Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Aloysius Pang first soldier to be injured operating Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer: MINDEF

 (Updated: )

Looking at the diagram of the position of various crew, it look like there are 2 dangerous position :-
(1) Behind the end of the barrel - where there is no space for a human to stand behind it - when the barrel is lowered.
(2) Bottom right of the barrel (behind the ammo loader) - where during firing, the empty "catridge" will have drop out to the bottom right of the barrel.
SSPH image by SAF
In a mechanical SOP.
Anyone need to check for all clear sign before he or she can activate any start sequence of a heavy/light machinary.
用李 - Yes people operating in the howizter need to observe operational safety and soldiers need to look out for one another's safety.

This Primus are specially designed to operate in Singapore environment that need to negotiate bridges, road, tight terrain that are specially suited to operate in our terrain. The chassis is a US-designed.

This type of self-propelled howitzer work very effectively in combat as operated by US, UK, Japan, Russia - where it provide arty support in tandem with the armor operation (as compared to conventional arty - that are not so mobile). And its firing range is 3
0 km - that suit very well in supporting armor - which can help to soften the ground before armor move in.

We cannot buy other howizter in any market because they are too big and too heavy - and our roads cannot take it and will sink - and it will get stuck in bridges, road, building or forest. The 30 ton (versus 50 ton) and the 3 metres length allow us to maneouver our constraint here.

The ammo loading is semi-automatic and the firing control system is fully automatic.
At all times, crew should keep clear of the 2 danger points.

The Primus automatic targeting system using datalink and GPS - fully integrate and share info. with all other units - that can launch seamless simultaneous attack with other formation - and give us a decisive victory  --- neutralising arty, mortar, multi-barrel missile launcher or armor units targeting us before our armor move in.

Without this self-propelled howitzer, our troop, our armor, our buildings will be in peril to adversary arty, mortar, multi-barrel missile launcher or armor units - as we cannot strike them at long range - and we will come under saturated arty, mortar, multi-barrel missiles attack.

In fact the Primus is the one of the most advanced type of self-propelled howitzer - but crews need to observe safety operation guideline.

Thus soldiers operating in the Primus need to look out and observe all safety precautions when operating the Primus.

"Safety is alot of common sense" --- and all soldiers must be mindful all the time in major exercises or in operating military assets - to look out safety for ourselves as well as for fellow soldiers around us.

Ricky Lim
So if Singaporeans say - we don't want this self propelled howitzer - because it cause one death (which is very unfortunate).

Then does Singaporeans want :-
(1) Adversay saturated fire us with howitzer, arty, mortar, multi-barrel missiles and all our HDB collapse --- but we have no self-propelled howitzer to return fire.

(2) Only rely on our armor and soldiers charge like commando - hopefully can get there in time to neutralise the saturated fire us of howitzer, arty, mortar, multi-barrel missiles.

So is this what Singaporeans want?

Ricky Lim
Then some smart Singaporeans may say :-
(1) Why don't we use planes to bomb
(2) Why don't use our multi-barrel missiles to return fire?

Then we should ask back :-
(1) A plane can carry how many missiles - a few - and very expensive.
(2) Multi-barrel missiles can carry more missiles - but also very expensive.
--- but the self-propelled howitzer rounds - can hold many rounds - and very cheap. Also it is locally produced and in times of war - can produce rapidly in big number to pound adversary threatening fire - rather than wait for export from US to replenish the missiles.

--- thus if we finished using our missiles = we will have to rely on our howizter rounds to do the saturated return fire.

Analogy :- if many people attack us with parangs --- we may have a gun with 6 rounds. What happen if we finish our rounds and there are still many people with parangs - do we use our hands to block the parangs?

If we have both gun and parang - if our bullets finished, we can still used parang to counter attack.

So looking at the overwhelming cry to throw away our howitzer because it cause one training death ----- is our EQ more than overwhelm our IQ?

