Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Proposal for Singapore's F-15 jets to train in New Zealand will not proceed: MINDEF
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/proposal-for-singapore-s-f-15-jets-to-train-in-new-zealand-will-11097334

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Actually Singapore already have airforce training areas with US, France and Australia.

Singapore need another closer more strategic places for F15 training.

Pacific areas will be a good site for us - as the airspace is vast - and can reach our FIR quickly via South China Sea. 
Less than 6 hours flight - compare to US 18 hours flight ---- for normal flight (with F15 at Mach 2.8 - flight hours should reduce to 1.5 hour from the Pacific areas).

Also from US, F15 need to refuel mid-air more than once.
From Pacific areas, need to refuel in mid-air once - and straightaway can conduct air combat.
Baharum Sharoni
Which part of the wayang did you not understand?
Ricky Lim
Baharum Sharoni - which part of you is not happy?
Yi Yong Ke
Go to Taiwan.
Mark Chen
Good idea
Pengchuen Leong
Whatever is the reason for the cancellation . Whether is due to cost of building additional infrastructure to accommodate the personal and F15 or noise to civilians living near the air base. We Singaporean is appreciate to new Zealand government for consider the proposal in first place. Maybe in near future both nation can come back to relook at the proposal again. Meanwhile Singapore and new Zealand will continue to cooperatein other areas.
Kenny Williams
If China invades Taiwan, then what ? Singapore join in the fray ??
Kenny Williams
New Zealand and Australia are good places. Should negotiate more
Michael Morgan
Go US. Traump would be happy hahaha
Chow Yoon Seng
Are people aware that RNZAF is all air and no force???? Check it out people!

Lu Pin
Jacintha Arden won the PM post on a nationalistic platform IMO. RSAF will juz spend big to buy the new vertical take off F16s and solve our tiny airspace problem.
Ricky Lim
You are right - The F-35B variant is capable of short take-off and vertical-landing (STOVL) which means that it is able to take off and land without a runway.

(1) the F35B that require very short runway will solve our internal airspace problem to take off and land - and will not shoot past our territorial boundary.

(2) F35B can also operate not necessary from airports - as it only require a 240 metre distance to takeoff.

To land, it can land vertically.

(3) The F-35B can fly at a maximum speed of 1,960km/h. The combat radius and maximum range of the aircraft are 833km and 1,667km respectively.

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