Saturday, January 19, 2019

Malaysia says to meet Singapore officials on airspace, maritime disputes

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Now let the diplomatic process take its due process - though nothing will be rule out from the table.
Whether :-
(1) International Law
(2) Economic leverages
(3) Financial leverages
(4) Political leverages
(5) Social leverages
(6) Military Power as a last resort.
What Singapore need is time to waste on the year left.
One plus year more there should b a new PM across the water ;)
Ricky Lim
用李 - There are few things we must have in dealing with old, cunning people who is bent on anatagonising us :-
(1) We must have patience and endurance
(2) We must know our strength and know our adversary weakness and what pain the adversary most
(3) We must know what motivate him to antagonise us
(4) We must know what is most advantageous to us
(5) We must know how to play to our strengths and not play to our adversary's strength.

-- you are right - time is not on our adversary side.

The old man has very short run way.
We can play the long ball.

Ricky Lim
Look at the record of how we have dealt with our adversary up north ---- we have not give away or lose tremendously when dealing with our adversary up to now.

As they antagonise us, we did not reward them - but instead move the economic benefits away from them :-
(1) As closest neighbor, we invested US$62 billion in Indonesia as compare to US$26 billion in Malaysia.

(2) We diversify our food sources away to 129 Countries instead of relying on Malaysia for food.

(3) We develop our Newater and Desalinated plants instead of relying on Malaysia water.

(4) We move our hinterland from Malaysia to the World. Now the World trade, business and investment is our largest trade, investment and financial market - not Malaysia.

So we must use brain to outwit the cunning old man - not behave like gangster to force his way through.

We can outwit a gangster with more elegant means - not easily anger, provoke and behave rashly like any gangster.

Gangster will not get rewarded - only financial trouble, high debt, racial, religious disharmony, ill will from the International Community.

We must respond with brain and not with brawn only.
Breeke Lo
(1) Law Enforcement (Police Coast Guard)
(2) There's no 2
Steven Mok
Ricky Lim ,
Remarkable and brilliant analysed.
Ricky Lim
If deal with a cunning man - if we use conventional method - then you fall straight into his trap. Because this is what he want.

When deal with cunning and evil person - you use wit - not conventional approach.

Singapore from a city state - that is write off by this cunning man - not only survive - but do much better than all the traps he set for us.

Now we are in a much better position than last time to outwit him.

Leave it to our Government to do it.

Ricky Lim
Just look at what this cunning old man has done to Malaysia economy :-
(1) Cancel US$23 billion of investment from China (the largest investor in Malaysia)
(2) Delay ratifying CPTPP - an enormous trade market of at least US$13 trillion - and $100billion real income.
(3) Offend Singapore (the 3rd largest investor in Malaysia, largest tourism receipt, one of the largest trading partner)

-- all these reduce business opportunity in Malaysia and dampen job growth.

Their new ministers already panicking how to bring in more business and grow more jobs in Malaysia ---- as seen in his across-the-board 20% drop in approval rating 
from all races on this cunning old man.

We play a significant role in their Economy. Our pointed 
sharp elbow on his sore ribs will give him real pain.

Work along this line - and soon he will give up hiis post real soon.

Raymond Goh
Ricky Lim Well Said. MOM should discreetly not allowing Malaysians to work in Singapore and to stop renewing their work permit. This will be the most painful thing to them. Squeeze the Old Fox by his balls. On the contrary, he may have lost all his balls now.
Breeke Lo
Raymond Goh n u super genius Goh w produce 400k human clones to run our factories, food stalls, transportation, essential services to prevent our economy from collapsing? 😂😂😂 You should be praying the old man doesn't stop them from coming genius!
Augustine Teo
Raymond Goh
I love banglas
Till date leadership change is huge Qns? As Mr Anwar is facing huge party conflict internally. Old man trying grow his old UMNO also a huge Qns?
Till date what old man is up to is still not visible. That why Singapore just need to use play along tactic & need to incur dent to this terror leader frm time to time.
His world image is as bad as his rating now in his own country.
Fake malaysian cartoonist spreading fake new with your fake account again?
Faka malaysian cartoonist u should b defending your country. Pls do not act. Readers kn u well enough.
Breeke Lo
Augustine Teo blangas or anyone else can't replace these commuting MY workers, no place to house 400k men + women here
Frank Kam
Retreat to the `rear' `ke-belakang" !!!! ????
Yi Yong Ke
This time round Malaysia will ask for something in return.
They had being ask ng since last year. Any nonsense the old man can come out with.
Tommie Vale
The thief wants to discuss if the stolen items should belong to the thief. Strange logic.
Not just a thief, it is much worst, is a terrorist.
Terror the peace of two nation citizens relation!

Unker Will
Here we go again!! Meet and meet...discuss for all you want and even addressing each as "brothers" but to me the stage has already been set at the top (across the causeway). Why waste time talking about details that both sides could never agree upon. Why not ask the big chief from the other side to once and for all tell the whole world what is his real intention.
Henry Chua
和无恶不作,无法无天,无理取闹,无事生非,的国家谈国事,太累了。 没完没了。何时能谈成?

Ricky Lim

只要能有耐力,忍功 - 智取 - 才能百战百胜。
Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim 长江后浪推前浪,只要可以欺,不怕没人欺😂😂
Lobang Loyang
Henry what the fxxk are you upto?
Faker malaysian cartoonist Singapore is advancing u kn. F35 is in negotiation.
What your country head leader is doing is childish & fully waste of his life left lol....
Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - Malaysia is not our peer competitors - we are already a few notches up the economic ladder and geopolitical ladder.

We are playing in the World League - in every dimensions.
Malaysia are in their kampong league. In fact, a few ASEAN Countries will be overtaking Malaysia soon.
Eddie Lim
no point meeting lah, malaysia govt says one thing, does another....
Rocky Chong
Have all the talks and agreements but bare in mind that's not a done deal. Make provision for U turns
Lenard Tan
Meet after Meet..hope it can resolve soon
James Liew
No point in meeting after meeting as Malaysia doesn't recognise treaties and contracts at its own whim and fancy. Flip flops and all kinds of publicity stunts and excuses. What a laugh!
Breeke Lo
Another Bully Meets Bullied Session

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