Sounds like it.
Ricky Lim
孙子兵法 ------ 三“不知” 的败笔 :-




The Suntze Art of War - "3 don't know" that cause military failures :-

(1) 1st don't know -- don't know the army cannot proceed - you force it to proceed.
don't know the army cannot retreat - you force it to retreat.

(2) 2nd don't know -- don't know how to plan, manage, run army affairs - but want to interfere in army affairs.

(3) 3rd don't know -- don't know how best to execute and achieve army missions - but want to interfere in the appointment of army generals, buying of military assets, training of army troops etc

--- all these 3 "don't know" ---- will lead to fatal military failures.
Alvin Leong
Ricky Lim "We cannot buy other howizter in any market because they are too big and too heavy - and our roads cannot take it and will sink - and it will get stuck in bridges, road, building or forest."

Other SPGs had operated in all the environment you had listed, does it means that Singapore's roads, bridges, etc are of a lower standard compared to the world's?

"The 28.3 ton (versus 50 ton) and the 3 metres length allow us to maneouver our constraint here."

You may want to check your numbers again, the M109 is similar sized to the SSPH but lighter, and its latest version, the A7 is no less advanced too.

SSPH v M109
Weight: 28.3t v 27.5t
Length: 10.21m v 9.1m
Width: 3.0m v 3.15m
Height: 3.28m v 3.25m

"Also it is locally produced and in times of war - can produce rapidly in big number to pound adversary threatening fire - rather than wait for export from US to replenish the missiles."

ST is already producing ammo for the SAF, no need to wait for supplies. Also, during an actual war, you think the factory can still be in production? Singapore is not like Russia who can just move their factories away when the Germans got too close. Also, all FTs run away lao, who work in the the factory? Worse, the FTs could be saboing the factory right now without us knowing.

"(1) A plane can carry how many missiles - a few - and very expensive.
(2) Multi-barrel missiles can carry more missiles - but also very expensive."

Planes and MLRS very expensive, but Singapore rich, can waste money buy new F35s and other new toys to play with, so cost is no excuse. Maybe to SAF, its own soliders' lives are cheap, so can let them die.
Ricky Lim
Alvin Leong -
(1) Our road are narrower - especially small roads (minus highway) - how to make turns without knocking down structure?
We have more expressway, reclaimed land (can take 50 ton)?
In fact all armor and tanks vehicle - cannot ply our main road - unless in special occasion. Most of the time, need to repair the road as potholes start to appear when the armor column go past the roads.
A 50 tonners will not create "potholes" - probably it will cave in.

Can a 50 ton and longer length navigate between trees in a forest?

A 50 ton can airlift?

(2) Why we did not buy as you suggest M109 vs we produce?
- There are many considerations - because ours is build to fit, build to integrate with many comms and other links, also we have the engineering cap to produce, and we can keep arm expertise locally, and we can produce in great numbers if we want to.

Also are you sure M109 don't have the space problem like ours? Length: 10.21m v 9.1m - our length is 10.21m, M109 is 9.1m --- then it will crush more people.

(3) You say in war time, our factories cannot produce - are you sure?
That is why, all those who are ignorant of our cap - should not interfere in military affairs - because you don't know our cap.

We have "system on system" - and i don't want to elaborate here.
And I can assure you, not only our weapon industry will survive, most of our industries and Economy will continue as per normal - because once our adversary fire one shot - it will be intercepted and the source of fire will be decimated.

That is why don't meddle with our howitzer - it play an important part of the "system on system".

(4) You say we are rich can buy F35 etc and can anyhow buy.
Singapore don't any how buy - we buy what we need, make what we need and use our money, resources, engineering cap, expertise wisely.
For those we can produce, we produce. For those we cannot produce, we buy strategically.
We don't anyhow spend our money - we use it wisely to get the most out of our defense budget.

