07 Jan 2019 08:50PM
Ram Bahadur Bomjan, dubbed "Buddha Boy", became famous in 2005 after followers said he could meditate motionless for months without water, food or sleep in Nepal's jungles.
A person who meditate and enter into Jhana Samadhi and or Nirvana - can go without drinks for a few days - but not months.
This is the meditative state call 禅定 - practising one-pointedness concentration and Nirvana fruition through Mindfulness and Insight.
A person who meditate and enter into Jhana Samadhi and or Nirvana - can go without drinks for a few days - but not months.
This is the meditative state call 禅定 - practising one-pointedness concentration and Nirvana fruition through Mindfulness and Insight.
Practitioners who have attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition - will usually guard their 身口意 (Mindfulness of bodily actions, speeches and thoughts) - and will usually abstain from hurting anyone - due to their profound mindfulness.
A meditator who have attained Profound Mindfulness of bodily actions, speeches and thoughts - will have attained Insights, Selflessness, Wisdom and Compassion.
Eradicating Hatred, Greed, Ignorance (贪,嗔,痴) - and will not indulge in thoughts, speeches and actions - that hurt others or self.
This is the attributes or hallmark of a meditator that have attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition :-
(1) Arahat 罗汉 (1st time Perfection of Nirvana) taught by Buddha's Teachings
(2) Pacekka Buddha 辟支佛 (1st time Perfection of Nirvana) through Self Attainment
(3) Bodhisattva 菩萨 (2 times Perfection of Nirvana) and undertake Bodhi Vows to liberate sentinent beings
(4) Buddha 佛 (3 times Perfection of Nirvana) - Supreme Enlightenment.
Eradicating Hatred, Greed, Ignorance (贪,嗔,痴) - and will not indulge in thoughts, speeches and actions - that hurt others or self.
This is the attributes or hallmark of a meditator that have attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition :-
(1) Arahat 罗汉 (1st time Perfection of Nirvana) taught by Buddha's Teachings
(2) Pacekka Buddha 辟支佛 (1st time Perfection of Nirvana) through Self Attainment
(3) Bodhisattva 菩萨 (2 times Perfection of Nirvana) and undertake Bodhi Vows to liberate sentinent beings
(4) Buddha 佛 (3 times Perfection of Nirvana) - Supreme Enlightenment.
Meditator normally don't react to disturbance of meditation with anger - but will merely focus his mindfulness on the disturbance with detachment.
Meditator enter into Jhana Samadhi and the subsequent Nirvana Fruition - will have undergone massive transformative ---- 5 mental aggregate emptiness follow by 4 great elements emptiness - 五蕴皆空,四大皆空。----- and any external disturbance will have no bearing on the massive inner mental and bodily transformation from human mundane consciousness into supramundane consciousness ---- where negative mundane hatred, greed and ignorance (贪,嗔,痴) - vanish from the supramundane consciousness state.
This is state of 禅定 (Profound Conentration and Profound Mindfulness).
When this happen at this supramundane State - it is not possible for the meditator to assault other sentinent beings.
Meditator enter into Jhana Samadhi and the subsequent Nirvana Fruition - will have undergone massive transformative ---- 5 mental aggregate emptiness follow by 4 great elements emptiness - 五蕴皆空,四大皆空。----- and any external disturbance will have no bearing on the massive inner mental and bodily transformation from human mundane consciousness into supramundane consciousness ---- where negative mundane hatred, greed and ignorance (贪,嗔,痴) - vanish from the supramundane consciousness state.
This is state of 禅定 (Profound Conentration and Profound Mindfulness).
When this happen at this supramundane State - it is not possible for the meditator to assault other sentinent beings.
Mundane consciousness are unwholesome characterised into 3 main category of hatred, greed and ignorance (贪,嗔,痴) - which encompass many unwholesome consciousness and feelings as well as happy consciousness but is short-lived eg. boredom, anger, frustration, loneliness, happy but shortlived etc.
Supramundane consciousness in the contrary are wholesome with many consciousness not experience by non-attained meditators such as :-
Blissfulness, Equanimity, Joy, Happiness, Compassion, Serenity ------ which will not translate into unwholesome thoughts, speeches or actions to hurt others, or assault others.
This is the hallmark of attained meditators.
Supramundane consciousness in the contrary are wholesome with many consciousness not experience by non-attained meditators such as :-
Blissfulness, Equanimity, Joy, Happiness, Compassion, Serenity ------ which will not translate into unwholesome thoughts, speeches or actions to hurt others, or assault others.
This is the hallmark of attained meditators.
Matt Ian Base
Ricky Lim and perhaps sakamunyi buddha or siddharta guatama whatever we choose to call the historic buddha was a con man too...theres a difference, people were more gullible in the past so a holy man who came with far fetched explanations of scientific phenomena and ways to lead yr life according to the holy man is the way to God or eternal bliss state of nothingless nibbana whatever we choose to call it...people then did seek explanations and the holymen back then thrived on this..but now we have increased in terms of knowledge and technology so a lot of the myths fairytales that people believed in the past are debunked and proven to be invalid so if we hypothethically put the historic buddha and transplant him to our times he will not be what he was a revered teacher yes there will be some who will follow him but many others will look upon him as just a cult leader...
