Thursday, May 23, 2019

Huawei's own OS system may be ready this year: Report

 (Updated: )

Lam Chian Leong
(1) China population is 1.4 billion (18% of World Population).

(2) World population is 7.7 billion.

(3) Per Capita GDP of the World is US$10,748.71.

(4) Per Capita GDP of the China is US$9,608 - not too far away from the World.

(5) Thus if Huawei is able to develop its own Huawei OS and mobile apps eco-system to its own China domestic customers with high purchasing power --- Huawei already achieve the 1st
四句真言 :-

(1)立于不败之地。(Assume 1 person buy 1 Huawei person at home for $1,000 a year - Huawei will have $1.4 trillion of revenue a year)

This is step 1 - of Huawei approach to :-

(6) Once Huawei has stabilise its domestic market - with good revenue and good profit - then Huawei can do its 2nd step.

(7) Develop another set of mobile apps eco-system that are meant for foreign market - and this will have achieve :-

(8) So Huawei can do "soak, absorb, consolidate, attack, expand".
Ramneet Bedi
Hmmmm what an economics. 👌👌

Paul Simone
There is every reason to choose this name, "Hong Meng".
Ragnarok Mobile by CrusaderShad
So disappointed with the selfish attitude. Wait the end of the world comes nearer, will the selfish ones keep hide everything rather than share the knowledge and help each other to solve the problem.

The global warming issue is so strong, population overgrowth, starvation, uncontrolled pregnancy issue, animal extinction. But they never care to solve this issue. They just care to worry of technology transfer issue only. Example such as A brand, B brand, C brand. They have competition and will improve each other but never complaint technology transfer. If worry of technology transfer, why create copyright, patent this kind of rules?
Richest Ar
yup, this is so USA
The world can not b save anymore. Every living human every second is destroying the very sick dirt planet we called earth.

Just prepare to face the worst that human had not see just yet.
Augustine Teo
Richest Ar
Americans cannot see asian up la.
No point talking to west if asians can develop own mobil system.
Jacq Low
It is Apple and Samsung's arrogance that created Xiaomi, Oppo and Huawei. It is Trump's arrogance that China will develop its own OS. Shooting themselves in the foot. Real smart~ really winning liao~
Shariful Gazi
Yes, and I will buy huawei phone in new os with out google
Mouad Idrahou
Shariful Gazi me too.
Augustine Teo
Shariful Gazi
People usually have 2 phones.
Start selling the New OS to the world 🌍 outside China.
War of words is no point now. Action speak better. The world outside China kn nothing about the new OS u r talking abt.
Steve Shi
Go huawei let's rock and roll, we are already sick of IOS and andriod.

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