Sunday, May 26, 2019

Le Pen beats Macron as EU centre faces populist challenge

 (Updated: )

Lam Chian Leong
(1) Look like populism, protectionism, nationalism are on the rise in EU.

(2) EU make up US$21 trillion GDP out of US$81 trillion World GDP.

(3) US make up US$19 trillion GDP out of US$81 trillion World GDP.

(4) Both US and EU make up US$40 trillion out of US$81 trillion World GDP - almost half of the World GDP.

(5) It look like Asia Pacific that make up of US$32 trillion and the rest of the World US$9 trillion --- need to up it ante in trade, business and investment to make up for more uncertainty in trade with the West (US and EU) amdist the rise of populism, protectionism, nationalism in both continents.

(6) This scenario is quite similar to 1930 Deep Depression - when US start trade war through tariff - and led to increasing protectionism and nationalism in Europe - and led to collapse in World trade and Global Economy - that eventually led to World War 2.

(7) Such development that happen in the West - is not something that anyone can take comfort in.

Lam Chian Leong
(1) Free market forces or raw capitalism - is taking its toll on the people even though it generate wealth to the World Economy.

(2) It has the flaw in distributing wealth evenly to the people - as raw capitalism or free market forces - has the side-effect of bringing more wealth to a few, some in the middle and less to the mass --- that bring about acute social inequality and income inequaltiy. ---- the elongated Pyramid.

(3) 1% of the world richest control 50% of the world wealth - is brought about by raw capitalism - and result in mass backlash against raw capitalism - and give rise to populism, protectionism, nationalism in the West (US and EU) - the originator of raw capitalism --- albeit as part of the phenomenon of the "Universal Law of Karma".

(4) Failure to redistribute wealth to ensure everyone benefit from wealth generation - will always result in "rebellion" - which everyone in the World witness the "chaos and mess" unfolding in US and EU.

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