Thursday, May 16, 2019

Democrat Andrew Yang wants to be US president - and give you US$1,000 a month

 (Updated: )
Lam Chian Leong
Yang's biggest proposal is what's known as a universal basic income, or UBI, a concept that in recent years has gained traction within certain academic circles.

Under his "Freedom Dividend" plan, every adult American would receive US$1,000 a month regardless of income or work status, a cash infusion he says is the best way to combat the destruction of manufacturing and other jobs due to automation.

(1) The Universal Basic Income (UBI) - US$1,000 a month to be given to each adult to combat disruptive tech make sense.

(2) But the total population of US is 329 million people. Assume half are adults, 164.5 million will receive US$1,000 a month.

(3) Every year, US need to cough out US$1.98 trillion to fund the UBI scheme.

(4) Where to get this revenue to fund it?
Shaun Foo
I also wanna be President like President Rufus :) :) Juz Joking :) :)
Siew Tia
do you think English man wanted a yellow skin to be their president think again

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