(5) You say soldier lives are cheap - can die :-
- if a armor vehicle want to drive - people should not be stupid to stand in front of the vehicle and let it run over.
- if a armor vehicle need to reverse to do extraction - people should not be stupid stand behind and let it run over.
- if a gunner want to fire a weapon - people should not stand in front of the barrel and let the round shoot you.
- if a barrel need to lower down - people should stay clear and follow safety procedure.
- if a soldier is firing the anti-tank armburst - people should not be stupid enough to stand behind the armburts - because the back blast and the recoil will hurt the person behind.
- if soldiers are firing their personal weapons, machine guns - people should not be stupid enough to stand on the right side of the soldier - because hot cartridge will spill out and hurt the person next to it.

----- All these safety procedures are common sense - and people should be mindful and stay clear when operating the military assets --- unless "stupidity knows no bound".

It is silly for people to play with smartphone when crossing the road - and then got knock down by car - ban car.

It is silly for people to fail to lookout for any danger - and when accidents happen - blame Minister, blame everyone else - but not ourselves.

Even the best Minister cannot prevent an accident if people don't observe safety --- you need a "divine person with supernatural power" - to prevent people from accident if people don't take care of themselves or others.
Ricky Lim i thought u oredi analysed the diagram? (Behind the end of the barrel - where there is no space for a human to stand behind it - when the barrel is lowered.) Designing slightly longer by 50cm enough, wont make ur howitzer 50 ton, still can airlift all you want to.

Come on lah it's all for ndp show to display military might only. No one here design for real war anymore. Why try so hard to defend your favorite ST? Our men's safety comes first, no one's really thinking about war. Except you.
Ricky Lim
甩李吉摆 - wait till the intruded vessels start firing their auto-cannon at you - then you still can talk cork or not.

BTW which unit are you? Should send you to guard the intruded vessels - then see whether you can talk cork or not - when they point their loaded machine gun and auto-cannon at you.

Should have send you to Pedra Branca - that have a stand off between vessels - then see whether you wet your pants or not.

If we are less strong in our military - we will have been gobbled up 29 years ago - talk cork say ours only for ndp show - your unit need to drill in more sense of urgency into you by sending you to the frontline.

Certainly with this accident, the contractor should look at the design and see anything can be improved or not.
Having say so, safety procedures still need to be observed and stay clear of the danger points.
Ricky Lim inside your brain still fighting old-fashioned war. Even china today also dun dare to intrude and fire the first shot and risk getting the name of aggressor. All fight smart smart wars already. The ladies in this forum noe better than u. China win against Taiwan by taking all their business. No nid air lift any shiit.
Ricky Lim
甩李吉摆 - tell me you unit, we will send you to guard the intruded vessels.
They intrude with naval vessels 14 times with numerous vessels in a short span of times.

ISIS did a lightning strike in Philippine Marawi - and it was captured within days.
Part of Syria and large part of Iraq fall to ISIS lightning strike within weeks.

You talk cork - you think your adversary will not overrun you when you are weak.

If Singapore have more people like you - we will be like WW2 - conquer, capture and torture by the ancient Japs.
Ricky Lim see? You've just proven my point. The girls have been using the power of media to display your toys. You think ISIS tested your firepower to really find out how strong you are? The girls also fought other wars so that you get to buy your toys, maintain communication etc, so that you get to do your lego air-lifting. It's hard for you to understand the concept of smart smart wars if you insist on playing rambo in your head.

Say thx to the girls when you hv the time.
Ricky Lim
甩李吉摆 - no point talking to a person like you.
Definitely will look out for people like you.
Alvin Leong
Ricky Lim
1) Not sure what are you talking about? 50t? The M109 is only 27.5t, lighter than the SSPH. Also, SAF has the Leopard 2 tank, 62.3t. There goes your arguement about weight. Further more, since when do any AFV regularly ply on the main road? It will damage both the road surface and the tracks of the vehicle.

2) M109 is combat proven, still in production and constantly upgraded. It's latest version is the A7, produced in 2013. It's original version was produced in 1963, so if the design is so bad, how is it still in production after so many years? Also, I say again, it is combat proven in Vietnam, Iraq, etc and used by many countries while the SSPH got no one else buy other than the SAF.