Matt Ian Base
Ricky Lim if nibanna and all the other realms of conciousness are real then prove it..prove that there is a reincarnation process and no self soul only a state of mind..even the "buddha" claimed it as a concept and didnt even have proper explanations for these concepts
Matt Ian Base - The person who experience Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana - prove the supramundane consciousness.
If you don't experience them - how to prove it to you?
He can only describe his supramundane consciousness to you --- it is up to you to believe it or not.
Meditators who attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana - do experience the exact supramundane consciousness as describe by the Buddha as documented in the Abidharmma.
(1) Experience the nimitta - 1 pointedness bright light.
(2) Experience the absorption into the 1 pointedness bright light - which is the 5 mental aggregate emptiness.
(3) Experience the absorption of 4 bodily elements - which is the 4 great elements emptiness
(All these are liken to Black Hole absorption phenomena - the like of Cosmic Black Hole aborption of all cosmic matters and light).
(1) Experience the supernova explosion of 1 pointedness bright light absorption and rapid explosion of light to expand and expand and expand to finally cover and encompass the entire Universe
(Liken the Supernova explosion of Big Black Hole - known as the Big Bang that form the Universe).
This is the Jhana Samadhi (1 pointedness concentration) and Nirvana phenomenon.
Now meditator describe the experience to you - you can choose to believe or choose not to.
If you don't experience them - how to prove it to you?
He can only describe his supramundane consciousness to you --- it is up to you to believe it or not.
Meditators who attained Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana - do experience the exact supramundane consciousness as describe by the Buddha as documented in the Abidharmma.
(1) Experience the nimitta - 1 pointedness bright light.
(2) Experience the absorption into the 1 pointedness bright light - which is the 5 mental aggregate emptiness.
(3) Experience the absorption of 4 bodily elements - which is the 4 great elements emptiness
(All these are liken to Black Hole absorption phenomena - the like of Cosmic Black Hole aborption of all cosmic matters and light).
(1) Experience the supernova explosion of 1 pointedness bright light absorption and rapid explosion of light to expand and expand and expand to finally cover and encompass the entire Universe
(Liken the Supernova explosion of Big Black Hole - known as the Big Bang that form the Universe).
This is the Jhana Samadhi (1 pointedness concentration) and Nirvana phenomenon.
Now meditator describe the experience to you - you can choose to believe or choose not to.
Attained meditators who practise celibacy have sariras (舍利子)。
Have science proven sariras?
Up to now science is unable to explain the phenomenon of sariras.
Have science proven sariras?
Up to now science is unable to explain the phenomenon of sariras.
Breeke Lo - Many meditators sit, walk, eat and do work mindfully - which is every facet of mindfulness meditation.
Sitting meditation is a daily affair - an hour will do. Meditators do not need to sit continuously for the whole day.
Insight mindfulness meditation is a practise to be mindful of the bodily action, speeches and thoughts - in every thing they do (sit, walk, eat, doing daily chores) - including typing this post.
It grows the meditator's wisdom, compassion, selflessness and insight.
Thus cannot see how meditation can obstruct the daily lives of any human.
Normal human are not mindful with things they do.
But meditators are mindful of what they think, what they say and what they do ------ guarding the moral conducts in speeches, thoughts and actions - with concentration and mindfulness ---- until one day they gain Enlightenment (attaining Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana).
Some meditators attain Enlightenment while doing sitting meditation, some while lying down, some while walking, some while doing their daily chores.
When the factors of Enlightenment are balance and reach Equilibrium - Enlightenment may just come ---- there is no need to sit under a Bodhi Tree for days, weeks or months to attain Enlightenment.
Sitting meditation is a daily affair - an hour will do. Meditators do not need to sit continuously for the whole day.
Insight mindfulness meditation is a practise to be mindful of the bodily action, speeches and thoughts - in every thing they do (sit, walk, eat, doing daily chores) - including typing this post.
It grows the meditator's wisdom, compassion, selflessness and insight.
Thus cannot see how meditation can obstruct the daily lives of any human.
Normal human are not mindful with things they do.
But meditators are mindful of what they think, what they say and what they do ------ guarding the moral conducts in speeches, thoughts and actions - with concentration and mindfulness ---- until one day they gain Enlightenment (attaining Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana).
Some meditators attain Enlightenment while doing sitting meditation, some while lying down, some while walking, some while doing their daily chores.
When the factors of Enlightenment are balance and reach Equilibrium - Enlightenment may just come ---- there is no need to sit under a Bodhi Tree for days, weeks or months to attain Enlightenment.
Mr LKY, PM Lee, Minister Khaw BW --- all do meditation - but they still go about doing their jobs for the Nation and for their family.
They are not lazy nor do they not doing their work.
They are not lazy nor do they not doing their work.
