Submarine hunter, recon leader: What a naval mothership and its unmanned systems can do
CNA’s Aqil Haziq Mahmud spent some time at a maritime defence exhibition to suss out how a naval mothership could operate with unmanned boats and drones.
By Aqil Haziq Mahmud @AqilHaziqCNA
19 May 2019 06:01AM (Updated: 19 May 2019 06:10AM)
On the other hand, just need 1 hacker to take control of all these gadgets to turn them against our ownself! Wake up! What you cannot defend, you don't own! Our failures in tech and IT in health ministry, red cross...

(1) The hacking in health ministry etc - are IT systems using open architecture TCP/IP --- that are widely known by developers worldwide.
(2) Military system for operation use close architecture with much higher security.
(3) Insofar, if these unmanned system can be hacked and taken over, military manned communications can also be taken over - because they are using the same communication systems and protocols.
(4) Warfare have proven that, some military system may be tapped sometimes not all the time that cause some leak in intelligence or some systems are disrupted by militaries with more advanced tech - but the military system cannot be taken over in its entirety due to higher security and other security safeguard put in place.
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(1) IT systems are constantly access by anyone, any network in the Internet. Thus it is difficult to ascertain who is friendly, who is foe.
(2) A military system are closed network that only allowed own forces to communicate.
(3) Any detection of "unauthorised connection" not within the domain of "own force" are deem adversaries hacking and remedial actions will be taken to cut off the connection. --- for example.
(4) Any attempt to hack in or disrupt our military communication system - will mean exposing its location and will be targeted and locked on by missiles or other weapon system to eliminate the threat.
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(1) An analogy, "A" network only allow :-
- abc123 mac address
- def456 mac address
- ghi789 mac address to register with "A" network.
(2) User with abc123 mac address connect authenticate with "A" network will be issued with IP Address by "A" DHCP server - and allow to access "A" network.
(3) Assume a hacker with aaa123 mac address want to connect to "A" network, the WiFi gateway/DHCP server - will check for the reigster mac address and notice that aaa123 mac address is an unauthorised user trying to connect to the WiFi gateway.
(4) WiFi gateway will estimate the location and distance of this hacker trying to connect and authenticate with "A" network and deny access.

singapore really see itself as the israel of the east; arming to the teeth.
I'm joining the navy as ship captain soon.


Bruce, you must join them as cybersecuirty

ST Engineering Marine should consider developing a larger Multi-Role Combat Vessel (MRCV)s as Vanguard 140 with length of 140m, displacement of 6,000 tons, able to carry more weapons, able to perform multiple roles at the same time instead of modular missions make it multi missions and ocean going. Able to perform anti-air, anti-ship, anti-submarine, mine countermeasures, electronic warfare, etc simultaneously at the same time. A truly multi-purpose frigate.
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Thankfully Singapore has a capable navy for our island state.
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Unless you have an aircraft carrier, the real naval value of surface assets is merely to fly the flag, ie for show only.
Better to put more money on a fleet of 12-15 submarines.
(1) Surface ships can do :-
- patrolling along the coastline
- intercept ships
- provide support to land operation
- command and control air, land, sea, submarine operation
- ship-to-air defense
- ship-to-ship defense
- clear sea mine
- detect submarine
- sea search and humanitarian assistance
(2) Submarines are useful for :-
- reconnaissance
- go for stealth kill
Can a drone track submersible craft effectively.?
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(1) Thought only underwater drone can track submarine.
(2) Flying drone cannot.
(3) Thought sonar submerged in water are usually used to track submarine.
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