3) I am sure. First, factories will be bombed by the enemy and maybe spies too. Singapore cannot even catch a limping terrorist, can it catch a team of spies? Can Singapore relocate its factories like the Soviets did during WWII? Secondly, the men will be called up to man the SAF. Third, the FT workforce will all run away. So who is left to produce more? You are the one that has no idea but just believe a load of BS put out by the SAF. You have system on system, the enemy and shoot and scoot too.

4) The F35s has many reported faults, one example is it needs a repaint after every flight. Yet Singapore still wants to buy it, enough said.

5) I like how you call the dead stupid, that pretty much sums up your and SAF's thinking of the dead soliders.

Finally, you said "people should be mindful and stay clear when operating the military assets". If the SSPH has been designed with enough room, then maybe the people can stay clear. Or better, Aloysius can repair it safely in his bunk, is that "clear" enough for you?
Alvin Leong
甩李吉摆 He use big words like "system on system" to appear clever to impress the girls only lah. Keep arguing about 50t is too heavy and will damage the roads. He forgot SAF also has the Leopard 2 MBT, 60+t! Also, in a war, who will care about a few potholes?
Alvin Leong haha so he's admitting the SSPH is made for NDP, that's why care about our metallic roads so much lol
Ricky Lim
Alvin Leong -1) It is very clear that you don't understand the deployment of force and armor operation.
(2) It also very clear that you don't understand the functions of each platform and how they are used and how they are deployed.
(3) It also very clear that we used to use light armor like the AMX (below 50 ton) but have now change to heavy Leopard MBT - because of change in armor strategy. (Our adversary will know why - they will get stuck here and become a sitting duck. Or their MBT may not even have a chance to come here - got busted).
(4) It also very clear that you do not know what is
 used for amphibious, what is airlifted, what is ship transported, what is tank-killer, what is for punch and penetrate, what is for fire support base, what is for manouevering, what is AI operation and how are they used in the various terrain - and how they interoperate in armor operation.
(5) It also very clear that you don't understand "System on System".
(6) Many of the facts are already make known in my earlier post - either you get it or you don't.

Anyway not going to respond to you anymore - as i have already talk too much.

Most important this message is for the adversary Generals who read it - will "strike a terror in their heart" - because tney understand that we can do many things that they can't do yet - and this can be lethal to them. This will prevent any provocative acts that threaten us - while we are observing safety timeout.

This whole list of messages is not for you anyway - and also a reminder that our soldiers are not softie or stupid or for ndp show - as we do a safety timeout while reviewing the safety guidelines.

This is very clear in the following message :-

"Mahathir said that Singapore “may be small”, but it was more powerful than Malaysia. He said that he did not see war as “a means to settle conflicts”.
He said that he’d rather sit down to negotiate, even though there may be no result, than go to war."

Look like they have already got the message :-
(1) they know that maximum damages will be inflicted on them if we are threatened - with little corresponding collateral damage from our sides.
(2) we will be capable to go at them in all direction - the moment our survival are threatened - and deliver a decisive Victory.
Ricky Lim
One more thing - F35 use composite fiber - need to repaint?
F22 use aluminium and coated with stealth coating - will need to repaint every flight.

