Friday, May 10, 2019

ricky l

Malaysia's hopes of economic revival under Mahathir fade

By Joseph Sipalan and Rozanna Latiff
- A leader that fails to honour international agreements and signed contracts --- will be a sure deterrent for investors to invest in Malaysia.
  • ricky l
    33 seconds ago
    This leader thought that he is very smart and try to arm-twist all the investors and other Countries in many signed international agreements and signed contracts - to extract as much benefits as possible.

    But on the contrary - this is "penny wise but pound foolish" --- as no one will want to deal with such leaders in future potential investment and business opportunities ---- because he is seen to be untrustworthy, unreliable, opportunist - who is bent on only benefitting himself at the expense of others.

    This will be a sure way to discourage any investors from investing in Malaysia - and Malaysia economy will continue to plummet.
1 second ago
Initially this leader say :-
- he will stay as PM for only 2 years and pass to his successor.
- now he say he will stay on to 3 years before passing on to his successor.

His reason for his flip-flop (as he always do - even for signed agreement) - is that this will make the job easier for his successor.

But the actual case is, his successor will not have sufficient time to implement policies and govern the Country to convince voters that he can take the Country forward.

By doing so, the next election will be around the corner - and this mean the Government will indeed be in a big risk to lose the next election.

This leader has no intent to groom his successor but - in fact put him into a position that will be disadvantages to him and his coalition in the next election.

  • 2 hours ago
    You mean the investor that lowered their sales price by 30% for the East Coast Rail Link project? The one that doesn't employ malaysians?
  • ricky l
    @evulg - Why did you only bring out the ECRL?

    There are so many things that your PM flip flop.
    You can easily list them with your fingers with your 2 hands.

    Even your successor of 2 years now flip flop to 3 years - and not even sure he will flip flop further.

  • Joo Mong
    4 minutes ago
    I do not mean to be arrogant or rude. Based on the way he works in that photo dated 19/06/2018, he may have to really depend on others like Lim Guan Eng's to get moving.
  • Hello Cc
    15 minutes ago
    Dr.M = the Architect for present Malaysia.
  • Ivan Ho
    36 minutes ago
    This is the instant noodle age. Bad economy takes time to resolve. even when actions were taken, it will take time for it to take effect and improve. it is not like you vote them in and suddenly everything becomes great.
  • Coma
    37 minutes ago
    There are those who loved to see the country being robbed and there are those who became the so-called YB's just want to rob, and there are those who enjoy the loot. If this is the way the country moves, then Malaysia will not be seeing progress, neither will it have a taste of progress
  • rokk
    52 minutes ago
    Stop whipping your more successful neighbor and start working with them. Be humble, isn't that what you preach?
  • jit eng
    57 minutes ago
    the win by PH is a start of a long journey... it's for the LONG HAUL after 60 years of hegemony... be a little more patient.. if we can endure 60 years or gradual decline.. can't we give PH at least 60 months (5 years) to get things moving in the right direction?
  • tn
    2 hours ago
    #$%$! Since when Malaysia economy are not debt-laden! Especially during his tenure! he don't even know how to serve the web how could he know any today happening!

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