Friday, May 31, 2019

In full: PM Lee Hsien Loong’s speech at the 2019 Shangri-La Dialogue

 (Updated: )
Lam Chian Leong
To unravel the rivalry of US and China

Step 1 – Urge both US and China to take 1 step backward
Adopt a conciliatory wholesome concept known as "Empathy" – with the following vision (to prevent "Cold War" or worst degenerate into long-term tension and even conflict)

“Friends with All.
Adversary with None.
Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win Outcome.

Lam Chian Leong
Step 2 - Understand the destructive effect of long term tension and confrontation

(1) It is a no brainer that US and China should not confront and clash militarily - because by doing so - it will be a MAD proposition (Mutually Assured Destruction).

(2) With weapons that are unstoppable such as hypersonic missiles, nuclear weapons, carrier-killer, satellite killer etc --- mutually assured destruction is a guarantee - and "end of humanity" is a guarantee.

(3) Under such context, why should Countries take side - for "mutual destruction"?

(4) Only constructive engagement between US and China - is the only way to resolve problem.

(6) And constructive engagement through trade, business and investment are "peace guarantor" to ensure confrontation and conflict will not take place.

(7) The moment trade, business and investment are remove from mutual engagement - it is difficult to ensure military confrontation and tension will not arise.

Lam Chian Leong
Step 3a – Understand that resolution of trade deal between US and China – is a “Peace Guarantor” that will prevent military conflict from unravelling

(1) The equaliser that bring peace is "Trade" (Commerce, Business, Investment) - which bring "Mutual Benefits" (through Mutual Prosperity).

(2) Thus skirmishes, confrontation and conflict will be greatly reduced - as there are no incentives to fight one another - and cause mutual destruction - as "Commerce" maintain and build Countries relationship.

(3) But when "Trade" breakdown - "Mutual Benefits and Mutual Prosperity" are no longer the equaliser that keep relationship between and among the Countries together. Then chances of military skirmishes become possible.

(4) The tariff trade war brought about by Trump and the subsequent breakdown in the trade talk with China --- is now making South China Sea a potential "hotspot" for conflict --- as temper rise and tension may rise.

(5) In the 1930s, when US started a tariff trade war with the whole World - World War 2 erupted shortly after.

(6) The current tariff trade war launch by Trump - mirror the 1930 tariff trade war launch by US.

Lam Chian Leong
Step 3b – Learn from historical lesson of 1930 Deep Depression trigger by US tariff trade war – the collapse of Global Economy - the uprising of white race supremancy - that lead to World War 2

(1) It will have a serious consequences if US tariff trade war run out of control.

(2) Frantic attempts to shore up the economies of individual nations through protectionist policies, such as the 1930 U.S. Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act and retaliatory tariffs in other countries, exacerbated the collapse in global trade. By 1933, the economic decline had pushed world trade to one-third of its level just four years earlier.

(3) The 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression in the United States and the rise of Nazi Germany in Europe. This momentous decade ended with the beginning of World War II in Europe with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939.

(4) Hopefully both US and China understand the serious implication and consequences of not resolving the trade war between US and China.
It can tear the peace, wealth and global economic growth apart – and can even lead to disastrous consequences unimaginable – if the long term tension spin out of control.

Lam Chian Leong
Step 4 – What should Singapore do to manage the Adversity in the larger environment that confront us in trade, business, investment etc?

(1) Strengthen our 1st inner circle - Maintain ASEAN centrality (US$3 trillion market) in trade, business, investment – and promote more economic growth eg. Hasten the implementation of Digital eCommerce to grow our economic pie.
(2) Work actively to conclude the 2nd inner circle (Asia Pacific) – RCEP (US$32 trillion) multi-lateral trade – and ensure trade, business and investment can flourish in the biggest economic union in the World (bigger than the current biggest EU market of US$21 trillion).
Note :- China is the 2nd largest Economy, Japan is 3rd largest, India is up and coming. So the Economic Pie in RCEP ---- will be very big for Singapore.
(3) Fully exploit the 3rd inner circle - multi-lateral trade CPTPP (US$10.5 trillion) led by Japan - alternative Global Supply Chain (that link Asia Pacific to South America and North America).
(4) Fully exploit the 4th circle BRI silk route (land and sea) - can also carved out another Supply Chain - "BRI Global Supply Chain" - that connect Asia Pacific RCEP to Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America and North America.