No more further response. Enough said.
John Low
Trust is broken. Silence the lamb.
Faker Danny Drinkwater but u r trying to destroy SAF!
I kn is an accident. His brother share " No one want this to happen ".
It is a tragically accident.
Mich Chan
This is a very unfortunate incident. However I feel Mindef should not step down its trainng programme, unless in doing so there are ways to upkeep or even improve its standards.
Peh Lim
Pls volunteer for more NS reservist Mich Chan.They need more people like u.
Mohd Zaim Rasid
Come and join 😁 SAF really need people like you
Kit Liu
Mich is not human and have no heart. PAP supporter? You want more deaths to offset this one? Mindef has not paid sufficient attention to the accidents for the whole of 2018! Don’t think have a team of safety experts to audit trainings. Another death means they will really need to chop one general for accountability. Are you in Mindef? Should they chop you?
Andy Weicong
Kit Liu this is not about pap or wp or what ever p. It is defense of Singapore. Stop linking any ****thing to pap. I m a commander using primus n I m proud to be one. This is very unfortunate and inm deeply sadden by it.
Thomas Chan
Happy that Mich is so supportive. No point talking, join the SAF trainings and prove that you mean it. Please do it fast to prove your stand point.
Mac Lee
we need you to die first, then we can talk. ok?
Jianwei Lee
Exactly. Surely this has happened because our NSmen did not have sufficient practice with the equipment. Maybe we need to increase ICT to 2 high keys each year?
Faker Kit Liu why speak ill on an no one wanted accident?
Faker Peh Lim Singaporean just need to do your part as in pladge.
Mohd Zaim Rasid of cause we need every citizens that kn why NS is a must!!
Eng Hong Ong
用李 what is pladge? is it something you eat in 马六甲?
Justin Lee
But many SAF soldiers have died operating SAF machines.

Self-Propelled Howitzer has claimed the life of Aloysius Pang, Son of Singapore.

It should be obsolete and decommissioned by now (commissioned in 2003) and replace with a safer & more advance armoury vehicle.
Alvin Leong
Cannot lah, ST designed the SSPH specially for the SAF, spent lots of time and money leh. There are many safer and more advanced SPG but this one is "special", only SAF uses it.
Justin Lee
Alvin Leong, if your son is the late Aloysius Pang or you daughter grow up, join as regular technician for the Self-Propelled Howitzer, your view will change drastically!
Mark Chen
Justin Lee actually SAF can outsource those dirty and dangerous job to private companies to do what...
Tan Jui Cheng
Huh? Do you mean newer generation human cannot handle obsolete stuff? Does that sound like human being is degrading rather than improving?
Andy Weicong
Alvin Leong define safer. Dun just ride on the bandwagon
Daniel Goh
Mark Chen you engaged CISCO or AETOS to look after your house har? How much you pay every month? Recommend leh..
Tham Serene
Daniel Goh got difference? if our rock solid banking well-trusted system -can hire so many FTs to look after it, whats makes you think that the rest can't?
Jacob Wang
Mark Chen, outsource the defence of your country?? LOLOLOLOLOL
Alvin Leong
Injured or killed? He is dead leh.
Rubbish Alvin Leong looking at your comment is as a five year old kids writing in joy & without thinking.

It is evil when commented in joy.
Karma will find u ;)
Benjamin Lim
Ng Eng Hen and Melvyn Ong, first high ranking officials not to resign despite consistantly failing.
Chee Siong Tan
Salary so high who want to resign.
Kwai Meng Tang
It's not a question of whether it will happen but when. Unfortunately Aloysius was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I am sure some of those previous accidental dead NS can also be classified as "first to be". No one want to be the first and no one need to be the first.
Talking cock and bull story the universal soldier already 👆 dead and now the most important matter is how the incident or accident claim his life. MINDEF or SAF no cover up and 👇 review the other 2 crew that was with him to known the hard truth of the tradegy as they the main witness of his injuries and how the gun 🔫barrel lay 👇 down to hit him 👆 to his chest and abdominal area.
They are basically covering up the 2 service deploy during the maintenance of the machinery.
Bring them for investigation and if the tank is hookup with CCTV produce all detail and evidence to the ICOI to be intact anSee More
Kenneth Avan
If there is a possibility of wrong place and wrong time occuring, then it is unsafe. If a piano drops on you as you leave your house, do we just put it down to bad luck and do nothing or ask why the piano was being lifted over a doorway with no precautions taken in the first place?
Faker Dee u too commenting same thing u wrote?
Is an accident!
Mystic Riders
Did you notice the briefing skipped if the gun commander check before giving all clear command to lower the gun in the cfc pang case? They just said he was unable to get out of the way.

