Friday, January 25, 2019

Singaporeans must stay united amid rising global headwinds, populism: Heng Swee Keat

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Structural reform is also key – and in Singapore’s case, Mr Heng said the Republic has used the Industry Transformation Maps to transform and restructure the economy.
He added that there were many proposals from leaders around the world to work with Singapore.
“I am glad that Singapore is held in high regard by many leaders around the world ... I hope to be able to take this forward in the coming months," he said.
ITM (Industry Transformatiom Map) can indeed solve the income inequality, job problem arising from disruptive tech to transform business and train workers that will avoid the problem caused by Globalisation and Free Trade.

It is an antidote to the currect economic system face by the whole World.
Ricky Lim
So my ITM can indeed 普度世界众生 as per my Bodhi Vows。

Ricky Lim
(1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
- Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016.
- Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business.
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Ricky Lim ·
Source of Origin of ITM :-

Ricky Lim ·
The following is posted on:-

Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM
Ricky Lim
REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,

To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :-
1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training
2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools
3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc
4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI.
5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive.
6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade
7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses.
8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive.
9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive.
10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.

Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM
Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures

To elaborate further :-
(1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors.
(2) SLA should do the same with construction sector.
(3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc

ricky l
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That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.

Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.

Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up.
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Ricky Lim ·
The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM).......................
Ricky Lim
Part 1 - Background - Crisis Inflexion of Labour Force
When a Society or the Globe reach a "State of Crisis" - that threaten "Emptiness" - everything collapse (labour force collapse, business collapse, economy collapse, govt collapse, Society collapse) ---- the antidote is "Back to the Basics".
This is an analogy of how Mr Lee KY and PAP started - from zero - going through crisis after crisis - emerge from Marshland to today's Cosmopolitan City.
Similarly, we have also reached an inflexion point of "crisis" - as we can see how the Globe react - the Trump protectionism syndrome, trade war, Europe growing nationalism, Arab Spring etc --- due to Raw Capitalism reaching its peak - where disruptive tech, robotics and automation can replace human as the labour force.
At this juncture, with no worker - it means no income. Even if Organisations replace all workers with robots in production, there will be no one with income to buy.
This applies not only to our Domestic Economy, but also Global Economy - and Trade collapse.
Society collapse, Government collapse.
Sounds like a Doomsday without even a WW3.....

Part 2 - Central Planned vs Free Hand - to handle a "State of Crisis"?
In a State of Crisis, Businesss, Labour Force --- cannot be left to Market Force of free hand - because it will continue to produce an "Elongated Pyramid" --- where very few reach the top, some in the middle and the rest of the majority fall into bottom that form the base of the pyramid.
Because Meritocracy -- the hallmark of a Free Hand Capitalism - will continue to fight competition ruthlessly (such as replacing the whole production floor of workers with robots) - to reap the maximum profits - as they do not need to pay monthly salary - only one time cost of robots and some maintenance.
In short term, this elite boss will reap tremendous wealth earning tremendous profit - because it will take time for Societies and Countries to respond and do likewise.
But in medium term and long term - it will cause Society and Countries to collapse.
Thus an Authority Central Planned will need to step in to manage this "Crisis".
This is liken the 1960s when Singapore just achieved Independence - and emerge Mr Lee KY and the PAP.

Ricky Lim
Part 3 - An Economy is make up of 3 Cardinal Players of the Government, the Business and the Labour Forces Alliances

In an Ideal State, I mentioned before - Centrally Planning and State-Run Economy will be very "sub sub water" 湿湿碎.
Why is it so simple ;-
(1) Government go to every industry - ask each company to decide how they want to conduct their business, how they want to transform according to international market trend in their industry, how much automation or robots they build, what type of skillsets they need.
(2) Publish the job and job description to a Central Job Portal (rather than a disparate portals all over the place) - classified according to industries and job categories -- to allow for Central Planning of Human Resources - so that Universities, Poly, ITE, JCs etc can provide the relevant courses to train the skillsets.
(3) Labor Union, Government and Business will discuss wage remuneration, plan how labour force will be fitted into the jobs and job description.
Eg. Assume we have 1.75 million adults who can and want to work and are trained in various skillsets according to the planned skillsets and individual's abilities.
But assume 2.5 million labour forces are required by the Planned Economy - and Singapore can only produce labour force of 1.75 million, we need to bring in foreign talents and foreign workers to fill up the gap.
As it is Centrally Planned - "rightfully" foriegn talents or workers will not displaced local workers.
Similarly, foreign talents and workers will not come in with no jobs.
There will be some "plus" and "minus" --- but there should not be way out.
(Currently, I think Singapore is in a State of restructuring and transforming --- that is why - the "plus" and "minus" look quite large) --- but hopefully, when the planning reached a steady state --- the "plus" and "minus" wil be narrowed and manageable.