This will in effect carved out 5 Regional & Global Supply Chain :-
- the ASEAN regional supply chain
--- the new RCEP - Asia Pacific Supply Chain
--- and not to forget the CPTPP - alternative Regional Supply Chain (that link 3 continents - Asia Pacific to South America and North America).
--- the BRI inspired - new Global Supply Chain.
--- the now crippled Global Supply Chain - hobble by US-China trade war.

Thus 5 potential "resilience" and "alternative" Regional and Global Supply Chains are build --- and there are no way similar trade war --- can disrupt the Global Supply Chain and Global Trade --- because 5 alternate paths are built.

(6) 脑转了,人转。

Singapore, US reaffirm bilateral defence relations, agree to renew MOU

 (Updated: )

Lam Chian Leong
The two ministers also affirmed the need for stable defence relations between the US and China, particularly as trade tensions increase, as well as the need for countries in the region to work collectively.
(1) It is very reassuring that both US Defense Minister and China Defense Minister - express the same sentiment to our Defense Minister - that both SuperPower Militaries - need to maintain a stable defense relationships - despite the trade tension that is brewing.

(2) Singapore indeed is able to play a pivotal neutral role - to mediate and arbitrate both SuperPowers - as both have trust in Singapore as an honest broker between the 2 SuperPowers - as Singapore also has high stake in both US and China.

(3) Singapore foreign policies :-
"Friends with All,
Adversaries with None,
Forge Mutual Benefits with Win-Win outcome" --- put us in a very good stead in Global Affairs - to be able to play a PeaceMaker role.

(4) Singapore maintaining a stable military relationship with US as well as scaling up our military relationship with China - will help us to build even greater trust with the 2 SuperPower military --- and this will be very useful to mediate and keep tension down - when both SuperPowers lockhorn.

(5) Last but not least, Singapore is blessed that we do not take sides in either of the 2 SuperPowers - while we build up and deepen our relationship with both SuperPower military --- which will come in very useful if things start to turn ugly - like what is happening with the trade tension between the 2 SuperPowers.

(6) To conclude, the Shangrila Security Dialogue ---- is a good forum where Singapore play a useful role for the 2 SuperPowers to come together to talk in a conducive environment for mutual beneficial outcome (minus sabre rattling - tic-for-tac responses like in the trade tension) - that will cause things to spin out of control.
ChicKerdi Ling
Hope Ng didn't bring to this meeting, the Huawei phone from his Wednesday meeting with the Chinese ...... just kidding lol
WP Kelong
Don't worry, Mr Ng carry 2 handphones i.e. both Huawei and I-phone.
John Low
WP Kelong Excellent suggestion. Our country carries all stocks of different mobile phones. Of course including Iphone and Huawei.
Tham Serene
So... What is the exchange rate of sgd that can make US happy?
WP Kelong
Good job S'pore in continuing to host this important Shangri-La dialogue / forum annually !
Never take side and continue with our multi-lateral rules-based system to deal with all countries big or small in a friendly manner.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Malaysian PM Mahathir proposes new regional currency based on gold

 (Updated: )

(1) The World Economy is US$81 trillion - is there enough gold to support the pegging of world currencies to US$81 trillion?

(2) If not enough gold, does it means that the price of gold will increase multiple fold to match the World Economy of US$81 trillion - in order for world currencies to peg against gold?

(3) Does it means that a few Countries who mine gold - will have become Superpowers overnight - because they can mine gold eg. China, Australia, U.S., South Africa and Russia --- and not base on economic strength. The rest of the World suddenly lose its economic wealth overnight?

(4) Speculators can start attacking by concentrating its speculation in gold rather than many diverse currencies - and will lead to stunted economic growth of the varying economies. Those Countries that store up the most gold - can then hold the World Economy hostages. So does it make sense for the World Countries to peg to one metal that is of limited supply and can lead to World scrambling to hoard gold?

(5) The world has long abandon pegging its currency in gold -due to its limited supply and in fact bring in silver -- but yet both metals are not able to sustain the World economic growth - and hence peg to US dollar to sustain world economy for trade. When economy grow in strength, more money need to be printed to support the economy. But as gold is limited and cannot be printed - does it mean that the economy cannot print more money because it is peg to gold - and the supply of gold is limited?