If he was in the way, why the gun was lowered?
Michael Thomas
Good point
Investigation still on going. Now is explaining thing public not kn.
Faker Michael Thomas nothing new.
Read who follow the news kn or u a mechanical person u kn too.
Nantha Tan
This first is not something to be proud of.
Melvin Chew
Aiya! They are trying to said in three words: "Unfortunate isolated accident". Lor
Malaysian faker sick mind will wrote your statement.
They r giving medicine to sick dangerous political propaganda faker like u.
Melvin Chew r u Singaporean?
Try not to follow sick political propaganda faker unless u r also sick like it.

Who will agree with fake account anyway? Worst it history was to attack SG!
Singh Prem
With respect, a COI has been convened, since Jan 25, so why is MINDEF making self-serving statements on the sidelines? The COI is trusted to do the investigation. MINDEF ought to make statements only to the COI and not use the media to try and vindicate itself. One injury or death does not mean no culpability. Also, this was not a training accident. It was a very grave accident when a fine soldier was undertaking repair work inside the Howitzer.....not an act of god, not a natural disaster...BUT .....Let the COI investigate fully and I would urge MINDEF to make statements to the COI, and not to the media, or to the public.
Jack Sparroww
It seems they're trying to use 'this is the first time....' as an excuse. In reality there are billions of possible 'first-time' scenarios. I can speak the same of the SCDF guy: this is the first time someone has drowned, after thousands of people had graduated (ORD'ed) after being thrown into the well. The old commando dunking incident: this is the first case after thousands have been dunked before. But these are obviously weak excuses since they're sending the message that being dunked is an OK thing. So they didn't use it, until now. Why?

To protect the manufacturer of that weapon, that there isn't ANY design flaw? To let ST, and its top brass, get out of the picture? To protect the investment sunked in this weapon?

The chance of this happening again, before the weapon is retired, is close to zero. It is a good gamble to use 'first-time' as an excuse. But that doesn't mean there isn't any design flaw. That doesn't mean the designers and the approvers can get away from it, now.
Jack Sparroww
Was saving material costs in extending the length of the vehicle a huge consideration in design, at the expense of safety? Or limited space in (military) vehicle sheds? Or efficiency in sending these weapons to NDP venues, on Singapore roads? (My 'first' wild conjectures, forgive me 😂)
Many citizens dun kn abt this piece of killing machine that why this conference is need prior to the finding!
Faker Jack Sparroww so many nonsense frm u??
Jung Chong Lee
Not about Aloysius's competency. Please check the vehicle commander's safety competency. Obviously the vcom didnt check clear.
Kali Dasan
I agree
Coi inprogress. B patient.
MengTong Foo
There isn't many howitzer in the saf. So once is a big number.
How u kn not many?
Abt 500 is in the exercise u kn?
Khoo BooKian
How many minor Injuries and near misses were there?
Is it Aloysius fault for "Not being able to get out of the way in time" ?
OR is unsafe design?
Is the danger of death and serious injury already well known to those familiar with the mobile self propelled gun spg? And if known what steps have been taken so far to prevent it?
Stop your nonsense lah!
Tan Rui Qin
Those operating the Howitzer clearly were not suitable to be in that vocation in the first place, MINDEF should asign vocation based on the serviceman real world career. That means MINDEF should give citizenship to those Indian, Bangladeshis, Myanmarese and Mainland Chinese workers and enlist them, because those are the expert in heavy machineries and heavy vehicles.
Faker cut your nonsense
William Loh
“It appears from the initial findings that Aloysius was unable to get out of the way as the gun barrel was lowered.”