When Mr LKY can produce miracles like "from a marsh land - we will build a modern city 10 years down the road".
---- is akin to "Black Hole of nothing - into Supernova explosion into a full blown Universe".
--- This is akin to Jhana Samadhi phenomenon --- to Nirvana phenomenon.
Because his Wisdom, his thought process, his moral conduct - are translated into Government Policies, Governance Structure - that bring about the current wholesome outcomes - a miraculous Nation Building.
---- is akin to "Black Hole of nothing - into Supernova explosion into a full blown Universe".
--- This is akin to Jhana Samadhi phenomenon --- to Nirvana phenomenon.
Because his Wisdom, his thought process, his moral conduct - are translated into Government Policies, Governance Structure - that bring about the current wholesome outcomes - a miraculous Nation Building.
Breeke Lo - Nirvana cannot be wished, induce or pursuit.
It come naturally when a meditator is ready.
If not ready, even the entire lifetime pursuit of Nirvana - Nirvana will not come. 可遇不可求。If it comes, you will know.
Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness concentration or proximate concentration of nimitta is easier to attain.
But a visible change or transformation of people who do meditation - can be observed (in terms of behavior, personality and character) - which is normally positive.
It come naturally when a meditator is ready.
If not ready, even the entire lifetime pursuit of Nirvana - Nirvana will not come. 可遇不可求。If it comes, you will know.
Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness concentration or proximate concentration of nimitta is easier to attain.
But a visible change or transformation of people who do meditation - can be observed (in terms of behavior, personality and character) - which is normally positive.
Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim u shld change ur username to Rickipedia 😁
Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - ha ha ha ha...
Anyway any attained Monks or Nuns or meditators will know this.
Cleansing the Mind (and Heart Base) - will see the True Nature.
Anyone can do it with practise (if not this lifetime, will be future lifetime).
Suspect Mr LKY has such capability :-
- Single mindedness to build Singapore - akin to Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness concentration
- Building the modern Singapore (with his extraordinary Insight Vision - where today is a marshland from ground zero --- in 10 years time - a Cosmopolitan City) - Nirvana phenomenon.
Seeing what he say and what he achieved - Mr LKY has such capability.
Attainment is not just sit in meditation - to attain Nirvana.
Even in conducting his daily chores - attainment of Nirvana is possible --- Mr LKY display many such attributes in his conduct of daily chorses of Government - in his high standard of moral conduct & establishing a clean Government and his miraculous Nation Building with tremendous Insights and Vision through his Wisdom.
Anyway any attained Monks or Nuns or meditators will know this.
Cleansing the Mind (and Heart Base) - will see the True Nature.
Anyone can do it with practise (if not this lifetime, will be future lifetime).
Suspect Mr LKY has such capability :-
- Single mindedness to build Singapore - akin to Jhana Samadhi 1-pointedness concentration
- Building the modern Singapore (with his extraordinary Insight Vision - where today is a marshland from ground zero --- in 10 years time - a Cosmopolitan City) - Nirvana phenomenon.
Seeing what he say and what he achieved - Mr LKY has such capability.
Attainment is not just sit in meditation - to attain Nirvana.
Even in conducting his daily chores - attainment of Nirvana is possible --- Mr LKY display many such attributes in his conduct of daily chorses of Government - in his high standard of moral conduct & establishing a clean Government and his miraculous Nation Building with tremendous Insights and Vision through his Wisdom.
Koffee Koffee
There is no such thing Bomjan as "Buddha Boy".
He is possessed by evil spirit to con the devotees.
Only the fools who seriously took him as "Buddha Boy" are asked to condemn to eternity.
Only God is truth. God is alive. God is holy.
God cannot appear to the people on earth as the earth filled with disobediences to God.
Morever, People had sinned against God and defying God rules of His commandments whom God had set for mankind.
God is seen everywhere even from Heaven.
What men did on earth, God is watching them from Heaven.
He or she is deemed answerable to God for faking God themselves to commit wickedness and cruelty to mankind and also shall be judged from the beginning and last of their accountable of life on earth.
He is possessed by evil spirit to con the devotees.
Only the fools who seriously took him as "Buddha Boy" are asked to condemn to eternity.
Only God is truth. God is alive. God is holy.
God cannot appear to the people on earth as the earth filled with disobediences to God.
Morever, People had sinned against God and defying God rules of His commandments whom God had set for mankind.
God is seen everywhere even from Heaven.
What men did on earth, God is watching them from Heaven.
He or she is deemed answerable to God for faking God themselves to commit wickedness and cruelty to mankind and also shall be judged from the beginning and last of their accountable of life on earth.
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Daren Ong
If your so called God is the creator of everything, if he is omnipotent, omnipresence, all knowing, ever loving, why this world, all of mankind, all animals suffer in great agony? Why this world is so damn chaotic, full of cruelty, full of injustice, full of hatred, full of ignorance, full of wickedness, full of diseases, full of disasters, full of frustrations, full of evilness etc? To create all these and at the end of the day to clear all these mess, he must be very damn FREE!!!
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