(6) US cannot easily print money - because the world can sell its treasury bills - that will cause US curreny to weaken. 
 - if the printing of money is not back by its economic growth.

(7) Gold have varying degree of purities - some are 99.99, 99.5, 98, 91.6 etc purities --- then how do currency peg to the varying purities of gold?
(1) In the olden day when World Economy are less complex, human population are much lesser than today's population, the vast supply of gold can be used as peg to Countries' currency.

(2) For eg. Countries trade agricultural goods like rice, wheat, coffee, spices, fruits, cow, sheep, poultries, pig etc.

(3) Industrialisation is at its infancy - eg. trade bicycles, bullock cart, tables, chairs etc.

(4) Thus currencies can peg to gold - and when supply is not sufficient, silver is brought in - to make denomination smaller for trade exchanges.

(5) But now, world population is about 6 billion, World Economy is at US$81 trillion - it is simply not possible for Countries to peg their currencies to gold and even silver.

(6) Countries no longer trade in agricultural goods, but also many components, parts, semi-assemble products, raw materials, robots, missiles, planes, computers, smartphones etc -- Industrialisation 4.0 has make many Countries economies to expand significantly, leap and bound. How will the limited gold supply and even silver supply sufficient to peg against currencies. That means the World Economy cannot grow - and will still remain in the 1800 or 19th Century economy - not US$81 trillion. It also means, the World standard of living all go back to 1800s, 1900s - where 5 cents can buy a car?

(7) Moreover, Countries has evolved to trade in services, finances, virtual economy like digitial economy, eCommerce - that even crypto currencies are jumping into the Economy as medium of exchange --- then how will gold and silver be sufficient for Countries' currencies to be peg against - unless people don't want World Economy to grow.

(8) Pegging world currencies to gold --- is akin to going back to use "abacus" to do calculation instead of using computer spreadsheet, blockchain to keep transaction --- not even using calculator.

(9) Thus the hypothesis of pegging currencies to gold --- is flaw, and can't stand up to scrutiny --

- and will cause the economic wealth of many Countries to plummet - and is thus not workable.

(10) A simple analogy, eg. if the World Economy don't grow, then $100 currency is printed for trade and peg against limited gold supply of $100 is feasible.
But what happen if the World invent alot of things like robots, AI, eCommerce, smartphones computer etc - and the World Economy expang to $1000 - then with gold supply of $100 - does it means all this invention is to be traded at $0 - as the gold supply is finite and cannot expand?
But if use printed currencies, Economies that invent all the new stuff can print up to $1000 - to reflect their Economic output and economic growth - but gold cannot be printed.
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Soon Hoe Quah
Why is a 94 year old medical doctor and who lost RM30 billion on forex losses in BNM in the 1980's teaching us about currency manipulation prevention by using regional currency based on gold??? Please retire and go play with your grandchildren and let Malaysia have a genuine leader with vision and conviction for a better and united Malaysia! Not bloody sticking to matriculation quotas, ECRL 20% bumi contractor quotas, pink form and AP quotas, etc.
K Tan Don
Well you should consider this option even if you don't like the old is better than to continue supporting USD..America is not as reliable as it used to be under Trumph.
Mohd Haidres Syahali
It's better than getting your opinion
David Loo
As longest running PM most responsible for the country’s track record, it can be concluded that the 94 year old has no competency in global and macro economics.
Has this old terror of the north found a gold mountain in Malaysia 🤔🤔🤔.

Might as well the world start trading using copper, silver & gold to instead what a joke. There will b no troubles???

Wake up lah.....
K Tan Don
Well, you got better suggestion smart alec ? SG now is also labelled as currency manipulator by your best buddy the US..
Mohd Haidres Syahali
Your comment shows how poor is your knowledge and understanding about this. You also maybe failed in history subject. Go back to school and learn who created paper money and for what reason, stupid!
Fake terror representative of Malaysians K Tan Don support your old terror by burning your cash. Buy those metals rock frm your hero quick.
Mohd Haidres Syahali speech is free what u think abt the whole world looking @ a prata law nation acting on SG? Talk trade war?? Talk nonsense on currency issue.