I do not know the effective cabin height inside the SSPH but considering the height of Aloysius Pang at 1.83 metres tall, would it be difficult or inconvenient for him to manoeuvre easiy inside the confined space in case of emergency?
Small size personnel easier to "siam" (dodge) but bigger size will be difficult.
What is the average height of NS personnel working with SSPH for the last 15 years ? Correct me if I am wrong.
Nonsense again!
Mac Lee
why would you get an inexperienced person to operate such a high risk piece of equipments? common sense already tell you that.
i wouldnt even get a newbie to operate a forklift in less than 1 week into a job unless he is adequately trained in equipment handling and workplace safety observation.
i think Mindef is trying to push the responsibility to the deceased and absolve themselves from it.
Ko Tiam Wee Danny
15 years no accidents? I dont trust such safety reporting.
Barry Tan
Read my post mindef white washing facts with self praise using state controlled media
Tham Serene
no accidents doesn't mean no injury. They always know how to choose the right sentence to mitigate our angst.
Then u had to prove your disbelieve, if not u your consider mind sick that can not tell right & wrong.
Barry Tan u Singaporean? U statement need backing up.
Faker Tham Serene same as u as a political propaganda holder in here.
Ko Tiam Wee Danny
Mindeath citing 15 years no reported injuries does not prove anything... its like they are saying Aloysious was unlucky.

Quit licking their asses, else kenna yeast infections.
Persis Chee
This is a cover-up excuse !
Garrett Kam
Vehicle was 15 years old and being repaired at the time so proof that something was broken. Nothing lasts forever. Mindef is trying to shift blame in another replay of its game that has led to unnecessary deaths.
U Singaporean? U like to sue them now?
Melvin Chua
If Mindef is so confident that Aloysius Pang was the first soldier to be injured while operating the Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer (SSPH), why don't Mindef allow soldiers who had operated the SSPH and were injured in the past speak out freely so that we can get a better picture. Of course for that to happen, Mindef must release the soldier from prosecution under the official secret Act. No more lip service about caring for safety in the SAF. Walk the talk.
If u really has backing why dun u get individual to smash the evil remark u claimed?
I like to kn.
David Wong Tat Wai
Why criticise the SAF ?
Come on ... could it be the fault of the individual .
I personally was from 3rd Guards And we did all sort of risky training .
nobody died .
Could Pang have been distracted by a phone call , busy doing a selfie .. whatever , don’t flame me , I m jus saying could he have been at fault ?
You can’t blame the army for everything .
Tham Serene
nobody blame the army.

we blame the ROTTEN system from head to toe!

Our sons's life is at stake.
Tham Serene
Aloysius and MANY others who died were not professional soldiers to begin with. TRAINED, doesn't means PROFESSIONAL.
Pls respect tge dead.
Faker Tham Serene cut your nonsense!
Eng Hong Ong
are they implying Pang to be the stoopiest? its like saying first man to drown in toilet sink..
But i kn u the most stupid faker that not even has respect for tge dead but keep making fun of his death instead.
Very sickening faker.
Karma will get to u.
Ng Singyam
he is not a soldier!!!
Get lost!
Jim Ihope
It is just the failure of our military leaders to see a design flaw & refusal to make amends when they see one. Boils down to attitude problems. If the weapon has limitations & a design flaw why allow it to be use? Why allow our service man to be in the danger area when someone can be crush while operating this gun? History keeps repeating itself in our self defence accidents. Last year, we had civil defence accident that cause a serviceman drowning. Too many preventable accident because those on top are having too easy life. Leaders in our military may be highly qualified or are scholars but they are not street smart & may lack operational experience. SAF ,haven't you all learn that one accident is one too many? It is not just doing your job that matters but doing it diligently & care for children of Singaporeans!!!
Christopher Bong
This doesn’t make you less guilty of negligence nor reduced the responsibility of causing the death of a citizen. MINDEF should be ashame to make such remarks.
Tham Serene
2003-technology, hmmmmm....

i think Putin will laugh...
I laugh at u faker.
Eng Hong Ong
"first soldier to be injured operating Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer"

the article should be:

"first kill of SSPH is its own soldier operating it."

i wished they just admit there are design flaws and get over with it. if an area is fatally dangerous, you cordoned it off physically.. and not depend on individual visual confirmations etc.

why does construction sites needs to be cordoned off? why does the spectator stands in F1 needs to be cordoned off?
Evil Faker get lost!
Eng Hong Ong
用李 吃药了。。你回马六甲了吗?
Tham Serene
By emphasing "FIRST", will it change the mindset of the public to stop complaining about any lapses on safety in the system?