In 2012, the above concept is proposed to REACH.
In 2016, it was accepted and officially announced and launch by the Minister of Finance in the Budget Speech - naming it as ITM (Industry Transformation Map). This is the "Vertical ITM or Silo ITM" per industry.
I think each MOS lead ine industry --- altogether 23 industries - and 15 industries were completed with the ITM - and skillfuture training is ongoing full force for these industries (while the businesses transform according to the ITM).
In 2018,the Minister of Finance - take ITM one step further by doing "Horizontal ITM" - by clustering similar synergy industries together - to provide synergistic and economies of scale.
(Note :- ITM cannot stay constant - and will need to evolve and adjust as the industries disrupt).
Someone will ask, will businesses be ruthless enough to use robots to replace all labour?
Through a Central Planned Economy, Government and Labour Union can influenced. Also we need to work with Overseas Countries to have the same understanding.
In addition, it is not possible to have all robots with no humans. Human labour force will be needed to manage, control, do marketing, do sales, do management, do R&D, do delivery, see customers etc.
In addition, the more human free up in an organisation, we can attract or grow more business and make high pay to humans.
When this happens, our Economy will grow multiple fold and the Standard of Living of our people will grow significantly.
Henry Chua
Jm Chow
希望 全民团结一致,必須 有好的領導人.

Aw Seng
怎样团结一至 贫的越贫 富的越富
Jm Chow
The populism ill wind is sweeping across the world...from the USA, to Brexit, to EU, to South Asia, to SEA in the Philippines and Malaysia...where long established elitist government fell like dominos.

Finance Minister Heng call for 'unity among the peope' as a defence against populism.
Unity among people.... come only after GOOD government, not before. the horse pull the cart...the cart cannot came before the horse.

It was the good governance of LKY...who gave the people jobs, homes, good education, a better life for us and a future for our kids ...which united the people.
Before 1965, Singaporeans were pretty DISUNITED.

Good government, good leaders who could give the people a better life is the winning formula.... People will not be united if there is NO good leadership. This is the truism.

Populism always happen in countries where the elite leaders gotten complacent after decades in power....taking the people for Malaysia, like the USA, ...creating the opportunities for outsiders like Trump...unconventional leader like be elected.

Populism is no mystery is just the way how disillusioned people... telling their elite leaders...they are fed up with them...for being taken for granted for too long....they simply want a change.

Singapore is showing many symptoms that things are no longer good as before.

Just TWO examples of things are going the wrong direction:

Bread and butter issues, like the escalating costs of essentials ...issues very close to the heart of people living in the HDB heartlands ...are being ignored offhandedly... for TOO long.
To most people...if the leader cannot tackle such easy bread and butter issues... they are NO GOOD.

Too many stifling new rules, new laws.. new and increased levy and fees affecting our daily life and our freedom ...are being implemented against popular objections from the people.
In Singapore, the leaders are given excessive authority and the almost unlimited power to implement rules and laws quite easily (with a simple show of hands in parliament,) ..with the minimum problems from the people...
BUT this does NOT mean ...most people are happy with the new laws, rules or higher levy .
Unhappy people can easily be manipulated (or be taken advantage of) by leaders like vote against the government who imposed new rules, new laws, higher levy and fees against the wishes of the people.

FM Heng is right ...a united people is crucial prerequisite to fight against populism...but he must realise that in order for the people to stay united...FIRST there must be GOOD governance...with leaders who LISTEN .
Sam Wee
Singapores must stay united against autocracies............

Henry Chua

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