U think the world will bother???
Tonyle Tan
Mohd Haidres Syahali Right !
Faker Malaysian Tonyle Tan not left? Not left right left?? Not right left right???
Hamid Sayed
It's good step for genuinely.
To barrier big black mailer..
Why we depends on others
Liquid money more comfortable
Gold is best transaction
K Tan Don
Yes, if every country is working towards this direction, than US would not be able to print USD as much as they like and they wanted to. US is the biggest currency manipulator in the world, everyone knows that..
Wong Chiew Yuen
K Tan Don agreed they will sgort of money to make bomb.
Dr M, please close down the Lynas plant in Kuantan which is killing your Malaysian people due to pollution and the radioactive raw materials. Having so much gold also no use as you can't bring it to the coffin.
Li Ren Zeng
What he says make sense. Basically, he is trying to reverse back to the time of Brentton Wood System, whereby currencies are tied to gold. Back in those times, global economies were much more stable. Currency should be pegged to something of value, and not to other currencies, because everybody will promote their own currencies, which ends up in endless conflicts, because every big guy will want to be the leader with ability to manipulate their own currency.

There will be endless critics on this CNA page about Dr Mahatir, with some people talking irrelevant stuff or very perosnal views. But seriously, can any of the critics here say that they know more about global and macro economics than the 94 year old who spent the bulk of his life in politics.
He should share how his car factory will boom the world economic instead of old nonsense & not new.

Why the world was here not became of this old terror. But old terror always seek individual needs & throw away anything block it way of achieving. A rubbish...
Tay GuangHong
Ren Zeng, we cannot move back to the Brentton Wood system or gold standards because then the world will be brought back to poverty. There is simply not enough gold to go around the world. The best way forward is to continue the fiat money system. US print money aka mahjong player who lose money, no 1 lose, no 1 win. So the more they print, the more money flowing around in the world which is a win-win situation.
Wong Chiew Yuen
Thrump is noting. M will be introuble soon.
Raymond Goh
Yes. In corruption cos he is the master of corruption. No two ways about it.
Raymond Goh
Do you know that the Malaysian Ringgit was peg against the US$ during this corrupted Old Dog tenure as PM? Today, the Ringgit is still peg to US$
Frank Kam
With the intention to use Palm Oil instead of gold for MY's share in the participation...!!!! LOL !!!
K Tan Don
If you guys accept Palm Oil, that is also good, of course.
Wong Chiew Yuen
Palm oil cannot. It is not durable item.
Agiel Gaap Fairlane
Mahathir trying to be the next Gadaffi? Don't be surprised if he is assaniated or Malaysia is invaded on trumped up allegations if this move gets anymore serious. The superpowers will not allow the balance of economy to shift out of their favor.
Tonyle Tan
Not the world powers, but the USA
Zhang Jin
IMF :its Mahathir"s fault.
Nick Lai
No one in this world will take you seriously
Tonyle Tan
I take him very seriously. In many important world leaders are thinking seriously. Why was Iraq invaded by the US, ? The actual reason was he tried not to use us$. What about those currenc swaps between various nations ?
Wong Chiew Yuen
星星之火,可燎原啊。This idea can put US in troubles.
Johnson Lee
Now who is talking about sustainability through agreement between all nations when he could not even honor the water agreement signed donkey years ago!
Wong Chiew Yuen
People will take note of the idea. Some one or China could start to pursue it.
Swe San
Backing currency with gold is like saying 'Look. Our government sucks. You'd better rely on gold instead'. So, he's trying to be honest here.😂
Tay GuangHong
gold standard era is over since the end of bretton woods system. there is not enough gold to go around, so using the current US$ reserve currency system is good. At best, create 1 more reserve currency, must be fiat money, not gold backed. Reason why bitcoin will not work is because of the limited circulation. We need unlimited supply of money to fund the world.
Wong Chiew Yuen
Tay GuangHong that so called currency need to peg with gold.
Tonyle Tan
This time Dr.M hit the world problem on the nail ! The instability in the world economy is dued to US $. USA is using it as a tool to suck blood from others
Wong Chiew Yuen
Agreed. The world should wake up now. America first. They dont fk care whether other nation live or dead.
Wong Chiew Yuen
US just warn and want Mal Sing and Thai to chose side properly. If not they will get into troubles.
David Loo
As longest running PM most responsible for the country’s track record, it can be concluded that the 94 year old has no competency in global and macro economics.