporean to run the automation at 4.1 times (1 worker to replace 4 workers) - for Singapore to be competitive.

Ricky Lim
(1) 30,000 people who found jobs through the Adapt and Grow Initiative - 2018.
Thus if anyone need a job (due to retrenchment) or job loss - for whatever reasons ---- e2i, NTUC, WSG --- are the source where Singaporeans can get help to land a good job.

The outcome of these initiatives and programs --- are getting better and better results --- as Government, Business and Workers work more and more closely together.

Agree that initially, there are hiccups and teething problem when this program is launch - as Business and workers need buy in and train into this program.

But now it should be getting better results and outcomes.
Those who have used this service before - and did not get good result earlier - should re-enlist the program to get help.

(2) Job vacancies for PMETs rose to 53% in 2018: MOM survey.

(3) An MP is raising the question of why more than 70% of those retrenched are PMET in the coming Parliament, I think the Minister of Manpower will address this.

But meanwhile, stay positive and get the right help.
The above agencies (setup by the Government) - are there to help anyone who need help.

Don't get despair and give up --- preserverance, patience, resilience and determination are the needed attributes to recover from any mid-career crisis.
Singh Prem
Ricky Lim noted, but for many graduates, there seems to be stagnation of jobs commensurate with their qualifications, as too many of such jobs taken up by foreigners. For these graduates, taking ANY KIND of job is not the way forward. Time for Government and Private Sector to increase spending to create the specialist jobs for our graduates. All middle management jobs ought to be given to Singaporeans, at the very least.
Ricky Lim
Singh Prem - I can't comment about the fresh graduate as I don't have information.

But NUS, NTU, SUTD, SMU, SUSS - published yearly report that among all the faculties - more than 90% found employment after graduation.

Their salary is more than $3,000 - depending on which faculty they are in.
Singh Prem
Ricky Lim i never put much faith in such self-serving reports, as these institutions compete for potential students. Point i am making is, graduates have reduced chances of getting jobs befitting their qualifications. Examples - accountancy, engineering and even computer jobs are going more to foreigners.

Ricky Lim
Singh Prem - Unless you are saying that IHL reporting is inaccurate or is falsifying the data collected from the student or has error in compiling and presenting the statistics.

IHLs are Statutory Boards and will be subject to auditing by the AGD.

They are not any commercial firms doing marketing.
Singh Prem
Ricky Lim you know comprehensively their survey process? Was a public referendum done to cover each and every graduate? You believe what you like to believe, and i stick to the reality of things, as I have been around, and continue to learn the "ground issues" even to this very day. We can never see eye to eye, based on your approach in citing self-serving reports
Truth is graduates are in limbo as they can no longer get their jobs they studied hard for. They have to compete for ANY job, and with foreigners too.
Ricky Lim
Singh Prem -
(1) Economic manpower planning, industry needs, IHLs education etc - are all closely linked together.
IHL openings in every faculty are not left to chance - and are tied in closely to the industry needs.

(2) IHLs have access to labour data - their graduates, employment data such as job title, salary.

(3) IHLs have very accurate data (not survey data) --- as the course curriculum, graduate quality and the type and number of graduates in each faculty are not leave to chance - but accurate planning.

I am glad that I don't see-eye-to-eye with your "ground work" --- because I trust the Government data and statistics more.
Even the number of foreigners are planned and factor into the industry needs - ie. why Government have to calibrate the reduction of the DRC (Service) carefully - so as not to acutely disrupt the business and the Economy - causing mass dis-location.

In the midst of ITM business restructuring - there are bound to cause some disruption to the movement of labour.

But Government data and statistics are mostly accurate with some plus and minus --- not forgetting that :-
(1) some people may want to do their business or be a hawker or be a grab driver after their graduation rather than be an engineer they trained for.

But Government data and statistics are mostly accurate with some plus and minus --- not forgetting that :-
(1) some people may want to do their business or be a hawker or be a grab driver after their graduation rather than be an engineer they trained for.
(2) some people prefer to shake legs at home, or go for world-wind tour to enjoy life first for studying so hard for so many years before looking for jobs. Some do have problem finding the right jobs.
(3) some people not in the mainstream IHL are graduates from overseas etc.
Singh Prem
Ricky Lim clearly you have no answers to my 3 major issues - dysfunctional jobs not commensurate with qualifications, no open national surveys done, any job to be fighting for, against foreigners as well whom employers generally prefer. Good that we agree to disagree. Have a lovely week ahead. Nothing more from me as it will be a case of cows just not coming home 😉

Singh Prem -
(1) I don't disagree dysfunctional jobs not commensurate with qualifications - because disruptive tech, AI etc has make some jobs dysfunctional., Sunset industry has also lead to job loss.

(2) No open national survey done --- not sure whether there is a need for it - as the manpower, iras, cpf, income status, jobs status etc - are all in the Government database - and the Government has up-to-date information to do Economic planning, education planning, welfare planning etc --- otherwise how you think the Government formulate their various policies - Economic, welfare, budget?

(3) Government is not ignorant that many employers favor foreigners as oppose to Singaporeans - like i have mention earlier, Malaysia graduate salary is 4 times less than 1 Singaporean salary - as employers who will you employ? Government has come out with Unfair Employment policy - to discourage such discrimination - but ultimately, business will still look at their profit and loss.

Government cannot just bulldoze and mandate that all businesses must only take Singaporeans and no foreigners - because businesses may fail due to too high labour cost or business will just close shops here and move to other Countries.
Government must ensure that ITM work properly, productivity goes up through automation, and Singaporean workers are well trained and business are competitive - before the Government start to reduce foreigners and get businesses to engage Singaporeans.

