Monday, January 28, 2019

'Let them cancel': Mahathir reacts to decision to strip Malaysia of 2019 World Para Swimming Championships

 (Updated: )

Sadeq Al Ghazali
After reading the comments made by Singaporeans on other articles, with the same anti-Malaysian and Pro- racist Israel narrative, I must say that I’m appalled at the deliberate ignorance, arrogance and downright stupidity of many Singaporeans. They will support Israel even though it has a history of the worst atrocities against human beings. Israel is racist, criminal state and all its athletes should be banned from all international affairs and events until Israel treats all people fairly in that country. AND YES...SINGAPOREANS SHOULD MAKE IT THEIR BUSINESS WHEN IT COMES TO THE HOLOCAUST IN ISRAEL - THE GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIANS. Mmm... or does Singaporeans profit from the Israeli Apartheid state, as it did from the South African Apartheid state for decades.
Frank Kam
Sadeq Al Ghazali - And just who the heck do you think you are to make such comments about Singaporeans ??? We are not and had never been anti Malaysians !!! We are in concert against the low crawling snake who calls himself their leader now !!! You not happy ??? Go blow yourself up !!!!
Nantha Tan
Heil Hilter? Maybe?
Sadeq Al Ghazali
Frank Kam 😂👋... did I strike a nerve, dear. Go and read maybe you will gain some wisdom and an ethical persuasion.
Ricky Lim
Sadeq Al Ghazali -
(1) Singaporeans are never anti-Malaysia - we are close neighbors, we are Malaysia largest trading partner, we are Malaysia largest tourist visitor, we are Malaysia 3rd largest investor. And all along, Singaporeans have good relationship with Malaysians.

(2) The recent unhappiness directed by Singaporeans is to this 
particular Malaysian leader who have committed provocative act against Singapore :-
(i) naval intrusion into our water more than 14 times
(ii) want to re-negotiate wate supply (where in the past as PM - he threaten to cut our water supply and want Singapore to die of thirs
(iii) he prevent our new Seletar airport from operating - which essentially an airspace management matter
(iv) there are many other unhappy issues that he directed at us - despite we display friendliness to Malaysia.

All these have nothing to do with Israel and Palestinians issue - where Singapore stand is supporting UN stand of supporting talks to resolve the territorial issue between Palestinian and Israel.

So your statement about Singaporeans as anti-Malaysians are misplaced.
Frank Kam
Dr Mahathir said: “If we cannot host the Olympics, we will host other events.” What other events ???? Snakes & Ladders ????? hahahaha !!! my goodness I am busting with laughter !!!!
Sadeq Al Ghazali
The little city on a rock, Singapore, at the foot of Malaysia. Loyalty, to their corrupt city, is above ethical values and any compassion toward humanity. ...uhmmm...Surrounded by tsunamis and volcanoes - I wouldn’t be so ignorant and arrogant.
Ricky Lim
Sadeq Al Ghazali -
Which city is corrupted? Singapore or Malaysia.

Which country is surrounded by tsunamis and volcanoes ?

You seems to be very misinformed about what is going on here.

Singapore is :-
(1) one of the least corrupt Country in the World - we rank 6th globally and 1st in Asia
(2) does not encounter any tsunamis and volcanoes.

(3) racial and religious harmony - where different races and religions coexist happily together (where Chinese, Malay, Indian and other races as well as Buddhism, Christian and Muslims plus other religions coexist in harmony).

You should read more about Malaysia (rank 62 in the World) and see how they fare on the above - I don't want to bad-mouth them.
Seng Wan Tan
"I find that the world has to follow what Israel says." I am amused... hahaha so the world must follow what the snake says... hahaha :)
Seng Wan Tan
Sport and Religion / Politics MUST NOT MIX PERIOD.