To the mothers who have lost their sons within past 18 months...every incident was FIRST, ...and ?
Henry Phua
The truth lies with the two other servicemen in the cabin. The safety protocols perhaps may be practised during an excerise. But i doubt it does during ad hoc maintenance. The person that pushes the button is without question responsible. It better not be mischief or monkeying around that causes this accident.
Vincent Nyeo
Bloody #MINDEF is so Ch**B**. He was repairing the machine. Not operating it. Please lah your Wayang and your Taichi Level at 1000 liao still want to sashay. Bloody ass. People put their son in you care and you come out with this type of Ch**B** move.
U singaporean?
Foong Mun Loh
so blaming Ah Pang lah........typical lah......
Fake malaysian cartoonist why u blame him?
Lionnel Chng
Do u want to wait for 2nd one to injured then do something is it, keep saying he is the 1st one doesn't help anything. Does it mean he is careless so fault lies in him? That's outrages. Nothing resolve
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
Beyond saying that Aloysius Pang was the first fatality in 15 years, etc., I believe what the public wants to know is how/why he got caught between the barrel and the wall in the first place.

Was there any negligence on his part? Was there a mis-communication? Was there any equipment flaw? Were there any protocols that were not adhered to?

But I know the results of the COI will remain a military secret forever. We can only speculate.
Ah Jia Ge
This is an apolotical issue or scenario. Let's not break ourselves into different factions or divided ourselves into different camps and argued about the causes of Aloysius 's death hot-headedly. Rather, we should stay as a concerned group of united Singaporeans who wish to see none of such incidence from happening again. It is all about finding out the actual cause or truth leading to his death. It is the wish of the soul of Aloysius for MINDEF to ascertain the lapses that caused his death as there are still many sets of Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer (SSPH), to be maintained, servived and repaired by other mechanics like Aloysius so that he would not die worthless of his unwarranted death. Hence, through his unwarranted death, the tragedy could serve as a warning and precaution for essential rectifications to prevent such incidence from happening to other servicemen or technicians again.

What I gathered from our fellow commentors in general of the lapses or faults are
(1) Human faults /Errors
(2) Overlooked lapses of SOP / protocol until the occurrence of this tragedy
(3) Sudden Mechanical faults
(4) Structural and Design faults

MINDEF should work conscientiously to ascertain the lapse or lapses leading to such tragedy and ensuring another precious life would not be lost unnecessary in future by placing in and practising the essential safeguards vigorously .

So let's keep our foci and concerns on the safety issues so to prevent recurrence of such tragedy from happening. Aloysius 's is one precious life we lost which would have been, being trained and equipped, of great service to the nation in time of uncalled for war, that is if we have safeguarded his existence in the first place.

While we wait patiently for the outcomes of inquiry by the independent panel of investigation into this tragedy and regardless of faults of whichever parties concerned, we hope that MINDEF would be accountable, promptly, justly and courageously in revealing and disclosing the lapses that caused Aloysius's death.
Persis Chee
If all those involved in the gun barrel lowering abide to all rules totally and no human error involved, this tragic accident would not have happened.
Unker Will
"In the last 15 years of SSPH operations, there has not been any reported injury of servicemen due to the gun lowering for maintenance or operating in or firing of the SSPH,” does not mean the risk is NOT there!!! Just that it waited 15 years for it to happen. The design of the compartment is definitely not ideal for anyone to enter inside not to mention to do a maintenance job!
Fxxking stupid Faker AhTiong or AH LEE u are a ass hole go and fxxk the wild boar 🐗 or see your reply to everyone is a faker and totally a useless jerk go away n fxxk off from here we don't need u here u are a troublemaker so go back to China now.
Unker Will
Dee I feel very sorry for you.
Eng Hong Ong
i know what is evil 用李 trying to do.. he want ti score points with government so later he can import his 马六甲relatives here too!
Eng Hong Ong
in short 4+1 death over 28 months via saf and cdf.. is an abnormality.. it shows a systematic issue.. either that we can blame on bad Fengshui

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