But foreign workers who add values to our Economy will still be needed.

Ricky Lim [How do we ensure Singapore business can compete with business in Malaysia - as our labour cost alone is 4.1 times higher than Malaysia?]

So silly to compare this way, then India graduate salary $300 will out compete the world to shift all business there, while US $65K medium income should 100% jobless.

Its like saying our $M Minister can't compete with Msia Minister 10 to 1. Swap and you will see what you get overnight.

If you are Msian, you understand how bad the std there under quota. Only their few Chinese enter Malaya Uni is "semi qualified" & gd, but they will end up in SG
 or US later.

You know why KLIA & Pasir Gudang Port failed to take over SG even at 30% fee, with free land given to angmo aim to kill SG by Mahathief?

You will have whole containers load of $M goods simply disappear by insider there. That's what you get for 1/3 price. So customers return to SG, and pull containers up Causeway using SG companies. Pay Sg price Zero incidence, peanut price all lost.

Our local grad std are world class highly regards by global MNCs. Even in global event working with US, EU & Jp top talents, i always find Sporean hold ourselves so well, even better in many cases when come to senior level, while having bilingual adv with honesty + hardworking great reputation.

Otherwise you think MNCs so stupid eager to employ so many Sporean in impt posts esp for China mkt, freq head hunt us with green cards. You will be surprised what angmo intellectual think about Spore std, the only exceptional Asia country that is on par with West.

But allowing FT to flood in & play nepotism to edge out local rampantly, it make SG competitiveness drop to bottom.

A company long term strength relies on manpower quality, not cheapest as we gun for high value sector, not rubber latex collection labour.

That's how US corps realized outsourcing to cheap India has screwed up ALL their Corps so badly. I can give a long long list of Corps that ruined by bringing in Indians that overwhelmed them.

I would pay 4x for SG than a Msia grad or India one that will kill my business within a year. Not that they are all bad, the best already gone to West or come here study expecting same if not higher salary.
Ricky Lim
TanChin -
(1) Until and unless the businesses here buy in to what you say here - then we have arrived. Else, every quarter, the businesses will look at their bottom-line - their profit and loss.

(2) The purpose of ITM is to work towards what you say.
And we will have arrived if we succeed.
Remember what our Leaders said before we thought of ITM and embark on ITM.
Singapore has never go by this unchartered water - of raising productivity through ITM.

But I think we are seeing very good result upon implementing ITM from 2016 - where productivity move into positive territory for the 1st time in history.

That is why, the Finance Minister upon announcing ITM in 2016 is also announcing DRC (Service) reduction in 2019 --- as more positive result emerged.

I have a good sense that more and more Singaporeans will be able to secure jobs as we move into the future --- except that Singaporeans must also be proactive to work with WSG, e2i and NTUC if they have problem finding jobs.

Yen Er
Why need to outsource such highly confidential job? Singaporean can't handle the job? Government need to look into this outsourcing seriously.
Ricky Lim
Government need to buy system, solution, software and hardware - from vendor, solution provider.

Upon procurement, the vendor need to do installation of the system and system integration.
Who will know the system better than the vendor who provide the system to install and implement the system?
(eg. in layman term, can we buy an aircon and install it ourselves at home?
We cannot, we need the aircon man to install the aircon for us.
After installation, then we learn how to operate the aircon.)

Only after procurement from the vendor -- Government official are then train to run the system or engage "trusted solution partner" to help them maintain the system.
Nantha Tan
Study so hard to learn a unique skillset only to join the government sector?

Outsourcing isn't the problem, the problem is how they award the contracts which is hugely depending on how attractive the bid is, usually price. When you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

Don't be surprised if the vendors are using pirated softwares all along.
Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan -
(1) The following are normally important considerations in awarding Government contract :-
(a) Meet all tender (administrative contractual) term and conditions (including security clearance).
(b) Meet all mandatory technical specifications, technical competency and fit-for-purpose.
(c) Meet (a) and (b) with the lowest price.

So it is not true that the lowest price bidder will win the contract.
Those vendors who can't meet (a) and (b) -- will be kicked out in the 1st round.

(2) Using pirated software is an offence in any Government tender.
It infringe the Intellectual Property Right act and it may also introduce malware, trojan or virus into the Government System.

Faker Nantha Tan u r doublling your dangerous statement. Becareful!
Ricky Lim
Nantha Tan - when you say "outsourcing is not a problem" --- is correct.

(1) Government normally try to do things in house.

(2) However when this is not possible, or not cost effective, or the career path is limited and not possible to keep this people --- "outsourcing" maybe needed.

(3) Sometimes, very specialised, niche or high security system (with closely guarded IPR by vendor) - may need some "outsourcing".

eg. if we want to buy F35s from Lockheed Martin - can we insist that they must have employed local staff in Lockheed Martin to service the RSAF - if RSAF want to buy F35s?
F35s stealth, software etc are closely guarded secret that are kept close to the heart of Lockheed Martin depot - and will not allow customers to have access to their code or IPR.

Then can we insist that they must have local staff employed by them - before we can buy them?

The only way to ensure that our vital information are safeguarded - is to factor all the above obligations in the tender terms and conditions plus any other safeguard put in place - to ensure our confidential data are not compromised.
Chua Lee Kheng
An apology is definitely not enough!
Wahsi Ninlaupeh
This doesn’t really bother me much now. All my information that went online was already leaked with SingHealth’s blunder last year. The HSA incident probably added my blood type to the already stolen information. It’s all out there now. I’m pretty much resigned to fate
Choon Tiong
HSA should compensate blood donors. They got the blood for free, now donors' data have been robbed by others.