Facebook Comments P
Sandy B Lim
Ricky Lim this Sadig is a nut case.
Adam Seven
Sandy B Lim He is extreme.
Hui Fen New
Sandy B Lim Their head is a snake so the followers are the same. The spots of a leopard never changed.What?
Frank Kam
Sadeq Al Ghazali - What about yrself ??? Who are u supporting and loyal to here ? Yes we are a small island South of Malaysia but geographically we are naturally protected from Mother Nature's disasters Go eat your heart out at that... !!!!! Not happy again ??? You know wat to do now... LOL !!!!
Che Mamat Atila
Ricky Lim don't forget you live at Singapore because our water... Without water u think your will live there? Don't talk so arrogant.. And big.. Lupa daratan ka bodo
William Toh
Che Mamat Atila fu
Frank Kam
Che Mamat Atila - Carry on... call us bodoh, but remember that your snake PM call you people , many time over `malas' (LAZY) and always waiting for free handouts (SEDEKAH) ! You feel `pandai' now ??? hahahaha !.
Kamal Prakash
Sadeq Al Ghazali you don’t seem educated citizen. Read some GK books. Ur pm is misguided n mixing sports n religion and u radical people are blindly following him. Malaviya deserves a young n dynamic, pro development leader; not like this 94 years old rotten one.
Rashed Yb
AWakakaka thats all the "cheapos"line
Weng Cheng Ye
Che Mamat Atila
We Singaporean live in Singapore, we do not live at Singapore. We look at bodohland that get free money from water that eventually flows into the sea and yet in bodohland the bodohs like you are made bodohs by mahatail's lies and deceptions to look at Singapore in envy and feel great because you like being made bodohs by mahatail.
Why you say Singaporean live at Singapore instead of live in Singapore, was mahatail want bodohs like you to continue to be bodohs by trying to instill a bahasa melayu education instead of conducting in English, so that he could take advantage of bodohs like you.
The smart Melayus are now sending their children to learn Chinese and English language so I would suggest you stop being bodohs for generations to come by sending the children that you breed to follow the same so that they would not end up in the mahatail blamer syndrome.
Steven Mok
Forget about Olympic and sports events..
we can host :

Ministers dancing gatherings/award.

Undertable championship

Twists and turns competition

U-turn demonstration programme

Most venomous tactical games.

Internal Annual ang pow festival.

Upgrading fox and Wolf hunt

Lastly, Zips Lips: loyalty training programme, not to complain superiority wrongdoing. Act blinds.
Steven Mok
Ricky Lim
Truthful comments and accuracy.
Luigi Liew
Sadeq Al Ghazali
Hallo... What are you talking about? If you nothing better to say, shut the gap, please.
Seng Wan Tan
"I find that the world has to follow what Israel says." I am amused... hahaha so the world must follow what the snake says... hahaha :)
Justin Lee
Total agreed. Ha...Ha.. Dr Moron will have more retributions for his generations to come!
Kamal Prakash
Justin Lee great said !
Seng Wan Tan
Sport and Religion / Politics MUST NOT MIX PERIOD.
Nash Suwita
Salute to you Sir! Let the world know that these are the real terrorist who control the world with their weapons & money!!
Allen Tey
Read the T&C first before offering to host the international event.
Wahid Karim
Timothy Ngoi
why not ban the chinese for xinjiang, russia for crimea, saudi for yemen, american and western allies for middle east then ?

lol anti semitic tinhat.
Douglas Darren
You just prove the point why Singapore shouldn't relies on people like you in defending our country. Birds of the same feather flock together.
Ifu Mir
Great decision by mr Mahathir!!! Israel is criminal country no doubt
Kamal Prakash
U radicalised people
Ifu Mir
Kamal Prakash you sionist i think!!!
Timothy Ngoi
Ifu Mir don't sniff too much glue
Frank Kam
Ifu Mir - Don't get involved here... you got alot to do at home to help prevent anymore rapes and molestations ! We caught many of them here already
Steven Mok
God forgive u but not bless u
Not too late to pray for God blessings. Start now..
Henry Chua
Frank Kam
'They come from a country which does not obey international laws and we have to stay with our principles.” - Words of an unrepentable snake !!! Whatabout himself !!!! Roti prata flipping all over the place to the max !!!!!
Georgie Lee
Singapore wont be what we are today if we have a numb skull like you leading the country. Tell all of us here if not for the oil money which Muslim countries is better of than Singapore today.You must have been spawn out of the eggs of that 93 year old snake.Najib was our good friend. There was never any exchange of a single word. But not with this 93 year old snake who is so quarellsome,arrogrant and most disrespectfull. He is very jealous of Singapore. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT 93 YEAR OLD SNAKE WHEN HE WANTS TO RENEGOTIATE THE WATER AGREEMENT WHICH HE HIMSELF SIGNED? We would like to tell him to go and get himself STUFFED.
Kong Hwee Ong
Yes, each country has their right to do what they seem fit. Dr M is not wrong
Steven Mok
He's not wrong within Malaysia, absolutely wrong internationally.
Norah Arc
The abrahamic israel is a vision expressed in a deplorable state. You should look at “the stars” like the “three wise kings” to locate the real deal. Nevertheless, your extensive abversarial position is understandable.

