Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Singapore-Malaysia maritime boundary delimitation committee holds first meeting

 (Updated: )
Lam Chian Leong
"The two delegations had constructive discussions on maritime boundary delimitation which provided a good basis for further negotiations," said an MFA spokesperson in response to CNA's queries.
Earlier, the Malaysian High Commission in Singapore noted in a Facebook post that the meeting was held “successfully”.
(1) This indicate that both sides are willing to adhere to International Law (specifically UNCLOS guidelines) in boundary delimitation which states that :-
(a) According to UNCLOS, if there is territorial disputes as to the water boundary - 12 nautical miles will be the default territorial boundaries.
But Singapore and Johore straits are less than 12 nautical miles - thus this clause will not apply to us.

(b) According to UNCLOS, if there is territorial disputes as to the water boundary are less than 12 nautical miles - by default the water boundaries will be divided into half and the middle of each half will be the territorial boundaries to each Countries.

(2) If both sides possess goodwill and genuine want to establish good bi-lateral relationship - as long as the appropriate International Law is adhere to - then both sides can successfully resolve the long standing dispute of territorial boundary - and can work towards better bilateral relationship.
Abdul Hameed
**(b) According to UNCLOS, if there is territorial disputes as to the water boundary are less than 12 nautical miles - by default the water boundaries will be divided into half and the middle of each half will be the territorial boundaries to each Countries.**

The Line Will Be Measure From The Reclaimed Land Or The Origin Land Before Reclaim ?
Guess The Protection Of Our Sovereignty Is Just A HuHa ?.
Or Will Be The First To Be Charge Under The Fake News Law ?
Lam Chian Leong
Abdul Hameed -

Article 11
(1) For the purpose of delimiting the territorial sea, the outermost permanent
harbour works which form an integral part of the harbour system are regarded
as forming part of the coast.

(2) Off-shore installations and artificial islands shall
not be considered as permanent harbour works.

This means the Forest City reclaim artificial islands should not be included in delimiting the territorial boundary.

Why did you suggest "Charge Under The Fake News Law" ?

Under this rule, clearly the disputed area should be under Singapore Territorial Water.

Are you using the law loosely or are you abusing the fake news law to bring fear or are you disputing UNCLOS rules?
Abdul Hameed
Lam Chian Leong
(1) For the purpose of delimiting the territorial sea, the outermost permanent
harbour works which form an integral part of the harbour system are regarded
as forming part of the coast.

Is that Included land reclaiming from the actual coast ?

Lam Chian Leong
Abdul Hameed -
(1) Off-shore installations and artificial islands shall
not be considered as permanent harbour works - Forest City islands is under this.

(2) Tuas MegaPort - is part of the coast line - which say :-
the outermost permanent
harbour works which form an integral part of the harbour system are regarded
as forming part of the coast.
Georgie Lee
Cannot solved with those Bodohs only choice is to go to court.
Yonghua Lin
The 2 ports at the Johor Straits - Tanjung Pelepas opposite Tuas and Pasir Gudang opposite Ponggol - are both owned by the same powerful businessman, who could have influenced the Malaysian Port Authority to change the port limits at Tuas, where access to the port is likely affected by 4 new man made islands partly owned by the sultan.

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