Blindly supporting powers reap deadly dividends.
Shi Jie Sang
Don't pretend guys, there is a real war between Christians And Muslims
Fulbert Teh
Since we are talking about Israel, its actually Jewish...
Lobang Loyang
Hi Ms. Sadeq, may piss upon you. It's the same story always playing the victim. Never change. Could you get me one teh tareq kurang manis.
Alexander Supertramp
“They come from a country which does not obey international laws"

madhatter is such a walking contradication lol leading malaysia back to the stone ages :D
Chee Bah Lau
“We allowed the Israeli schoolchildren to come here (before) to show them that Muslims are not terrorists but normal people, we talk with people. We behave well and do not do anything wrong to them,”

so what Dr M is saying is that Israelis believe that Muslims are terrorists, do not talk to people, do not behave well, and do many things wrong to them.....i wonder how that believe came about...
Francis Ong
A country that does not obey international law? Is he speaking about Malaysia ?
Thomas Kingsman Wong
Yes, he got confused halfway through his talk and decided to talk about Malaysia. Crossing borders, crossing international waters.... and many more.
Steven Mok
Thomas Kingsman Wong
Mahathir's not confused..

He is twists and turns snake
Next time round he may says Israel his good friend like how he treated Anwar and Guan Eng that he once kicked them into jail. Now sit together.
Kent Hong
“They come from a country which does not obey international laws and we have to stay with our principles.”
Sama sama, Malaysia also don't obey international laws, just send ships into Singapore's territorial waters and called it a dispute...must be getting too old liao..
Shrio Tang
Back to the 1980s for malaysia. Good Luck.
Joseph Convergence
An Eye For An Eye...very soon the Whole World Will Turn Blind -:- Bill Clinton
Joseph Convergence
Who have the right to be judgemental ?
What criteria makes a judgement fair & square ?
Joseph Convergence
Nobody dares to play with Tom -:- because Tom is such a.........😄😄😄
Steven Mok
Because Tom is like crocodiles bite then twists and turns swallow it.
Pher Kim Huat
Regardless of race & religion, thought thousands of years after civilisation (and out of stone age), human being should be more humane, tolerable and do utmost to help each other instead of creating "hatred" among ouselves ? Are human nowadays having different types of blood other than O, A, B, AB to be so different from each other ? Why always till today, some "opportunist leaders" like the Old M or poisonous cobra must use race & religion to create "hatred" instead of helping those in need during natural disaster like tsunami,etc as what S'pore had done to win respect all over the world. Not too sure if some countries prefer to revert back to 7th century or stone age ?
Shooter Shoot
This OLD MAN 93 still have $$$ to host any international events ? With his mind, Malaysia better host only the local events involving the Malaysia States only & only Muslim can participate & No other races. This Old Man 93 should just closed up Malaysia & be happy on themselve. No raring of Pigs & No Pork selling in the market !
Niko Nishi
Dr M thinks he can use the Para game to punish Israel just like he is trying to use maritime border to punish Singapore for the water agreement. This is what will happen when you voted in a senile, grumpy, and whinny PM. I think the PH can do better without the Besatu.
Wimpi Handoko
Bravo Tun Mahathir! We Asians have our own list of terorist!
Raymond Goh
Old Dog, You are nobody in the International Political Areana. You are just a corrupted crook and a troublemaker that was known worldwide by world leaders.
Steven Mok
Mahathir absolutely adamant on his point even though clearly knows himself was daft wrong.
He's just wants to save face at the cost of others. It is very difficult to deal with a man who has a penchant to twists and turns policies or principles.
Mich Chan
Paladin Nicholas Lawrence
And how much does Mahathir donate to 'Palestinian' causes?
Probably the same as Yassar Arafat: $0.00.
Amir Aman
mind u readers..u disgrace yourself..aren't u realise sports teach us to catastrophe..dont blame malaysia...blame yourself
Frank Kam
Amir Aman - wat shit you trying to say here ???
Amir Aman
i dont get u too
Joseph Lau
No, don't let them cancel! malaysia boleh. M is for monkey or madness or molest, etc.

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